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Everything posted by Skree000

  1. lol thanks guys. Yeah just got back from an insane long shift at my second job, preceded by back to back xmas and holiday parties, once i get some free time ill start picking away at the models and see what i can do.
  2. These are the proxies for my own custom versions, intercepted en-route to my gpu from the game. (technically not 'ripping' or hacking) These models are 99% bungie, I have only done minor tweaks. The textures are 95% bungie, I had to do some significant changes to rebuild their shaders in Max using only a rough knowledge of how they set them up using blend/color masks for team-color variations in the armor. Meshes are captured in 3dr format and the shaders must be completely rebuilt from scratch using nothing but ambiguous hex named DDS textures. (all in Max) After that its a matter of isolating the desired meshes and customizing them to overlap on top of the Fallout 3 base mesh so that it roughly conforms to the Fallout 3 skeleton, ready for rigging/skinning. Once I get time I'll be completely revamping (basically re-making) the entire mesh, bringing it 'up to par' with the Fallout 3 models, both in poly-count and level of detail. As with most games, Halo 2 uses 512x512 textures for main character armor, 256x256 or 256x128 texture for helmets, etc. Fallout however uses mostly 1024's for almost everything, so since I can't simply up-res the images, I'll be doing alot of customization before I'm done. Polygon wise, the pip-boy for example contains almost twice as many polygons as the entire mesh of the Master Chief from Halo 2... just to show you how far game models have come since then! I'll be modelling out the entire armor set in high poly by hand over top of these base meshes, then overlaying and re-topologizing a new base mesh that will conform to the high-poly detail, so that I can accurately Render-to-texture all the nifty little detailed parts (vents, wires, etc). essentially creating a new mesh from the old one, using it as reference. I take no credit for modelling these or creating the textures... yet. Once I'm done it will be pretty clear the difference between my meshes and the base meshes. The real question is, do I have time! :)
  3. Damn, yeah combination of 1. it was 4am when I posted it, and 2. I havent played halo in many months >< /lowers head in shame. I did used to be the biggest fan at one point though, /cry.
  4. Ok some progress screens so far, they are also on the front page, but if people dont read front pages, only last pages, here you go: http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan02.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan03.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan01.jpg Lots more work left to go, these are just proxies of the finished product once I get started on the textures and I completely revamp the models to be on-par with Fallout 3's poly counts. (at present they are about 1/3rd the poly count of fallout meshes. Weak!) Once thats all done they still need AO, GI and FG passes to be baked onto the diffuse to achieve more texture realism...
  5. Updated with a recent pic Now sporting stronger normal maps, a combat helmet and more tactical webbing. ... well, some anyways, the straps themselves are yet to be added as well as tons more details, but you get the idea. For now ill work with what I've got in front of me. http://www.kolcrosbie.com/UNSC_v2.jpg
  6. Bah, Forgot about the date of the events of Halo.... oh well, Alternate Reality is just as plausible. After all, Fallout is supposed to be an alternate reality of our earth anyways :) Ahh these arent screenshots from the engine, models are captured and lit in Max. Importing is the very next step. Spinat, very cool, i have almost that exact set of tactical webbing in my closet IRL! After you model it the next step is unwrapping and then texturing :) As far as putting it in game, im learning as I go so I'll share if i discover anything new. I''ll be using some of the handy tutorials found around this forum so if you need help with that now, the search tool is your best friend :)
  7. What would happen if a ship from our future... say.. got pulled into a time-space distortion and found itself back in earths dark history, but was shot down by the Enclave who mis-identified it as a commie attack ship? What if that craft from the future happened to contain some UNSC marines and perhaps a Spartan soldier or two from the future? What if you came across the wreckage? What would you find? I dont know about you guys but id love to find out how my two favorite game franchises would combine... Here's some early renders of the default Fallout 3 female wearing a UNSC marine combat uniform (Circa Halo 2) Lots more armor and uniform variations coming soon including Spartan's Mjolnir battle armor. For now im just getting them in there, then I'll completely redo them to make them look battle-scarred, pieced-together and poorly maintained (like raider gear)... I figure a smashed-visor Mjolnir helmet would make a cool looking wasteland-y piece :) (Have plans for a squad of ODST's dead and mangled near a crater as well... that should be interesting.. I know everyone wants to get their hands on ODST armor... or maybe the Scout-variant of Halo 3's Mjolnir suit... ohh the possibilities. EDIT: Spartan's Mjolnir armor is almost complete, here's some progress screens. Still need to upsize the textures by 200% and add tons of grunge and grime that you would expect from wasteland outfits. Considering making some of the pieces missing and replaced with hammered metal sheets, etc. http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan02.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan03.jpg http://www.kolcrosbie.com/Spartan01.jpg EDIT: Updated, added combat helm and tactical webbing, pouches, etc. Also strengthened the normal maps a bit to give it a bit of punch. (its uber low poly i know, but its not finished yet this is the first iteration! :) Recent: http://www.kolcrosbie.com/UNSC_v2.jpg Older: (uniform without accessories + helm) http://www.kolcrosbie.com/UNSC-1.jpg
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