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About newfy69

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  1. In response to post #55920996. #55929276 is also a reply to the same post. Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread. I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue) I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address". A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume. Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address. I use FireFox myself. The "addon" is called "ReDirector". Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page. In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others. Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons. A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well. In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use. http://einaregilsson.com/redirector/ Good luck.
  2. Okay, this old man has returned to do what his grandparents taught him as a young lad..... to admit when I am wrong with an open and honest heart. The new site design has grown on me.... and I must admit it happened pretty fast. There are some very nice new abilities, and as I've discovered them, my appreciation has grown more and more... ie: video viewing, screenshot viewing, etc. I've hopefully learned a lesson here.... to wait and allow time for a more balanced opinion based on experience instead of "resistance to change". I wasn't rude by no means in my previous post in the other thread... I simply resisted change without giving it a fair & proper chance. Anyway... great job as always Nexus management.... you are the kings for good reason in the modding community. Merry Christmas to one and all.
  3. In response to post #54776863. #54783793, #54785438, #54786533 are all replies on the same post. Thanks Fhaarkas :) That little jewel of info will make this transition a little easier to swallow, as I.... like you and others, have a ton of bookmarks that would have been a pain otherwise to deal with. Kudos heading your way for a helpful tip.... this valuable tidbit should be STICKIED somewhere for others before it gets buried here.... lost and forgotten. Regards mate.
  4. Just a drop in an ocean of opinions, but I totally dislike the new layout redesign. The old layout was beautiful, concise and looked smart as hell. I actually held it up as an example to other sites on proper design. The old design is much more pleasant to view than this new layout... by far. Sorry guys/gals, I know you are, and continue to work hard on the site, and it's yours to do with as you please for sure.... but sometimes, modernization is not a good thing.
  5. Select the npc, type CAF in the console. ​Just found this tidbit of knowledge on MissMorose's mod page. ​http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/? ​ ​DL'ed her file so I can endorse this HERO ;) ​Thank goodness I can stop this idle now... at least it seems to work so far.... used it on Piper and she immediately threw her smoke away.
  6. To those having Instant CTD's on newest Update: I too was having this problem today after updating and checking / cleaning mods. In the end, it was none of my 76 esp's nor any of my 286 Bain Packages via Wrye. It was either my ENB, Shadowboost or Reshade files.... some or all of them I don't know. Not sure which, but the instant CTD's led my thought process to something that immediately has a cause/effect on the game. (dll's / ini's) Not sure which one it was TBH, as I removed all 3 at the same time. Game immediately booted up after removing them and I've played for almost 3 hrs so far...leveled up as well to be sure (as I've seen mentioned here) So.... if you have that issue, this is one more possibility you can check if you are insta-crashing. OH yea, good job Bethesda :) My issues prior were not CTD's, but were texture related / popin's etc and I must say these things are much better for me. Thanks.
  7. In response to post #33571090. #33594520, #33605155, #33614635 are all replies on the same post. Like many, I've been at Beth's games for years.... and overall, they helped me fill in allot of "personal down time". Unfortunately, the "filled down time" was mostly due to the need to spend hours upon hours fixing things... mostly via modders (thanks guys/gals). To date, I've ran through FO4 and most, if not all, quests two times.... and cannot do a third, I just have no interest at all in continuing. I find the content lacking big time, quests are garbage for the most part, hate the companion system all together. There are a few memorable npc's, but most are crap and suk big time. Quest triggers not going off, texture pop ins, tired of having to tweak this, tweak that....forever tweaking. And don't get me started on settlements. If I wanted SIMS, I'd buy SIMS... OK ! I like the concept, but it's way to involved and takes away from any storyline (what storyline). Simply put, WHY must the General build everything, manage everything, fix everything, ... Where are the minuteman, why are they not protecting the settlers ? Why must I rescue every god damn retard settler ? How da cluck do 3 bandits get into a heavily fortified settlement with 20 settlers fully armed and armored....with walls and lasers all over the place and cause issues... lololol.... you get my meaning I am sure. On a POSITIVE note, I've recently been introduced to Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. WOW.... I didn't know what enjoyment, exploration, epic battles, awesome magic and effects were all about.... until now. You guys want a good/great experience.....I'd suggest giving this title a twirl. It's the first time in years for me that a game caught my attention like this one. Goodbye Beth..... like a bad wife, you sucked the life out of me for years.
  8. In response to post #27858364. #27858549, #27859744 are all replies on the same post. Well, I'm certainly no kiddie, nor a whiner. And there seems to be some disconnect with what one hand thinks is going on and what the other knows. I follow twitter with regards to TW3 big time, as that is where Marcin releases info, statements and communicates with the fan base the most. And as such, what has been said above me is fact...according to the tweets. People have all the right in the world as consumers to question what is going on...especially in the face of such differing positions.
  9. In response to post #9098540. Dude, you made me laugh with your last line there. Kudos for you ;)
  10. Though I never personally have issues with such things as I am super careful, my father in fact got nailed with this maybe 2 months ago or so (not here on Nexus). The sad part is, my father, being an elderly man of 73, thought he had done something or went somewhere on the net that got him in trouble. Being afraid of what he saw (FBI), he told nobody and did as it told him. He went out to some corner store and bought something like a money order, came back home, and input the receipt code into the box on that "FBI warning screen". Sure enough, the PC unlocked moments later and he thought all was ok. Unfortunately, not a day later, back came the FBI warning screen locking his PC. This time, he called me and I went down to his home and took a look and was royally pissed off that my old man got hit by this a-hole... Dad being on a fixed income and all. Anyway, I fixed the issue of course and had a long talk with him about such things, and not to fall for anything out here at all. And finally, if he was ever in doubt, please speak with me first before going out and spending his money. Anyway, good job Nexus staff for quickly catching this and correcting it. Now if we could only find the ass who did this, I would love to visit him and introduce him to my form of justice ;)
  11. Man, thanks so much for your investigating this issue as you did and providing the fix. Only got the game a couple of weeks and just finished the DM questline, and didn't understand what or why I was dropping in health constantly. Oh well, I'm now addicted to stimpaks and a few others thanks to this bug, rofl...... off to the doc's place I guess. Again, much thanks.
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