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Everything posted by t3hf4ll0ut

  1. But, it's not all waste. You have towns EVERYWHERE. And everything is only 3 miles away from each-other! I don't see your point. It's going to take much longer to make it to the next town than it would in vanilla, and the nights would be much worse. Usually forcing you to find some sort of shelter.
  2. You've looked here??? http://cipscis.com/fallout/tutorials/menu.aspx That tutorial can't get any more descriptive my friend. ^-^ If that's too complicated try starting out smaller.
  3. To add a sense of realism. You're a pawn of the wasteland, your odds are slender. Just like it would be if you or me were lost in a giant wasteland.
  4. You're trying to speak for everyone here. I never said I was going to rid of the quests. You'll just spend more time trying to survive the wastes rather than conquer the wastes by completing everyones quests and earning a bunch of money. And to answer your question... Yes. I do anyways. It makes obtaining a gun much more rewarding. When I first started New Vegas, I started out with a 9mm pistol, a caravan shotgun, some fine leather armor, a 9mm sub machine gun, and a laser pistol. So immediately I could of taken over Goodsprings with ease. In Vanilla, I had the wasteland in the palm of my hand. In this mod, I will attempt to do the very opposite. EDIT: And I feel as if we're arguing about this. If nobody wants to play this mod, fair enough, but this is mostly out of my own personal motivation anyways. ^-^
  5. I'm not really sure you can change the currency. Maybe with a ton of scripting you could completely redo the barter/purchasing system, but that's a little drastic. But if I do go through with this the currency will be drastically changed. Nuka Colas will be about 70-75% more scarce than usual and caps will be harder to earn. Weapons, Food, and Clothing will also be much more expensive. Which means when you find a few caps on a dead body it's way more rewarding. It really makes you think about how you should preserve your money. Regarding the people talking about Lore. If it's too dangerous for a person to be out in the open during a nuclear war and houses are still destroyed and vaults are destroyed, what makes you think weapons would be perfectly fine? Like I said, it's not like I'm removing weapons from the game. It just makes them way more scarce. You have more of a 2-5% chance of finding a firearm wielding NPC. Rather than a bunch of wastelanders running around toting missile launchers and grenade launchers and hunting rifles. About the main quest. The plan of this is to make you focus so much on survival (KEYWORD OF THIS MOD: SURVIVAL) that quests, especially the main quest, will be the last thing on your mind.
  6. Since Fallout 3, I always thought of the "wasteland" pretty forgiving. I could walk around with my big bad guns and kill pretty much anything that tried to bother me. Hell, I'd even get bored and go kill super mutants with my hands. I always thought something was missing. Then I saw the movie The Road. I'm sure some of you have seen it. I thought, "What if Fallout was like this?". Weapons: I began thinking about the weapons in Fallout. Think about it. If there was a NUCLEAR DISASTER, how many weapons would really be available?? How would wastelanders such as fiends and khan's get a hold of so much functional weaponry?? So what if you finally reach level 15+, you have enough caps gathered to buy a beat up .32 pistol & some ammo. That .32 pistol makes you lord of the jungle because very very few people would be rich enough to own a hand gun. Every time you pull out your gun fiends drop their weapons, surrender, and run in fear of being shot because their rusty pipes and junk knives are no match for your devastating .32 revolver. One shot to the back is all it takes to drop a fiend on it's anus. But ammo doesn't come cheap either. Because just like the weapons, it's scarce. So 1,000 caps for a single 6-bullet box of .32 ammo will really make you think of who you should use your mighty pistol on. Now Energy Weapons? Energy Weapons are so rare that most people don't even believe the fact that they exist. Only very, very few people would have an Energy Weapon. Quests, Food, & Time: In Hardcore mode, I thought that the "Needs" were a bit unbalanced and very odd because I would find myself eating 6-7 brahmin steaks before being barely full. Drinking 6+ bottles of purified water to quench my thirst. But I also realized that food was literally everywhere. Even in places where you normally wouldn't find food. So what if food was scarce? And very few vendors sold it for an exaggerated price. Your survival depends on food. Not the power of your arsenal. If a realistic "Needs" system was implemented it would need to be based off the regular 24-hour day. But could be shortened to 12-hours but you might find yourself eating and drinking quite a bit more like in the vanilla. Quests. Seem impossible with these odds huh? That's why the pay and reward for completing a single quest will be so rewarding that you might not need to go back out and scavenge for food for a day or two. NPCs: After meeting Tom ( I think that was his name? ) the man with the star bottle cap necklace, it made me wonder, "What if there were more encounters like this?". After playing through the game multiple times, I've only found that and a few more encounters. Now, in a radiated wasteland, people tend to go a bit crazy. So how many strange people do you think you'd find wandering around the wastes? Certainly more than what we were presented with. Conclusion: Now... these are just ideas. I'm an amateur modder, but I'm sure I could complete this if I put enough time and effort into it. Now, the only thing I want from this forum is a few ideas I could implement. So... any ideas?
  7. Well, I've fixed it. Instead of having multiple quests, I just used quest stages and for some reason that fixed it. But one last question, is there a way to add leveled item lists to a characters inventory directly???
  8. Did you read and follow the instructions to search for VCG01 as suggested by RickerHK above? "I use quest scripts for message box menus a lot. Usually with a quest delay of .033, so there's no problem there. But in the gamemode block of any script, you have to guard sections of it like tunaisafish said. As far as VCG01 starting back up - I think by referencing it also includes if there is another script or dialog result script that sets a stage for VCG01 - it will start back up if not running. In the Geck, try searching for VCG01 and see where it turns up." Yes, I did, I pretty much disabled everything I've seen having to do with the VCG01 Quest. When I play through the starting quest all the triggers are broken, since I disabled them, he skips the Vigor tester since I disabled that. I've unticked Must Complete from all of the Packages regarding Doc standing by the bed, sitting in the chair etc. He doesn't even sit in his chair anymore, he just stands there and talks to you.
  9. The two GameMode blocks are fixed, but the main problem has yet to be fixed. I still have the VCG01 starting up and my menu shows up but it when I click Assassin it doesn't do what I'm wanting it to do. It just continues the original doc mission. Only difference now is that the menu shows up once thanks to DoOnce.
  10. I've checked, but haven't found anything that would be a failsafe for the Quest yet.
  11. Hi, I've been trying to make my own personal little new start mod. To do so, I made a new Quest ( we'll call it altCG00 ) and I ticked Start Game Enabled, while at the same time unticking Start Game Enabled for the original VCG01 where you wake up in front of Doc. I then added a script to altCG00 along the lines of this: scn SCRIPTYDIPTY int iButton BEGIN GameMode ShowMessage altCG00message END BEGIN GameMode set iButton to GetButtonPressed if iButton == -1 Return elseif iButton == 0 startQuest altCG00Assassin endif END Which I initially intended to make a menu pop up before the game starts asking you to pick an option ( in this example there's only one ) which starts another quest ( in this example altCG00Assassin ). and for Quest Stage 0, I put under result script; StopQuest VCG01. To stop the original quest where you wake up infront of doc. The script attached to altCG00Assassin: scn altCG00AssassinScript int iStage BEGIN GameMode if iStage == 0 player.additem OutfitBoSScribe 1 set iStage to 1 elseif iStage == 1 player.additem WeapNVThrowingKnife 23 set iStage to 2 elseif iStage == 2 player.additem WeapKnifeAssassin 1 set iStage to 3 endif END Which simply adds weapons/items to the player upon arrival of the new location. (or should anyhow) and under index 0 in the Quest Stages for the quest altCG00Assassin, I put player.moveto XMarkerAssassinLocation. NOW TO THE POINT: None of this works. The menu shows up, but I still go to the bed where you get up in front of Doc. The menu shows and when I press Assassin it continues the Doc quest for awhile and the menu pops up again. Press it again. Same results. For some reason it's not wanting to start my Assassin quest which SHOULD, if I scripted it correctly, move my player to the new location. So what's wrong here? Why is the Doc quest still going rather than my new one??? Thank-you in advance to anyone who took the time to read my thread, I hope you have a solution!
  12. Hi, lately I've been playing around with scripting and recently I have been trying to find the most stable method of starting the character in a completely new area. Usually this is done by editing the first quest in the game, but that can prove to be a bit unstable if not done perfectly. I've opened up a few of the Alt. Start mods for NV but all of them seem to edit the vanilla quest. So basically, what I'm asking, is if anyone knows and good clean methods of making an alternate start mod. Any ideas???
  13. Every time I try to download from premium servers it directs me to the Purchase Premium page. :( Why?
  14. I really hope this won't be cancelled. The video looks so damn good. If you're planning on cancelling the mod, at least upload what you have now.
  15. Over the months I've been really nailing down on scripting and I find it hard scanning through the entire FO3 Mod Talk to look for threads specifically going over scripts. I think it would be nice for each of these games to have a section devoted to scripts for the game. That way you have every thread regarding scripting in that one little section when trying to find references or helping new scripters. And if I can remember correctly, IPB allows unlimited subcategories, so Scripts could be a subcategory of (Game) Mod Talk
  16. Okay, so I kinda got bored today and had nothing to do so I just started writing random scripts. I want to try something when I get home, but to save time I want to make sure this script works before I get home. scn 10mmLoadingScript ;Defining Objectives int GunCheck ;Taking gun from player and placing it on table Begin OnActivate player set GunCheck to player.GetItemCount Weap10mmPistol == 1 If GunCheck == 1 Then player.RemoveItem Weap10mmPistol elseif GunCheck == 0 Then ShowMessage 01NoWeap endif end
  17. I don't know why, but this kinda already has me sold. Nothing is better than a friendly civilian. :')
  18. Any word on the animations/skeletons in the game? Every single Bethesda Game had a problem with running and walking animations. =[
  19. EDIT: I fixed the building problem! Buildings are now there. Turns out I messed up on installing the resources for Better Cities. But I still have some yellow exclamation marks on the ledges and signs like in Screenshot 1! I just got done installing a bunch of mods over a clean install of Oblivion. And since then everythings been haywire. I obviously relied on years of modding rather than a ReadMe, which was my first mistake. Anywho, I have a few screenshots of the mods I have installed and a few example of missing meshes in Bravil. Screenshot: http://i55.tinypic.com/nyfart.png Mods: http://i56.tinypic.com/bhnayq.png Most of it seems like missing town meshes. But I have Better Cities Resources installed. So I'm stumped. So I came here to maybe see if someone knew which meshes were missing from which mod? Thanks in advance to anyone who knows, and I'll surely +kudos to whoever helps solve my problem.
  20. Do the developers force you to use mods? No. Personally, I love Mods. Every single type. Nude mods make the game more realistic imo, because when you strip someone of their clothes, you literally strip someone of their clothes. It's not like I go around beating it to dead corpses. Although you shouldn't have a problem even if I did. I tend to avoid the HUGE bussoms mods, but hey, it's all up to personal choice. If you don't like those YouTube videos, don't watch them. Simple as that. I find it pretty selfish that you want modding to be banished simply because you get "depressed" over how people "ruin" their games with their own personal preference.
  21. Yeah, this is the template I have saved in my scripts, so I forgot to change iStage to XXX2, but in the actual GECK script XXX2 is replaced with iStage. I'm trying to get it to do a bit more then an average alt start mod so other mods won't really do me any use. I'll keep doing a trial and error for now.
  22. Yeah, I've changed it. This seems to only be a problem with all Invision boards, not just this site in particular, so it probably wouldn't do any good troubleshooting it.
  23. I'm not sure what you mean by "portable vault"... To make a portable vault in-game would require heavy scripting. In the GECK it's a different story. It's actually quite simple and Bethesda actually made a fully detailed tutorial on how to make your own vault. They included videos and a written tutorial.
  24. From what I've learned there's not a palette that allows you to do this. However; There's a light called flame barrel which has the fire and barrel all involved. How to make these is beyond me, but I'm pretty sure you'd have to do something involving model editing.
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