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  1. Aside from the ugly, bulky, and clunky, windows metro-looking design that lazy people everywhere are copying, as many people have already stated... My biggest problems with it are that I can no longer follow bookmarks to certain pages, like my files page for example, without using the pull-down menu after the page fully loads and I scroll down (which is actually even worse on a phone), the way the page keeps jumping around as it loads (moves right as I try to click on something, several times), and if I use tabs or the pull-down menus to browse between pages, as is required, then using the 'back' button doesn't change anything until you go all of the way back, but browsing that way does rack up forward clicks. I want my back button to actually go back, and actually change the page to the last one I was on, not just go back in the browser, but not change anything on the page. I am disabled, and the more times I have to click on things, the more pain I have to endure, I really do not like adding extra complexity for no reason. Change for the sake of change is pointless, for change to be effective, it needs to be an improvement, otherwise, like in the evolution analogy from before, you simply end up with one of the many extinct examples, 'failed mutations' as it were. What is with the attitudes (rhetorical question)? Here is a bit more constructive criticism. If you are just going to respond with sarcasm and vitriol, then don't bother, you are the ones not being constructive, and are more or less 'off topic', creating the argument, making it worse, however you want to look at it. This is why the creators are not supposed to be the ones who respond in these feedback situations. You need a neutral party who does not act like they care either way, you cannot take these things personally, especially on the net, just silently watch behind the 'two-way mirror' that is the forum. If you really want to know numbers, once you are ready, put up a poll you have to click on to get into the site, 'good', 'bad', 'indifferent, leaning this way or that', and give a place for written feedback for the people who DO want to give specifics. Otherwise, stop talking about this % of that, or which silent majority is bigger. You can only work with what you have, anything else isn't relevant, you are just blowing smoke. The person who first said 'customer' was a premium member, that means that was exactly what they were, and all of us are consumers. I know being told what you worked on sucks, well sucks, been there, done that, countless times, but you have to take it all into perspective, it is all part of life. Most people are not going to like what you do, no matter what it is, especially on the internet, unless you are in a very sheltered environment. Most people won't be specific, and don't want to stand out that way. Someone just saying they don't like something is still useful feedback, even if being told specifics helps us a lot more, it all adds up.
  2. Someone else is working on that project (also still incomplete), so it's not all that critical. There isn't much point in two people working on the same thing, and the two go very nicely together. Here is the link for anyone who doesn't have it yet. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14252/?
  3. Awesome, that's what I thought, but it is nice to have verification, thanks for responding so quickly. Better safe than sorry. XD For some of us, like it or not, the Mod Manager just isn't an option. *Edit* Everything is looking good so far here too.
  4. Thanks again, as always, looking into it now... So, I installed the main mod and the full dialog option, I assume we need to pick something from each folder? It appears that is the case. For example, if I don't install anything else at this point, would there be nothing for the well rested if I do not pick one of those (assuming there was not something left from the old version)? Just wanting to make sure before I do something incorrectly. It appears you have made patches for a number of things in there, very nice. I am sure a lot of people are going to be very happy with the update. ;) ...Also, for the stats options, we need to pick a head and a body individually? I assume Armored is no bounce, does that make unzipped bounce? seems logical, but... It might be nice to name the screen shots, or write on them what is what, I again, assume the short hair is 'pixie' and the classic is the curly hair?
  5. That's great news, but please remember, not all of us use the FOMod installer, so please let us know how to work with the options too. Thank you again for this. XD
  6. Like other mods, you extract the files inside the data folder, into your data folder. However, if you are asking this, you might not have installed others, and you may need to do other steps. You can find all of the details here. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Fallout_4_Mod_Installation
  7. Ah, right, I just do not overwrite the first file, when I install this, since it is larger. Forgot that fact, sorry.
  8. Haven't really noticed a real problem with the Full Dialogue mod, I have been using it since it came out. I had been considering the UI mod, now that we were about done with patches, but if it's not compatible with this, then that is a no go, I will still with this... XD
  9. For me, it turned out to be Fishers, a mod that is, as of this post, no longer available. Thanks for the help tracking it down.
  10. F4SE was updated with the last update, it doesn't need to be updated for the DLCs, they don't change the game's version number for DLCs because not all of us get them, 2.4 is working fine (unless there was a new update today that I haven't seen yet because I stay off-line). As for the update to this mod, it worked for me so far as well. XD
  11. I am having the same crashing bug, and also don't have the other mods that have been listed, and while this is not a solution, I did find a workaround. If you go in wearing powerarmor, you might make it, but you have to wear the power armor in any outdoor zone, or it will crash again before your feet hit the ground. It seems odd that this is the case if this mod is the issue, but who knows? The worst part is that means unless you have a companion, you cannot pickup any of the other Power Armors lying around, like the one in the preview video, with the new vault tec paint job (because X-01 existing before the war, makes perfect sense... might as well have been filled with jet too) A tip, to do the quest that requires you to wear the special glasses, you need to go inside, get out of the armor, remove the helm, and then get back in while wearing the glasses (and I recommend a mining helm for the light, since the pip-boy light won't work even if you take off that arm).
  12. It would be nice if they looked somewhat human though...
  13. I can only assume we need the GECK, since it's taken this long. I am surprised they didn't spend that little bit extra making the female character get the M.o.M. costume, or one of them anyway, instead of the Shadow, er Shroud (or at least having the option, the lines still could have mostly worked, just change the name for each costume). But being Bethesda, having things make sense and work for role playing isn't really their thing...
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