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  1. I'm quite pleased with the choice of font in the game as it is, but I feel it is way bigger than it has to be. I'd love a mod that simply let me choose from a few different scales.
  2. Just been tooling around and building up a settlement. Place has about 4 brahmin wandering around, constantly scnorting, constantly making CLOP CLOP CLOP sounds as they move around. Almighty Lord, how I wish for a mod that let me tone down the frequency of the snorting, and lower the volume of their steps around 90 percent. O_O And yes, I know I can just blow their heads off or turn down the volume.
  3. I'd love a mod that simply shrunk the weapons and hands on screen when having a weapon out. It takes up sooo much space on the screen, even just for a pistol.
  4. Do you have SLI enabled by any chance? I had this problem and managed to "fix" it by turning off SLI entirely.
  5. I was just about to do a post on exactly this topic. Yeah, it's incredibly annoying.
  6. Yeah, turning off Clipping and Snapping is something I really miss. Linking stuff together and moving it into place works, but is sooo cumbersome. The cheat engine thing sounds usable, but a bit fiddly.
  7. Oops, there's already a topic for this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3404920-free-placing-construction-for-settlements/ Maybe we better use that one instead, just to not clutter the forum. Sorry, guys.
  8. I tend to tweak the looks of my character during a play as I get to know them, and don't really feel like slogging it all the way to a surgeon every time. Sometimes I just want a new hairstyle for the day, and surely I don't need a hair dresser for that. Because of that, I use "slm player" console command a lot. Would be nice to have a mod where I just had to hit a hotkey, and which maybe set up some suitable lighting or something around your character while you're in "edit" mode.
  9. I get kinda nitpicky with the look of my settlements, and would really love for the game to be less restrictive when it comes to placement of stuff. What I ask for is 2 things: First: Let me turn off clipping while placing stuff, so I can place it where I want, even if it intersects with other stuff. Right now I'm using the trick of "linking" stuff together to get it to clip a bit that way, but it's slow and cumbersome and unreliable. Especially for walls, I'd like to be able to clip stuff a little bit, just so there isn't massive gaps all over. Second, I'd like a toggle for whether or not Snapping is active. Sometimes I'd like to place two wooden walls close to each other, but without them snapping together. I'm thinking that would just a hotkey or something, for toggling it on or off.
  10. I'd love to see a mod that makes it so I use the fusion core with the least charge by default, instead of always using one with 100% charge. That way I wouldn't need to run around with 20 cores between 50 and 99%, but just a stack of full ones, and the one currently in use.
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