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About Apollyna

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    Skyrim, duh!
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    Legend of Mana, Spyro 2, Sly Cooper 1, 2, 3, Oblivion, Syrim

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  1. How exciting! I hope these systems stand to the test of usage, because they sound great right now. One thing I have to commend you on is listening and acting upon the feedback of your users. Even Facebook and Youtube don't seem to understand that little trick. :P
  2. Ah, here's another display solution, weapon racks... on tables! Basically i'd link the proper activators together and voila, your bow will sit still on a table rather than a doesnt-belong-in-a-cave silk weapon rack. I should think this is possible anyway, I'll make sure to test and post screens.
  3. I suggest at least finishing meshes for the staves and releasing them as resources for modders to have fun with... or maybe that's just selfishness talking. :) The dwemer dungeon sounds cool but I really like the idea of well designed new meshes.
  4. Excellent resource! The other day I was just thinking of how I could make a switchable bed/coffin for a future lair... this should be helpful then. :)
  5. XCE eyes to pretty up the vanilla ones, Iridum eyes for new ones. I recommend both. After running two or three eye mods together, I find I only ever use one of these. They're just about perfect.
  6. I hope to put the entrance behind a waterfall in the Rift. If none exists that I like I may make one or hide it under a high road, much like the Falkreth DB sanctuary is hidden under a road. I agree, there are wayyy too many houses crammed between Riverwood and Whiterun... As far as displays I am currently putting in scripted bookshelves (I will recommend the mod Unlimited Bookshelves to you now, which lets you put almost anything that'll fit in a shelf on it) and wooden weapon racks. I plan to keep these things minimal, though. Have you taken a peek at the screens? I personally think the cave is Goldilocks-sized, just enough room for features and walking space, but it may seem too big or small to some.
  7. Thanks! I forgot some body pieces were separate in the game. Now if only someone could make them compatible with gloves... :) How hard do you think that'd be to do in nifskope with one pair of gloves/gauntlets? if I were to do it myself I mean
  8. Is there a version with just the claws changed and having vanilla legs? I only want those wicked claws.
  9. Hi, all! You might remember this post of mine from yesterday - I decided to make an official WIPz thread to gather ideas on the project in a more organized way. Here's an imgur album with titles and captions for some screens to help you see how I'm doing. I'll put some highlights in a spoiler below. Any feedback is much appreciated... fire away! >> http://imgur.com/a/zvtyJ#0 << Thanks for clicking!
  10. Well since you just keep talking about it... (*teasing* >w<) I finally supported my favorite... no, my only modding site. Here's to the Nexus! Keep going strong!
  11. Aha! What a good thread to see... great minds think alike, eh? I hope more people post here so we get a good consensus of opinions. I guess I could contribute, too... hmm. 1. I like small homes. I need to get in, dump my stolen loot, sleep the night away, and get back out adventuring. But I also need a pretty home in a good location. I want something that fits my character - a dark lair in the cold north for my vampire, a warm and inviting cottage for my ranger, a hideaway for my thief, etc. 2. We have a great many castles and mansions and over-cluttered-with-miniature-statues dwemer ruins. I would welcome more plain houses, more immersion- and lore-friendly places. 3. Very specific... hmm... named storage is a big plus in my book, almost a selling point, but I realize this is possibly a bad idea. For one, you could turn some people off who don't want to put their stuff where the author thinks it should go. For another, I recently got a mod (Arrod's Better Containers) that lets you name, move, and craft containers anyway. I suggest mod authors forego uniquely-named storage and instead design their houses in a smart way. Instead of putting all chests along a wall in one room, put some by the forge, some by the door, some by the display cases, etc. And point their users to such a mod as Arrod's. Another specific thing I like to see is an easy to navigate layout. It's a house, not a dungeon, yknow? I like one or two big rooms with what you need in them, or having a hub-like hallway. 4. This is difficult to answer. As an author, I want my mod to get views, downloads and comments. I want it to be bug-free and I want people to like it and tell me they like it. As a user, I simply want what I stated above. A simple house that doesn't try to be the biggest, gaudiest thing in the game will suit me just fine. For what it's worth I recommend checking out Riverside Lodge and Heartwood Cottage (can't recall the author right now). In my opinion Riverside Lodge is near perfect, with a gorgeous (GORGEOUS) view, convenient location, small-but-not-too-small size, crafting stations, obvious storage, etc. The same can be said for Heartwood, though it is much smaller. That's fine for me. Like I said, I just need to get in and get out. ...Just my two cents, but I hope it helps somehow! This is pretty much exactly what I want to do with my time. Themed homes that aren't over-the-top. Good to see there's a market for it.
  12. You know... it's very funny you say that, because one of the first design choices I made was making much of the smaller decoration static. I'm an obsessive klepto in games. I end up taking all the pretty and valuable things off the shelves and then the house looks, well, sacked. Personally, static items prevent me from doing that in-game. I should say, though, that not every single item so far is static. There are bows and arrows, things like fortify-carry boots and fortify-lockpicking gloves, loose ingots, jewels, and books strewn about, etc. I completely understand your point, though. It's a good thing to keep in mind as I go along... As far as tons of mannequins and display racks, I'm not a fan of them in other houses. I do plan on adding a few weapon plaques and racks, but I will focus on bookshelves and the occasional empty spot on a table as far as displays go. Ostentation is not something to expect from this home - it will look perfectly at home in the vanilla game, I hope. :) I would love to have a beta tester / screenshooter. :D I'll make sure to update here every so often with some progress shots so you and other interested parties know what's up. Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated.
  13. NEW THREAD >> http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/990376- <<
  14. Try searching for castle mods. Its a simple matter after that to add beds yourself. All the other features you mentioned seem to come standard on all the more popular house/mansion mods.
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