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  1. It's not a quip, it's just being a toxic individual.
  2. Burning down the load orders of users out of spite is not a solution to anything.
  3. It's an improvement but still not good enough, it's still being needlessly obtuse about solving a problem that only began existing two days ago and because Nexus invented it. There is literally no reason to ban patch hubs so long as they have valid permissions, period. The patch hubs requires the free mods to work, too, so why are you treating the very existence of the paid mod as some sort of terminal cancer that invalidates 100% of what is being interacted with by that patch? Just please knock this whole thing off and leave the patches alone. You took one step back after taking five steps forward.
  4. They're effectively the same thing to the end user with a different name but one is being given preferential treatment over the other.
  5. Yeah, not helping. That's how you end up with abandoned mods, much the same way numerous mods were never ported to SE because the authors left the modding scene before SE came out and permissions prevented them from being brought over by others. Additionally, the reason for patches is a conflict between two or more mods. So why is the creator of the VC mod the only one allowed to provide a patch in your example?
  6. No, this isn't a solution. Forcing creators to make their own patches is going to help nobody. Czasior, who spoke earlier in this thread, has done extraordinary work for the community in terms of helping their load orders work together. What you propose is completely cutting volunteers such as him from the process and forcing an expectation on a VC creator that they patch their own mod for literally any other future mod that might that might conflict with it whereas a volunteer with permission might knock it out in an afternoon.
  7. It goes beyond that. A not-insignificant number of compatibility patches are made and released (with permission) by people other than the original mod author. This is just forcing the onus of patching onto the mod authors while locking out many of the contributors making those patches from the process entirely. In addition to compatibility patches, another casualty of this mess will be any NPC replacers, lighting changes and many other cosmetic updates for any VCs. Nexus is throwing the baby out with the bathwater in every conceivable way. This new rule set needs to be constricted to the demo versions and collection requirements, which are reasonable restrictions; the rest of it helps nobody and hurts everybody.
  8. First of all none of this is true so please don't use the word "likely". Second of all Bethesda games are not on BNet.
  9. No, it's an sanctioned distribution of content by the first party publisher of the game. Conflating that with people trying to sell their stuff on the gray market is completely different. Keeping paid mod dependencies out of collections makes complete perfect sense, it's Nexus's sudden war on compatibility patches that is getting them the much-deserved pushback in this thread.
  10. The mod author does not "control the sales", it is literally Bethesda's service and the author must be approved to list it there.
  11. Except that entire FOMOD to patch free content is going to be banned for having a Bards College Expansion patch in it as an option. OP literally stated this.
  12. No, you don't get it, because the compatibility patches that you are free to completely ignore in a FOMOD are free content.
  13. No, but someone who uploads their own mod that includes in the FOMOD an optional compatibility patch for East Empire Expansion will have their upload taken down.
  14. You have argued literally none of these points you're highlighting. You ranted about "splits" for a while and then posted a URL without citing any of it in the context of what you claimed.
  15. Because you don't have any arguments that can be verified or refuted on that page because it doesn't mention any of what you've been claiming. You just thought dropping the Creations URL after your comment was somehow an endorsement of validity.
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