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Everything posted by tastycorpse

  1. Well, screw you, Karma! I'm not giving up!!! Here's a link directly to my vids: http://www.youtube.com/user/silentcheesedude Its the one titled "Skyrim - Strange blue streaks on my face"
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0NgZnf1mEc&feature=youtu.be UGG! still not working in here. If someone can figure out why I have bad luck, please post here. It's Karma, right?
  3. hi, just tried it on 3 diff browsers to go to the link and it works, including ones I am not logged into. You may need to put http:// infront of the link in some browsers? I have no idea why it's not loading in here, though.
  4. WOW your SIS ran Skyrim? The game has to be more flexible than Oblivion ever was... I don't know how well the SIS scored, but it turns out they are still developing those things for intel. Anyways, that intel chip will run like an Nvidia FX 5700, and if you're OK with the low FPS, then by all means, hit those performance mods.
  5. Your PC will not run it with the SIS card I think those chips maxed out at 128-256MB and were slower than some newer Intels. Your Notebook, however, looks like it will run it, but the video is still a tad too slow. Check out this Graphics Card Hierarchy: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gaming-graphics-card-review,3107-7.html See your chipset wayyyyyyyyyy down there? Even on low settings, you should expect no more than 5-10FPS. With an intel, you just can't expect much. I would try to install a video card in your desktop PC. If you need some boosts, check out this video I made to increase performance on skyrim with low system specs: "www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHg7u6cRZ6A" Adding all these gave about a 50-100% increase.
  6. I'm exhausted. I've tried to figure out why there are some blue lines running across my face every time my character moves. Here's a video of the issue: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0NgZnf1mEc&feature=youtu.be 1: It's not the video card. I tried it on 2 different ones. They are not overheating, nor is the rest of the system. 2: If I revert to an earlier save, the lines disappear, but will eventually reappear again after visiting Skuldafn. 3: I've tried it with and without mods, therefore, its not the mods. 4: Decreasing resolution, removing shadows and such, lowering detail, and what I thought it was at first, Radial Blur, has no affect. It doesn't do anything to the game play. I can continue playing. It's just annoying. It's VERY noticeable at night and dark places. Anyone can even guess at what this anomaly is? Youtube video link is "youtu.be/Z0NgZnf1mEc" without quotes in case you can't see it in here Thanks!!! '.'
  7. Hope this hasn't been mentioned a thousand times already, but I'm looking for a mod I swore existed that allowed easier trading between followers. Talking to the follower and bringing up the menu, scrolling all the way down to I Need To Trade, & then going one by one makes it irritating, especially if you have more than one follower. Thanks
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