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About MrGrymReaper

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    United Kingdom
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    Skyrim & The Witcher 3
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    Fallout: New Vegas & TES: Oblivion (With all expansions)

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  1. I'm up for possibly winning a free new game of my choice! Anyway happy holidays everyone!
  2. In response to post #37973010. #37973215 is also a reply to the same post. Does that mean we may see some fixes for any long standing bugs in FileFront mods?
  3. In response to post #37972735. I too have at least a couple of these namely the following:- * Unreal Tournament 3 - Filefront has mods for this title but were only hosted there! * Unreal Tournament 2004 - Filefront has mods for this title but were only hosted there! * Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Also supported mods using Quake 3 based engine. * Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic 1 & 2 - Also could use mods but possibly unofficially (may need checking). * Star Trek: Elite Force 1 & 2 - It also supported mods using a modified Quake 3 Team Arena engine. Same also for this title about FileFront only mod hosting. @Dark0ne - Please don't forget the Return to Castle Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory and the mods made for it.
  4. Hi, I don't mind making my own character names however when using a modification like "Dead Is Dead" and using multiple characters avoiding repetition can get difficult or boring potentially very fast. I have seen that there is a random name generator for generic NPC characters. There isn't one for generating player character names however. So is it possible for one to be developed which can generate player character names please on the fly in game? The code would likely go something like this:- Declare variables for RaceMenu API access Declare rndIntNumber As Long Integer Declare variables for Access to a text file flPCNameDatabase = Open File (Path to name database) rndIntNumber = genRandomInt[1,last record long integer ID in flPCNameDatabase) Query database for record matching ID. Retrieve the record using the ID and copy the forename, surname and/or title to a variable Access the RaceMenu API and copy the variable's contents to the Name field used by RaceMenu and Skyrim. The name database would preferrably need to be using medieval names to follow something close to lore and/or immersion. An example source of said names could be from a site like Medieval Names database on stormthecastle.com (http://medieval.stormthecastle.com/medieval-names.htm). There are likely other such databases on the internet trying searching for "Medieval Names" or "Lists of Medieval Names".
  5. @BlindJudge - I've also just completed the survey as well.
  6. Dear Sir/Madam, First of all an apology to any mod author whose mod I haven't endorsed following a download. Sorry but I may not have been able to sufficiently use your modification yet or it may have been for the following reason below in my suggestion. If it is for the reason below you can have my heartfelt sincere apology for having done so and can consider the modification endorsed (in the appropriate cases). I have downloaded many modifications in the past. I have recently gone and endorsed most of them following using them. However don't take this as an excuse but for some of them there wasn't any information about the filename of the esp and/or esm files present, along with other necessary information. As a result it was required to download said modification in order to obtain it. I have recently used most of those modifications and endorsed as well as commented having doing so (where it was possible). Though in some cases the modification was downloaded for said information. This information is important to fomod package makers like me as it can be used for dependency checks. They were downloaded in order to obtain this information for packages which I were making for other modifications and myself. I have at times when a fomod was particularly well made and/or the author didn't seem to know how to make one for themselves offered the one I made to the author. To aid future package makers (as well as myself) in creating such scripted installation packages, could the plugin and master filenames (as well as mod file structure) please be posted in a sticky or have a method for PMing said information. This may help to avoid un-necessary downloads unless the individual is interested in using the modification. So the authors can get accurate endorsement, feedback, votes and/or donation where appropriate. While helping to keep the number of modifications which need endorsement vs have been endorsed at more managable levels (in the user's download history). Possibly in a togglable post so that those who aren't interested in such information don't have to read it. This is if it isn't too much of an effort for the modder and I don't expect them to do this. But it would be of much appreciated assistance. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. Yours Respectfully, MrGrymReaper
  7. In response to post #24762559. #24764939, #24765974, #24766639, #24767074 are all replies on the same post. A shout out and/or endorsement for those whoese mods I use until the endorsement list is finally completed. SKSE Team (for SKSE) and Sheson for the Memory Fix (though I use the derivative in SKSE 1.7.1). Arthmoor for Unofficial Skyrim Patch and other associated unofficial patches. Arthmoor for When Vampires Attack Arthmoor for Run For Your Lives Arthmoor for Bring Out Your Dead Arthmoor for On The Cutting Room Floor Arthmoor for Oblivion Gates in Cities Arthmoor for Point The Way Arthmoor for Guildergreen Regrown Fore for Fores New Idles in Skyrim (FNIS) Some may not like this but the author Of Wet and Cold (non-2.0) version due to player dripping animation. Some also may not like this but the author of iNeed (non paid version) Chesko for Frostfall 2.6 Amongst many others To all of them thanks for all of their time, hard work and other resources donated in the development of their mods and/or tools.
  8. In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079, #24753134, #24753249, #24755354, #24755649, #24755674, #24755734, #24755859, #24756679, #24756804, #24757029, #24757049, #24757199, #24757929, #24758809, #24759289, #24759754, #24760424, #24760524, #24760554, #24760899, #24760939 are all replies on the same post. Not forgetting to donate to Audacity's team.
  9. In response to post #24758289. #24758584, #24759744 are all replies on the same post. I once for myself tried to fix an issue with a modification on Oblvion it was the one with a castle which had captured female companion (damsel in distress) and I think a male antagonist. It also had at least one quest possibly branched can't really remember for sure was a long time ago now. Either way when I tried to fix the issue my self having read the instructions at the time, it ended up with me breaking my Oblivion installation. It ended up taking a long time to fix the issue as just reloading the game wasn't enough. I had to I think reload my entire computer. I as a result haven't touched the SDK since but have a great respect for those that do so and make modifications. Though I have been raised to believe that once you start something you carry it through to completion. Not leave it incomplete otherwise you will be left with lots of half done or otherwise incomplete tasks. If you have to stop working on a project it is a curtesy if the community can at least be allowed some notification. Can help with someone else picking up the unfinished project and carrying it completion. Though in the UK goods have to be "fit for purpose" or they can be returned for a refund. It would also be able to happen for a far longer period of time (from up to a week or a month) compared to what Bethesda were offering (just 24 hours).
  10. In response to post #24757069. #24757229, #24757314, #24757684, #24758614, #24758724, #24758949, #24759229 are all replies on the same post. @phellen - I tend to when testing modification go through the quests and see if they can be made to break (in a way which a player may do them).
  11. In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079, #24753134, #24753249, #24755354, #24755649, #24755674, #24755734, #24755859, #24756679, #24756804, #24757029, #24757049, #24757199, #24757929, #24758809, #24759754, #24760424, #24760524, #24760554, #24760899, #24760939, #24761129 are all replies on the same post. There's also the EULA, GPL, Creative Commons and/ or other licensing terms for software used when making the modification (Maya 3D, Poser as well as other software). As those resources as well may not allow the content produced to be sold for monetary gain. In addition to the supplementary license agreements for content production software and/or any addon components for said software (both commercial and otherwise). This is also dependent on the edition of the software used by the modder in the first place (Free, Lite, Standard, Pro, Premium, Ultimate etc). In addition the target audience of the license terms and the software edition. The reason being the software's developer may or may not allow the content produced using the software to be sold for monetary gain. In addition they may or may not allow the monetary gain sale distribution to be for a large number of people. In addition in the case of Creative Commons License an author of piece of content or software can restrict commercial sale of said work. They may even have a clause preventing commercial sale of content produced using said piece of software (added after fact in a custom document). Failure to abide by said restrictions could lead to an appearance it court potentially for the modder and/or those involved with its distribution. As well as large bill for the royalties generated from the sale of said content dependent on content or software licensing terms. Those who were involved in the thing which was the cause of the recent crisis failed to take into account all of the above.
  12. In response to post #24757069. #24757229, #24757314, #24757684, #24758614 are all replies on the same post. @phellen - You try paying for something on a tight budget with a large combination of mods. Which get used together in order to find conflicts and test modifications. Testing modifications becomes much harder if you had to pay for a modification in order to use it (this not only the mod being tested but also the other used as part of the test). You may not know this but I help out across multiple communities giving comments and feedback. Suggestions where I can and are currently on a team of modders working on the new episode of Maids II: Deception. Hopefully they haven't been too badly affected (if at all) by what has happened in recent days.
  13. In response to post #24758224. @ Fifidapoodle - I don't really agree with the paid mods. Not only because I can't afford it. As well as the excessively large percentage proportion which the game developer and game publisher gave themselves compared to the insignificant amount for the mod's creator. Who did all of the hardwork using the SDK as well as fixing content bug, content glitches and working around idiosynchronicities of the game. All without having access to the game engine's own source code. Not only the too short guarentee that was present. I also view modding as a hobby and as a means of gaining experience in order to work in the industry or other similar industries.
  14. In response to post #24748294. #24748909, #24748959, #24749014, #24749054, #24749074, #24749089, #24749114, #24749169, #24749269, #24749289, #24749409, #24749439, #24749529, #24749564, #24749574, #24749674, #24749709, #24749814, #24749884, #24749889, #24749954, #24750114, #24750204, #24750249, #24750254, #24750279, #24750544, #24750564, #24750709, #24750814, #24750904, #24751449, #24751489, #24751899, #24751974, #24752079, #24752334, #24752454, #24753799, #24754219, #24754259, #24754609, #24754739, #24754979, #24755419, #24755704, #24755774, #24755999, #24756039, #24756394, #24756489, #24756599, #24756669, #24756944, #24757404, #24757709, #24757794, #24757819, #24757959, #24758109 are all replies on the same post. @mannygt - Did you make any endorsements during the painful growth period of the Nexus by chance please? Cause if you did or accidently clicked on the feature for the endorse/undorse during a hic-cup they may have been lost or undone accidentally. It happended to me several times in the past with my slow internet connection. As a result I was wondering whether the admin has somewhere on the server which keeps a record of endorsements especially those which were endorsed and quickly suddenly un-endorsed. The reason being I now there's a lot of mods to endorse and/or vote for some of which I now can't post a comment in (following the previous crisis we went through). So if an admin could please go through the locked or hidden comment mods which I have download and endorsed to please a word of thanks. It would be much appreciated!
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