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Everything posted by MrKickassL33T
Bring some life to Bitter Springs?
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
I looked at the mod but I'll give it a second look as I did a quick look through. Thanks! -
New Game - Fresh Start - New Mods
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
It did get fixed actually! I said: You sir, are a saint! I appreciate all the help you have given me. P.S. I'll try it out in sec, just realized I had v02 rather than v4. Edit: Tested it, fixed. Thanks! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for all the help you've given me before! -
Bitter Springs is a nice area and well done imo. But it feels... I don't know but something about it feels, unsatisfying I guess you could say? Could anybody add anything to Bitter Springs that will bring it to life? (I understand it's kind of a depressing area but not sure what it is about it. (I saw the area in a video recently and just thought it looked kinda boring I'd have to get there to look at it.) Thanks for reading!
No Compass
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
You sir, are a saint! I appreciate all the help you have given me. P.S. I'll try it out in sec, just realized I had v02 rather than v4. Edit: Tested it, fixed. Thanks! -
New Game - Fresh Start - New Mods
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Yep I took a look at everything got a really good setup minus my problem here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1984974-no-compass/ (Gopher is a wonderful person!) I used MTUI first then DarnUI and all MTUI had left was the black region on the back of the text gone on loading screens but I still uninstalled it. It may have caused the problem above but I'm not sure, I'll have to play around a bit. As for EWI's Rocks; Thanks! I'll definitely be installing that. As for everything else, I downloaded all mods suggested (you reminded me of a few I would have forgotten about so thanks again!) I also got FCO + Fallout NV Redesigned 2 and it made my game look incredible. I used Poco Bueno first because I get scared when it comes to "Download Manually" because it has screwed me up in the past. I'll give Ojo Bueno a try though. [P.S. Do you know if and of the New Vegas Uncut mods would conflict with any of the above mods?] Thanks and have a great day/night! -
For some reason I have no Compass anybody have an idea why? My UI Mods: I have One Hud, (Stimpack Counter NV, Shiloh DS, MCM [Off of PN], JIP Fast Travel,) Unified Hud, and DarNified UI NV. Mods in parentheses ought to not affect it.
New Game - Fresh Start - New Mods
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Hey there Teratoid! Thanks for commenting on my question about GECK last time! Also thanks for posting here, regarding NMC's Texture Pack; I have used it before and some how I didn't lag at all on my crappy laptop. But the Poco Bueno and Ojo Bueno look rather good, I know that they aren't compatible with NMC but I think I'll give Ojo Bueno a try. I'll definitely be installing some/most if not all of those mods you have listed. Also, do you know if MTUI works with DarNified UI hud? I used Darnified in Fallout 3 before and liked it very much but I also love MTUI. Most of the mods you listed I had already tried but some I hadn't seen and I appreciate you taking your time to post here! Have a wonderful day/night! -
So, because I've had trouble with all the mods I install and I haven't got past Primm with all the errors I typically get; I've deleted ALL of my 156 mods and decided to ask the people of the Nexus Forums for you're mod packs (the mods you use) that are all compatible with each other. The following below mods do not have to work with you're mods as if the ones people post are good enough but not compatible with some of the below ones. If you guys have any personal mods you made and want me to test out with a new start game I'll gladly look at them! I WILL be playing a Hard game on Hardcore so no mods that make the game harder damage wise please! Mods I'll almost definitely be installing: Project Nevada Enhanced Visual Effects MTUI NMC's Texture Pack (Large [All 3 Parts]) Shiloh DS (I'm keeping regular Pipboy 3000 unless there is a re-texture that is not Pipboy Readius <-- Dislike) Continue After Ending Zan Auto-Purge Mod Configuration Menu Project Weaponry (This is a maybe because I believe it can cause a few errors with other mods, please tell if you know anything) A ENB of some sort (Recommendations please!) NV Interiors Mo' Monsters Mod Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this! Thanks for reading and I hope everybody has a wonderful day/night!
Hey everybody, I have no idea what could have happened but every time I equip most armors (Raider Badlands armor, and Wasteland Settler Outfit was when I noticed) there is something that looks like.. Well I'm not sure what to call it but it looks like something got stretched across my screen. I'm not sure what could have done this. I use LOOT to sort my load order and if my load order might help people know what's wrong I can post that. If I reload my game while in First Person with the armor that does not work it works until I press TAB (I have Readius I don't think that matters though)
I really appreciate you commenting and I'll be learning a lot more about GECK in the future I hope and I'll probably find something on YouTube explaining how to use the tools and all the basics. As for the coding part I can understand a few basic codes nothing special, I've made websites in my school like twice but it was hard enough. Hopefully I'll be creating some neat mods in the future! Have a good day/night where ever you are! :D
Could you elaborate on this please. You don't mean you would like to 'remake' the whole game do you? As for working with the GECK being 'time consuming and/or hard', I'm finding it so. Something like working on a high end motorcar (that happens to have some horrible design and engineering flaws) with budget 'made in China' tools that keep breaking. Want to change the oil or tighten a hose, no problem. Want to fit a new wiring loom or transmission, oh s**t!... I don't mean to change the whole game I was just thinking of making my own companion if possible by learning the GECK. (Thanks for your input about GECK btw!)
So I was watching a Fallout: New Vegas Modded Play through of AlChestBreach and saw he had created his own companions.I've heard a lot about something called G.E.C.K. Is this the thing people use to create mods? Can experts explain to me how to create my own content like other modders (I'm getting ahead of myself as I know that it's probably a lot more then that. I have a basic understanding of coding and have created games before if that matters.) What are the basics, what do I need, is it time consuming and/or hard? Thanks and any help is appreciated! :D (Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this I didn't exactly know where to post it.) [P.S. I'm doing a complete new game of Fallout: New Vegas because it had to many errors so I decided to do a new game, if anybody can give me help to revamp my game it's appreciated as well!.]
Hello, so my problem is that Fallout 3 will no longer open. It USED to open but ever since I tried to put http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/20422/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout3%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D20422%26preview%3D&pUp=1 into my game it royally f*#@ed my game. Here's what happened, I followed the instructions as told on the mod desc. After putting everything in I needed I ran my game but i realized that I hadn't input the files from here: http://enbdev.com/mod_falloutnv_v0249.html . So I then proceeded to add them and I got a bit confused but did as instructed. Here's where the trouble started. I open up my game and it crashed when I pressed "Continue". So I decided to not fool around with it as I have to many mods to go and re-install because I broke my game (if it did). Then I deleted everything that had ENB on it. I did something wrong at that point because I opened up Fallout and it had something in the top left meaning a file I left got activated. So I decided to delete my d3d9 and use my 'back up' d3d9.dll file. The reason I deleted it was because eventually after deleting a few things it said something was wrong with my d3d9.dll file. Ever since then my game doesn't open when I press play. I have the Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY but I got it to work without bugs with "ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated" by moving my Fallout 3 goty. I also have Games For Windows Live DISABLER. I used to get Fallout 3 running fine no problems. Now if anybody can help in any way, it is greatly appreciated. I can post my specs (not sure how but I'll figure it out) I can also post all the mods I have in my game and my files in Fallout 3 goty.
So everybody who has played Mothership Zeta experiences this Mothership Zeta knows about this infamous little 'freeze' that makes it to where your game is just stuck there. The 2 aliens on either side freeze while the 3rd one continues in a animation loop. I've had this probelem and was up all night pressing W and reloading saves to see if it would adventually work (which it used to on PS3) and now here on PC it never goes away. So I have 2 questions. 1. What exactly causes the script or whatever to do a freeze if anybody knows. 2. If I delete Zeta.esm how do I get it back?' Thanks for reading and any help is greatly appreciated.
ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated
MrKickassL33T replied to MrKickassL33T's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Well now that I know what to look for I found a few articles that will help me move it. I really appreciate the help! Have a good day/night. :D Edit: Could it be as simple as moving my "Fallout 3 goty" file to This PC/Documents/My Games? -
Ayo, this is my first post on the Nexus Forums and I'm having trouble with ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated. My problem lies within that my Fallout 3 is in the "C:\PROGRAMhttp://cdncache1-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png Files (x86)" I believe. I have the Steam version of Fallout 3 GOTY Edition. I've read stuff all over different forums but I can't figure it out as there is many mods I want to use and can't because of the weird things it does to my game. ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated causes my game to have a weird green dot on my screen, I can't pick up or put away anything. I can't talk to anybody, I get a few errors I believe as well. I had tried ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated before I had any mods installed but if anybody wants I can post my mod list (It's rather long I believe, personally.) Thanks for reading and any help is greatly appreicated :D. Edit: I can post my Specs (Not sure how but I'll figure it out) if needed.