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About ninja807

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  1. Yeah that's what stinks about it. There's two mods that tackle that issue of trying to return her to that state where she can, but half of the time they don't work. Essentially what I'm proposing is to completely circumvent her by making a different npc (it could even just be a robot or a terminal if possible) That would perform the same function but not be Lucy Abernathy. The NPC/Terminal wouldn't even need to be in Abernathy farm. But you wouldn't have to necessarily make it melons. For example maybe it's a protectron that just really likes razorgrain. Also on the lore end of things, technically you don't suddenly become leader of their settlement. The settlements ally to you as part of the minutemen. You can just change things due to game mechanics. That's how I see it at least.
  2. My idea is pretty simple but I sadly can't get a good grasp of the GECK to do it myself. Essentially there's the glitch (feature?) That Lucy Abernathy will stop buying melons from you after you do the initial quest to obtain Abernathy farm as a settlement. I've tried to fix it and the current mods on the nexus have had mixed results for me. So why not just make an NPC, terminal, or some other method which does nothing but buy a crop for 3 caps each 5 if you pass a charisma check if it makes sense to do so. TL;DR make something buy crops for cheap that isn't a vendor so you wouldn't even have to care about the Abernathy stuff. That being said, I'd also take the suggestion of how to make it too. I just haven't found a good tutorial for this. Any way someone could help would be appreciated. :)
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