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Everything posted by lamerooster

  1. It'd be nice to not have to report back to the settlement you helped before reporting back to Preston. Being able to report directly back to Preston would be a nice time saver.
  2. Sweeeet - thanks for the info on that! I hope it plays out like you say once the tools come out.
  3. I always went for the eyes in Fallout 1 and 2. : D
  4. Was thinking yesterday it would be cool to see body extremities twitch for a bit after being killed instead of just lying there. This would be like how they show it in the SPECIAL cartoon videos, where fingers/hands and feet (maybe heads?) twitch for a bit after the body dies. My suggestion would be to continue the twitching for a short while, maybe 30 seconds, then cease altogether. Thanks, everyone! Really digging the creative community here. -LR [edit] Other twitch targets: Deathclaw tails, bug wings and antenna, robot appendages (they're on the fritz now), humanoid faces (i.e., cheeks, upper lip, lower eyelids)
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