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Posts posted by NiteBeast

  1. Your reaction to not getting timely help is rather extreme, it's my first time reading it since it was only posted yesterday (a holiday where I live)... and you've already given up in an apparent tantrum? Then decided to insult the people you first asked for help? Most people would probably tell you where to go, some may even wish to draw you a map so you don't get lost along the way but that's about as mature as your comments in my opinion and serves no constructive purpose.


    So, for what it is worth... and not knowing what your original question was, I can say that most 'skin' issues in Skyrim are related to either a texture or a body mod. If you have a discolouration problem it's textures, if you can't see war-paints it's textures. If you have a neck seam that's a body mod or skeleton issue., if you can't see eye brows or eyes are way out of place then it's likely a race mod thing. If the face skin is one colour and the body another it's textures most likely. Regardless, you should just need to re-install the mods that are most likely the ones affected to resolve those issues. Check the mod pages and read-me files for load order information and compatibility. Some may not work together or they may need to be applied in a certain order.


    If your issue isn't in with the one's I've already listed feel free to post your original question and I'll try to help if you still want help.

  2. Have you restarted your computer since last play? You don't have what I would expect to see for FPS hogs, big textures, so that makes me think you might have a piece of software that is running or working incorrectly taking CPU time. I find using the internet (I have a lot of tabs in my browsers) is a good way to have a bad gaming experience.


    Try a reboot and if it still is running slow then try setting up the Skyrim Performance Monitor if you don't have it already. It will give you some vitals for your running environment. It could be power related, hardware failure coming, etc. So important to get information so it can be diagnosed.

  3. Creating mods can be very difficult but rewarding too. I'm a developer by trade but I don't know Lua script so I can't do anything real interesting quite yet but as far as making a follower and some basic dungeons, player homes, it's fairly easy to get into.


    If you've done any CAD or 3D editing it will be easier to pick up. If you've modded other games it will a help. Hit up Youtube and look for creation kit tutorials, DarkFox has some good ones, Bethesda has some good ones as well. They'll get you going at least.


    Good luck!

  4. I'm not familiar with the mod but check the readme, it may require a new skeleton or something that isn't in your load order. I'd also enable Papyrus logging so you can see if the engine is trying to access something in script that is causing the error.


    You've been able to narrow it down to the mod it sounds like so worst case just go without that mod but there's still things to investigate before writing it off.

  5. It's almost certainly not the ENB but one of your mods. A CTD is usually a catastrophic failure of the engine, be it a non-existent resource like a texture or mesh, or an out of bounds error like exceeding memory. My guess is something needed by one mod was overwritten by another, likely related to armour as you mentioned it's the cuirass change that causes the CTD. However, since you also said it's some time after that it could be script related.


    I'd recommend enabling your papyrus logging and taking a look at that after a CTD. Post up the last half or full page of text in the log in you're unsure what to look for and we'll see what we can do.

  6. It's highly unlikely any mod could damage your hardware. I won't say impossible, but it is seriously improbable.


    First the mod needs to break out of the sandbox of the game, or find a way to exploit the sandbox. Then they have to get past the device monitoring circuits that protect most modern video cards. It's why you can overclock these days and when you go too far you'll blue screen or freeze and need a reboot but you won't fry your card outfight.


    If you are having crashes it is far more likely to be related to some other software, driver, antivirus, etc. The running state of the PC when you started the game can also be a factor. If you've just ran a bunch of software for hours then decide to jump into game you may get issues. Reboot before any serious gaming session, and if you are comfortable doing so use something like Game Booster by Razor or manually manage your services. I can play Skyrim for hours on end and rarely CTD or freeze so it is possible, I have 241 mods in my load order currently and I run an ENB.

  7. Yep, it's called 'card crawl'. The change in temperature of turning a PC on and off can make the cards heat up and expand, cool down and shrink. It's ever so slight but over time the cards will actually lift themselves out of their slots. Old school days when chips weren't soldered onto the mobo you could see chips pop right out.

  8. In your Skyrim INI do you have Papyrus logging enabled? If not, add/modify the section (in square brackets) to this:




    Don't remove anything if it's already there, just change values if they are zero. Run Skyrim and you'll get a Log folder added to where your ini is. Wait till you crash then look at the .0 log, the most recent one, scroll to the very end to see what the last stuff logged shows. Let us know what that last chunk of text says if you see any error. Maybe copy a block of text (some above and below the error) and post it up so we can see it.


    CTD is usually either textures, memory pressure, or something else serious... something preventing the game from doing what it is being asked to do. The papyrus log will help if it's script related, I believe it also logs asset access, so if you're missing something it should show there too. I've had something like this after playing for a while and it turned out to be a creature mod, the logs led me right to the problem, was a conflict with another mod, and I was able to get it resolved.

  9. I think you have something wrong with your associations, possibly your bitmaps are corrupt. The format is native to windows, and is part of it's graphical subsystem, every version of Windows can view a bitmap although not all can view a 32 bit bitmap.


    What happens when you try to view it? Please be descriptive and post an image too if you can so we can see it. I mean post one of your BMP files for us to inspect.

  10. Some questions please:


    Do you have any head tracking or 1st person immersion mods?

    Have you installed a new skeleton like XP32's or any animation packages like FNIS?

    Do you notice NPCs with the same problem?

    Do you have any tweaking mods for mining, chopping wood, etc. to get more reward per action... more ore, more wood?

    Have you sorted your load order?


    I've had grief with animations, I had the T pose on almost everything. I ended up doing a manual reinstall of the animation system and mods to get mine working again. I never noticed anything getting better by loading a previous save though. That sounds a lot like script lag and the reload of a save just resets the script engine. After you play for a while it happens again, load... reset and on you go. Can you post your load order or at least a mod count and what your current papyrus settings are in your Skyrim ini?

  11. Yeah, it's a long quest to redo, were you able to console yourself the bow so it's inventory? I don't know why that quest is as buggy as it is but I'm in a new play through now and coming to Dawnguard soon, I'm going to find out if my own advice is worth anything lol.

  12. Try TES5Edit. Install it and when ran it will by default select all your installed mods. Click OK and it will go through and try to load everything and verify game files load properly. If it fails it will tell you why and it's pretty straight forward to resolve.


    Not just a Skyrim thing:


    You can also do Start -> Run -> and Enter "eventvwr.msc".


    This is the Windows event manager and at the very least it should log the crash and what was the faulting module. Let us know what that says if TES5Edit doesn't solve your game problems.

  13. Have any thieves based mods or armour mods that may conflict?


    Skyrim works by a very clever modular format for world objects. I can make a mod to put a custom mesh for a loaf of bread on a particular table without needing anything accept my mesh, textures, and a reference to where I want to put it. In the same way a mod can remove items, it just needs to be loaded after the default content and designed to 'change' what it is/does/etc. If you had an interfering mod it might explain it.


    Beyond that the suggestion to validate your steam cache is about all I can think of to look at.

  14. This quest in Dawnguard is brutal for me. I've had it glitch enemies outside of the map area I'm in, seen them drop through the floor too. I've also had this CTD and I don't think you'll like what I found helped me.


    In my case, because I've done this quest many times now, I spam the button speed up dialog. Turns out with the Brother, the knight you first meet, if there is any discussion that is skipped over too fast it will glitch the quest and either fail to complete or in my case, CTD. I do not know if that is exactly what is happening for you but if you speed up dialog with NPCs it may be. It requires a load of an old save and go back through it all.


    It may just be better to try to console command the setstages to finish up anything left over. This discusses it, different issue but same resolution:




    I've had to do this too. It's a very buggy quest.

  15. Check your default nVidia config. If there is some extra stuff enabled for transparencies... AA, optimization, etc. Try disabling them or use 'application controlled' for that and see if it helps.


    It could also be a bad texture but you mentioned more than just the spider webs, splashes and foam, etc. Are you using an ENB? If so which one?

  16. Use TES5Edit and just run it then click OK. It will go through your whole load order and if it errors it will tell you exactly why, great tool, absolutely essential.


    In my experience crashes are from running out of VRAM more than anything else. You have 4GB so you'd think it would be fine by looking at your load order. I recommend running SKSE through the Skyrim Performance Monitor and see what your resources are like. If you hit 4GB at all you'll CTD. I only have 3 GB and it took a while to get the textures I wanted to use loading without CTD, sicne I have though I rarely crash.

  17. I don't think Fraps has a desktop capture option, which is what you are looking for. If you have a newer nVidia card and ShadowPlay supports it you can set it to capture the desktop, that's how I do my Skyrim grabs. Your other option is to look at something like Camtasia or other desktop capture software and use it for CK and save Fraps for in-game.

  18. Yeah those weren't in the load order Boss found. I'd double check your install folders, make sure NMM is pointing to the correct Skyrim folder or check Steam is pointing to the correct place. There's definitely something not right there with that many mods not showing up.

  19. Could be path related for sure. The path Boss determined to use is only showing the small list you posted. Way less than 123.


    You should see it in your SteamApps/Common/Skyrim folder unless you are using a method to put that on another drive, symbolic links for example. If NMM isn't using that path then it may have installed all your mods to the wrong location.

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