In response to post #33571090. #33594520, #33605155, #33614635 are all replies on the same post. Like many, I've been at Beth's games for years.... and overall, they helped me fill in allot of "personal down time". Unfortunately, the "filled down time" was mostly due to the need to spend hours upon hours fixing things... mostly via modders (thanks guys/gals). To date, I've ran through FO4 and most, if not all, quests two times.... and cannot do a third, I just have no interest at all in continuing. I find the content lacking big time, quests are garbage for the most part, hate the companion system all together. There are a few memorable npc's, but most are crap and suk big time. Quest triggers not going off, texture pop ins, tired of having to tweak this, tweak that....forever tweaking. And don't get me started on settlements. If I wanted SIMS, I'd buy SIMS... OK ! I like the concept, but it's way to involved and takes away from any storyline (what storyline). Simply put, WHY must the General build everything, manage everything, fix everything, ... Where are the minuteman, why are they not protecting the settlers ? Why must I rescue every god damn retard settler ? How da cluck do 3 bandits get into a heavily fortified settlement with 20 settlers fully armed and armored....with walls and lasers all over the place and cause issues... lololol.... you get my meaning I am sure. On a POSITIVE note, I've recently been introduced to Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen. WOW.... I didn't know what enjoyment, exploration, epic battles, awesome magic and effects were all about.... until now. You guys want a good/great experience.....I'd suggest giving this title a twirl. It's the first time in years for me that a game caught my attention like this one. Goodbye Beth..... like a bad wife, you sucked the life out of me for years.