I'm exhausted. I've tried to figure out why there are some blue lines running across my face every time my character moves. Here's a video of the issue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0NgZnf1mEc&feature=youtu.be 1: It's not the video card. I tried it on 2 different ones. They are not overheating, nor is the rest of the system. 2: If I revert to an earlier save, the lines disappear, but will eventually reappear again after visiting Skuldafn. 3: I've tried it with and without mods, therefore, its not the mods. 4: Decreasing resolution, removing shadows and such, lowering detail, and what I thought it was at first, Radial Blur, has no affect. It doesn't do anything to the game play. I can continue playing. It's just annoying. It's VERY noticeable at night and dark places. Anyone can even guess at what this anomaly is? Youtube video link is "youtu.be/Z0NgZnf1mEc" without quotes in case you can't see it in here Thanks!!! '.'