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Posts posted by AzirAphale001

  1. This question was months ago, but the way it works is like this. Say you have 4 eggs. All but one hatches, so you then have 1 egg and three hatchlings. At that point you are no longer scroll locked and can adopt up to a total of 3 more eggs. So then you have 3 hatchlings + 4 eggs. You can also breed the dragons for one additional egg.


    Basically you are scroll locked if you have 4 eggs or 4 hatchlings, but if you have less than 4 of either, you can go adopt more. Hope it makes sense.

    I've was waiting for you to pay us a visit...

    That's what I tend to do, and I end up scroll-locked for a week. But it's all good.

    All clicked.

  2. This is in the wrong forum, but someone has already asked to have it moved.

    To answer your question, no, I don't think it can be done. Single player RPG are hard to make multi-player. What if you were running a mod that someone else who is playing didn't have? It wouldn't work.

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