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Everything posted by Longlostvampire1

  1. I have cbbe curvey, girly animations, and realistic sounds (not sure if your girly animations and realistic sounds are made by the same person mine are, and im not at the xb1 atm) i think its cbbe curvy, since it edits female bodys, it might have more textures, and being around good neighbor usually loads in some female bodies, I've also seen a mod thats said to reduce the load for cbbe bodys by replacing female raiders with male raiders, so see about cbbe curvy Because ive been having the same issues
  2. I would like to request a face preset mod for xbox one that has Ellie from the last of us (the younger Ellie, that you see in the first game) and/or harley quinn preset, you can use other mods to achieve this as long as you can get those mods on xbox 1
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