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Everything posted by Svadas

  1. Some of this might have been mentioned, but... Well, if you want to hate the Thalmor once more. merely research the Great War. More specifically the start. A fine cart-full of heads, no less. Of every Blades agent in Valenwood and the Summerset Isle. This is the faction that served Emperors, and knew the Champion of Cyrodiil and the Nerevarine. People who changed and saved the world. Why would anyone oppose a group who has made such an effort to protect Tamriel? You could also say they have great jealousy of Tiber Septim/Talos. They want the powers to be god-like, and thus ignorance is born. A perspective, but most certainly a fine opinion. You could also say that they want the glory themselves. Strong emphasis on each 'could'. The last thing we want is an over-fueled debate about opinions.
  2. Could be difficult. I could see someone entirely revolving a character, if they're making a mod revolving around them, but there truly are an awful lot of named NPCs. The same problem would probably repeat itself, come generic NPCs, unless you get even more voice actors for that, which means... you need a lot of willing people. It seems odd to revoice an already existing NPC, unless, of course, you're giving them a lot of important dialogue due to a mod about them, or something. Rather than simply changing voices, I simply suggest getting new NPCs with new voice types. Plenty of fine mods out there, if you simply open your eyes. I'm not saying the idea isn't great, because it is, but simply due to the hard work it will take, because we all know how dialogue works.
  3. Now, I grabbed what we had from a few months ago (June, to be exact. June 1st), but received little attention from. Some things may contradict, but don't hesitate to contact. Prepare yourself - A word wall approaches! A very interesting word wall, I should add... You may have heard of the mod, 28 Days and a Bit 5 - Zombie Mutation in the past. ((might want to check it out for what the characters look like, and so on, as they're actually in the game, at last)) http://www.nexusmods...rim/mods/5604/? We currently require twelve people, who will be called upon to voice act the same character, come the next large update. They may also be able to voice other characters, should they be able to pull off a relatively different voice. We would like to receive samples of your voice, and the character, or characters, you wish to audition for. The entire questline is planned (but not every line), so characters 3-12 may, in fact, have a lot of dialogue in the future. How to Pronounce the Names Athandis (Ath-An-d)iss) Sendran (Send-Ran) Mirial (Meer-Re-Al) Camerick (Ca-Mer-Rick) Laira (Lie-Rer) Valddmund (Val-Der-Murnd) Gerrika (Je-Rick-Ker) Olavva (O-Lava) Gurunar (No real one. For the -ur-, think purr. G(p)-urr-urn-ar gro-Shama (gro-Shar-ma) Helnus (Hell-Nus) Resenna Valevia (Rez-zenna) Val-Ev-Eeya ***MINOR SPOILERS BELOW*** 1.) Lucrete Valeius. A very important character both now, and in the future of this mod. Has a fair amount of dialogue planned, and will have a lot in the future. Male, of course. For Lucrete, we would like a Received Pronunciation (Posh, as it were) who doesn't mind a lot of talking, and must be willing to come back and continue this character. Audition Lines: A.) "When Oblivion became full, the soul-trapped would walk Nirn again. They would hunger for no soul, but for your flesh." B.) "Always remain vigilant. You never know what is round the corner." C.) "Yngoemar spoke of you... interesting. Very interesting, indeed." 2.) Yngoemar Once-Sharper. A vital character in this 'edition', but will not be called for again. He has a fair share of dialogue planned, and is an important actor in this mod. Male, of course. For Yngoemar, we would like an elderly/middle-aged Nord-ish sounding person. Someone strong, yet someone who seems to be withering with age. Male, of course. Audtion Lines: A.) "Yes, Captain Valeius. Would you like me to tell you?" B.) "Outside the Major Holds? We heard only screams, and saw blood everywhere.. and corpses." ***THE NEXT CHARACTERS ARE CURRENTLY MINOR, BUT MAY BE MAJOR IN FUTURE UPDATES*** 3.) Valddmund Wine-Shield. Middle-aged Nord male. Male, of course. Audition Line: A.) "I'm Valddmind Wine-Shield, and if you dare lay a finger on my wife or daughter, I will gut you." 4.) Olavva Wine-Shield. A young, sweet-sounding little girl. Female, of course. Audition Line: A.) "Hey, Mister. Daddy told me about you, and what you've done for us. I'd want to play tag with you, but Yngoemar says I'm not allowed out to play." 5.) Gerrika Wine-Shield. Wife of Valddmund, and mother of Olavva. Also a Nord. Female, of course. Audition Line: A.) "I'm Gerrika Wine-Shield. Valddmund's wife. Is Olavva causing you any trouble? I hope not." 6.) Camerick. A Redguard. Preferably the voice of someone with a 'Redguard-esque' voice. Male, of course. Audtion Line: A.) "I'm Camerick. Redguard out here. And no, Laira is not my partner, she is my daughter. You do well to remember that." 7.) Laira. A Redguard. Daughter of Camerick. Preferably someone else with a voice that is quite Redguard-esque. Female, of course. Audtion Line: A.) "Laira's the name. And no, I am not a petty traveller, or mercenary, or any kind of brute. I just like my father." 8.) Helnus Valevia. An Impeiral noble. Preferably an RP accent, but not required, so long as it could be considered 'posh'. Male. (Think the place is taken. Near 100% sure) Audtion Line: A.) "Helnus Valevia. More septims have gone towards praising that name, than you will ever be able to afford, unless of course.. you're rich." 9.) Resenna Valevia. Sister of Helnus. Also an Imperial, and like Helnus, preferably with an RP accent, but so long as the voice sounds 'posh', it is not required. Female. Audition Line: A.) "Don't mind my brother. As big-headed as an Altmer, one might say. " 10.) Guranar gro-Shama. A strong male orc. Something sounding orcish would be nice. Male, of course. Not everyone knows the gro/gra difference, after all. Audtion Line: A.) "Gurunar gro-Shama. Yes, I'm an orc. And yes, I am ugly... but call me ugly, and I will make you ugly." 11.) Athandis Sendran. A Dunmer. Male, too. Audtion Line: A.) "Athandis Sendran. Watch out for my wife, would you?" 12.) Mirial Sendran. Wife of Athandis. Also a Dunmer. Female. Audition Line: A.) "Mirial Sendran, wife of Athandis. If he acts like a pain in the arse, let me know, okay? List may be updated in future, at any time. Contact either myself, or ddmlink, if you are interested. (preferably myself, with me being in charge of the voice acting and writing) Note: Got a nice bit of dialogue already planned, and there will be more to come, depending if you want it for that character.
  4. I'm ready to see more, when there is more to be seen.
  5. Prepare yourself - A word wall approaches! A very interesting word wall, I should add... You may have heard of the mod, 28 Days and a Bit 5 - Zombie Mutation in the past. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/5604/? We currently require twelve people, who will be called upon to voice act the same character, come the next large update. They may also be able to voice other characters, should they be able to pull off a relatively different voice. We would like to receive samples of your voice, and the character, or characters, you wish to audition for. The entire questline is not planned, so characters 3-12 may, in fact, have a lot of dialogue in the future. ***MINOR SPOILERS BELOW*** 1.) Lucrete Valeius. A very important character both now, and in the future of this mod. Has a fair amount of dialogue planned, and will have a lot in the future. For Lucrete, we would like a Received Pronunciation (Posh, as it were) who doesn't mind a lot of talking, and must be willing to come back and continue this character. Audition Lines:A.) "When Oblivion became full, the soul-trapped would walk Nirn again. They would hunger for no soul, but for your flesh."B.) "Always remain vigilant. You never know what is round the corner."C.) "Yngoemar spoke of you... interesting. Very interesting, indeed." 2.) Yngoemar Once-Sharper. A vital character in this edition, but will not be called for again. He has a fair share of dialogue planned, and is an important actor in this mod. For Yngoemar, we would like an elderly Nord-ish sounding person. Someone strong, yet someone who seems to be withering with age. Audtion Lines:A.) "Yes, Captain Valeius. Would you like me to tell you?"B.) "Outside the Major Holds? We heard only screams, and saw blood everywhere.. and corpses." ***THE NEXT CHARACTERS ARE CURRENTLY MINOR, BUT MAY BE MAJOR IN FUTURE UPDATES*** 3.) Valddmund Wine-Shield. Middle-aged Nord male. Audition Line:A.) "I'm Valddmind Wine-Shield, and if you dare lay a finger on my wife or daughter, I will gut you." 4.) Olavva Wine-Shield. A young, sweet-sounding little girl. Audition Line:A.) "Hey, Mister. Daddy told me about you, and what you've done for us. I'd want to play tag with you, but Yngoemar says I'm not allowed out to play." 5.) Gerrika Wine-Shield. Wife of Valddmund, and mother of Olavva. Also a Nord. Audition Line:A.) "I'm Gerrika Wine-Shield. Valddmund's wife. Is Olavva causing you any trouble? I hope not." 6.) Camerick. A Redguard. Preferably the voice of someone with a 'Redguard-esque' voice. Audtion Line:A.) "I'm Camerick. Redguard out here. And no, Laira is not my partner, she is my daughter. You do well to remember that." 7.) Laira. A Redguard. Daughter of Camerick. Preferably someone else with a voice that is quite Redguard-esque. Audtion Line:A.) "Laira's the name. And no, I am not a petty traveller, or mercenary, or any kind of brute. I just like my father." 8.) Helnus Valevia. An Impeiral noble. Preferably an RP accent, but not required, so long as it could be considered 'posh'. Audtion Line:A.) "Helnus Valevia. More septims have gone towards praising that name, than you will ever be able to afford, unless of course.. you're rich." 9.) Resenna Valevia. Sister of Helnus. Also an Imperial, and like Helnus, preferably with an RP accent, but so long as the voice sounds 'posh', it is not required. Audition Line:A.) "Don't mind my brother. As big-headed as an Altmer, one might say. " 10.) Guranar gro-Shama. A strong male orc. Something sounding orcish would be nice. Audtion Line:A.) "Gurunar gro-Shama. Yes, I'm an orc. And yes, I am ugly... but call me ugly, and I will make you ugly." 11.) Athandis Sendran. A Dunmer. Male, too. Audtion Line:A.) "Athandis Sendran. Watch out for my wife, would you?" 12.) Mirial Sendran. Wife of Athandis. Also a Dunmer. Audition Line:A.) "Mirial Sendran, wife of Athandis. If he acts like a pain in the arse, let me know, yes? List may be updated in future, at any time. Contact either myself, or ddmlink, if you are interested. Note: We intend to make one of the characters a follower, who may have a fair amount of dialogue about new Tamriel. We will speak to our favourite voice actor about this, and if s/he declines the offer, we will move on to our next one. If no one wishes for it, we will not have a follower, simply. You have two weeks to reply to this, for a definite chance. Starting 15th June 2014, we will begin selecting our favourites for the job. Do NOT let this make you hesitate, as you could be our perfect voice actor/actress for the role.
  6. You may have heard of the mod, 28 Days and a Bit 5 - Zombie Mutation in the past. We currently require twelve people, who will be called upon to voice act the same character, come the next large update. They may also be able to voice other characters, should they be able to pull off a relatively different voice. We would like to receive samples of your voice, and the character, or characters, you wish to audition for. The entire questline is not planned, so characters 3-12 may, in fact, have a lot of dialogue in the future. ***MINOR SPOILERS BELOW*** 1.) Lucrete Valeius. A very important character both now, and in the future of this mod. Has a fair amount of dialogue planned, and will have a lot in the future. For Lucrete, we would like a Received Pronunciation (Posh, as it were) who doesn't mind a lot of talking, and must be willing to come back and continue this character. 2.) Yngoemar Once-Sharper. A vital character in this edition, but will not be called for again. He has a fair share of dialogue planned, and is an important actor in this mod. For Yngoemar, we would like an elderly Nord-ish sounding person. Someone strong, yet someone who seems to be withering with age. ***THE NEXT CHARACTERS ARE CURRENTLY MINOR, BUT MAY BE MAJOR IN FUTURE UPDATES*** 3.) Valddmund Wine-Shield. Middle-aged Nord male. 4.) Olavva Wine-Shield. A young, sweet-sounding little girl. 5.) Gerrika Wine-Shield. Wife of Valddmund, and mother of Olavva. Also a Nord. 6.) Camerick. A Redguard. Preferably the voice of someone with a 'Redguard-esque voice. 7.) Laira. A Redguard. Daughter of Camerick. Preferably someone else with a voice that is quite Redguard-esque. 8.) Helnus Valevia. An Impeiral noble. Preferably an RP accent, but not required, so long as it could be considered 'posh'. 9.) Resenna Valevia. Sister of Helnus. Also an Imperial, and like Helnus, preferably with an RP accent, but so long as the voice sounds 'posh', it is not required. 10.) Guranar gro-Shama. A strong male orc. Something sounding orcish would be nice. 11.) Athandis Sendran. A Dunmer. Male, too. 12.) Mirial Sendran. Wife of Athandis. Also a Dunmer. List may be updated in future, at any time. Contact either myself, or ddmlink, if you are interested.
  7. Thanks. At last, my Moth Priest can show off his Elder scrolls on his back, and still smash someone in the face with another
  8. Rather self-explanatory. An Elder Scroll used as a weapon. Why not? They're strong and sturdy, and it seems logical to me. And yes, I have looked all over the forums seeing if there was one (as I already checked the downloads, but you know.. maybe they didn't name it so obviously) and there was nothing.
  9. Well, I've learnt some skills, thanks to a certain someone who posted just up of my last post, and I have eight homes in the series now. Speaking of that, I need to add this update to Minor Holds and More...
  10. As soon as I learn to do so, I'll go over all of tge series, and update them. Hmm... Wonder if there's a guide for the things you mentioned.
  11. A quick update here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9096871/?tb=mods&pUp=1 contains all my current homes. There are several, now, and I am trying to catch up with my orders today. I am currently producing a large manor, which also has Skyrim's tallest tower nearby. I will soon be looking over the other homes later, to try and get as many done as I can. It's only 'slightly' late, right? :wink: Edit: Also added the great manor, now. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54310/?
  12. Title says it all, really. Rather than merely requesting for it to be made, I am requesting for a team of several people, so that we can truly tackle this job fast. Who is he? While I have no name yet, he will live on the outskirts of Whiterun, on his family's farm. He will most certainly have a family - I'm thinking a sister and a father, and I also think that they will be attending her burial outside, while the PC walks by. There will, of course, be quests for him, but more than that, he will be quest-aware, location-aware, and if you join a faction, he joins it with you. To make him the most interesting, he should require all the DLCs. Myself, I am a roleplayer of several years (well, four) and I am a mod-writer for Beyond Skyrim: Return to Morrowind and 28 Days and a Bit 5 - Zombie Mutation. These are for Skyrim alone. Samples of my writing can be found at... Here for a sample of my work at 28 Days Still not convinced? I can send work on request, if you simply inbox me. I also heavily recommend the mods I mentioned above, and whatnot. Anyway, back to the mod itself. The team will (hopefully) consist of at least several people. A writer for general dialogue, A writer for The Dark Brotherhood, A writer for The Thieves Guild, A writer for The Companions, A writer for the Dawnguard, A writer for the College of Winterhold, A writer for the Main Quest, A writer for 'the other faction' in Dawnguard (No spoilers), Two writers for locational dialogue, A great modder, who can implement this, when it is ready. Three voice actors - One young male, one young female, and one male old. Preferably sounding similar, and Nordic. Myself, I have the general backstory planned, and a simple questline for this great follower himself. If you want more information, don't hesitate about contacting me via posting here, or inbox. PS - Yes, ten writers, a modder and three voice actors would most certainly be nice ;)
  13. There will be TWO versions of the Grey Quarter home. One WITH the basement, and one without. The one WITHOUT will most certainly be up today, and with a nice little backstory.
  14. The Vampire Lair has been uploaded. The creature that dwells within will have a grey face, and will also probably have no hands or feet. He will try to sleep ALWAYS, I do believe, as that is how I made his sandbox.
  15. Seems good enough. I think I might use a small fort area, and put down skeletons and bones etc. and whatnot to give it an odd feeling. Maybe give it a roof with the Black Sacrament prepared.. Because what necromancer doesn't prance on the rooftop, praying for someone to die, so that they can steal their corpse?
  16. Update here: My Grey Quarter home is very nearly done, but adding a nice basement for pots of ashes where the citizens of the Grey Quarter'll go when they die. Shouldn't delay it too much, I hope. The Vampire Lair under Proudspire Manor is nearly done, but needs several tweaks for an ever-sleeping NPC to feed on. Several other projects have been started, but not gone so far, due to choices of interior, actual location, or simply how complicated it is, and that it will take time to figure out how it will be made.
  17. I'll definitely try. Being a mod writer, as well as learning how to use the CK is pretty much doing IT and English, which don't exactly go perfectly together at the same time, but they help create stuff. And we can't forget that I have a life and whatnot. Regardless, I've started on it, as I have several homes, but... Yeah. On the mod, under 'Posts', there's a list for my to-do activities, if you want to keep an eye on it. And for the sake on convenience... http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53593/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D53593%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D1660713&pUp=1 I highly suggest tracking it, too.
  18. I'm working on it, but also on another at the same time. But I certainly am working on it, and that's the truth ;)
  19. Well, it shouldn't take long, hopefully. I'll get started right now. Edit: That means keep an eye on this thread ;)
  20. I wouldn't mind doing this, so long as the house would be void of crafting equipment. If you want those, however, there are plenty on the Nexus. Hundreds and hundreds. A very large plethora. Kind of the reason I went in to modding houses, really :tongue: Oh yeah, no crafting equipment. I can use a forge elsewhere if I need, my character's pretty much all set anyways as far as equipment. I also request a rather scenic view...I want to stand atop the tallest tower in Skyrim and gaze upon the land in all directions. :D OH. And as far as all the mods available, nothing particularly caught my interest. I'm thinking gorgeous ivory towers or something like that, has to scream "The Dragonborn lives here!!!" from miles away. Lol. If I'm asking too much I totally understand. That can easily be done: A toweresque appearance, and a nice roof on its top, where you can gaze down at the clouds, because they are too thick in Skyrim :wink:
  21. List everything you want. There's a 99% chance it wont all be in, anyway.
  22. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53593/? <-- My first two homes of the series can be found here. It is likely I will be creating one house each day, for a while, at least.
  23. I'll see what I can do. What type of lair? A basement in a shack, Anise's Cabin style? A cave? A hidden lair in Proudspire Manor? Would just outside Proudspire do, so that you enter from the exterior? Best for all to have it not connected via cells, but, if that is what you want, I will do it. Also, big, small, or inbetween? Sure. Also, I'd like it to have enough space for some thralls to feed upon and for 5 persons. Just in case someone plays with a follower mod (I have Amazing Follower Tweaks in mind), My Home is your Home and a mod that happens to allow you to turn others into vampires like Better Vampires. Do you want a cramped feeling, or something more spacious? Having it packed together doesn't need to make it useless, really.
  24. I'll see what I can do. What type of lair? A basement in a shack, Anise's Cabin style? A cave? A hidden lair in Proudspire Manor? Would just outside Proudspire do, so that you enter from the exterior? Best for all to have it not connected via cells, but, if that is what you want, I will do it. Also, big, small, or inbetween?
  25. I'll see what I can do. What type of lair? A basement in a shack, Anise's Cabin style? A cave?
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