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Everything posted by t3hf4ll0ut

  1. Haha, thanks for the Vagrant. Being an American, I actually agree with most of your views. It just ticks me off when people throw out the American hate speech on how stupid everybody is just because they were born in America. Btw, if I was sending in an online application I'd probably revise my typing, because then I'd actually have a reason for people to believe I'm well sophisticated.
  2. Wasn't aware of the "entering it twice" thing. Thanks!
  3. Countless times I've imported my weapons perfectly, texture, model, all of it. I just always have troubles with the sound! It never works. I have both the 2D and 3D sounds in but when I shoot in-game it makes no noise at all. (Just the bullet penetration of walls etc.) No actual gunfire. I've copied vanilla weapon sound settings exactly. I must be doing SOMETHING wrong.
  4. t3hf4ll0ut


    Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots? Don't come back with a clever comment that points out my spelling or grammar and any of that asorted bs. I don't revise anything I'm typing because I don't find it very important on forums. Just give me your honest opinion.
  5. Thanks for your help, didn't realize I needed to do that. :thanks: Btw, I do expect you to believe it. Fallout 3 gets corrupted or damaged all of the time. NifSkope doesn't. Plus I format often.
  6. Not to be mean, and I know you're new, but how do all of you people miss that forum? It's like... right infront of your face.
  7. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. My second choice be MGS3: Subsistence. All of the MGS series are my favorite. MGS4 however has a brilliantly thought out storyline, making you feel like you're the protagonist in a blockbuster movie. It's simply the best game I've ever played by far. Metal Gear Online compliments that aswell.
  8. Nope. I've installed NifSkope and Fallout 3 countless times and it always worked. I've had Windows 7 for about a month and a half now. Nifskope = installed twice a month Fallout 3 = installed like four times a month
  9. Whenever I try to Load a fallout 3 .nif I get a list of errors and the mesh is just a tiny circle. NifSkope has worked tons of times for me before and I can't seem to figure out why it's doing this now. Can somebody help me out?
  10. Gizmo stood up and walked out behind Calliton and Nazuna scratching his head. "What's going on, why you bein' so pushy?"
  11. "We're in some sort of 'human preservation' room. I don't know what sick b*stard is doing this to people and I don't really feel like finding out." As soon as Jason is finished speaking a sliding door opens nearby. A small blue-green creature walks out from the smoke. His eyes were big and black as night and his hands were long and thing. "Wh-what the hell?!" Jason starting stepping back away from the creature.
  12. "Did any of you even hear that bang? The one before jon got here?" Gizmo sat there with a pout face and his arms crossed.
  13. "That's what I'd like to know too. Lucky for us my pod was sabatoged... but I don't know by whom. We should get a few more people out of these pods. Just pull the nitrogen tubes out from the bottom left of them and try not to inhale." Jason said in a desperate voice. "Hopefully we can find a way off of this 'thing' once we're done." Jason pulls out yet another tube from a freeze pod.
  14. About 10 minutes after Jon left, Gizmo, who was snoring very abruptly, awakens to a huge bang coming from the side of the building. He jumps up and falls off of the rock he was resting on. He opens his eyes and notices Jon isn't around. "Uhh, Calliton? Was that you?" Gizmo asked in a frightened voice.
  15. "If you really don't want me to, then I'll just go to sleep now. Night everybody." Gizmo kicked his legs up on a rock and closed his eyes.
  16. Zeno-X21 [Codename: Craft 21] Chracter Sheet Name: Age: Physical Apperance: Occupation before abduction: Skills & Knowledge: Personality: The Story A small team of middle class citizens must find a way to make it out of what appears to be an alien spaceship alive. Can this small band of humans work to escape the mighty alien race? Or will they just be mutilated for testing? The Rules -This is a PG-13 rated RP -No Spamming -Stay on Topic -You can't kill off another players character unless approved by the other player. -Anything that does not follow the story line should be clearly defined as off topic. -Have Fun! My Character Sheet Name: Jason Springs Physical Apperance: Clothing: Polo Shirt, Blue Jeans, Black Dress Shoes, Messy brown hair. Physical: 6 ft 1 inches, 188 lbs. Age: 20 Occupation before abduction: Doctor in training Skills & Knowledge: Studies medicine, several awards in hunting competitions (Small Guns), used to be a part time therapist Personality: Kind-hearted, patient, disgusted by junkies [+] On Topic Jason fell from the pod with a huge gasp of breath as if he had just stopped breathing for 5 minutes. He looked around a bit trying to regain his thoughts. It took 5 seconds for him to notice something wasn't right... rows upon rows of pods lined up in a perfect even order. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. All of the filled with people frozen to death. Jason had noticed a tube had been pulled from his pod which stops the nitrogen from reaching the pod. He had to think of something fast, and that was pulling other captive's nitrogen sources so he wouldn't be alone. He walked over to a pod and ripped out the nitrogen tube. The pod slowly started to quiet down and the captive returned to their normal state. [-] Off Topic The captive who Jason just released should be the next character to join in.
  17. [-] Off Topic I was starting off from when he entered the building and asked for food. [+] On Topic "Alright then, nighty night. I can take a look at your arm if you'd like?"
  18. [-] Off Topic I'll continue with Gizmo. [+] On Topic "The name is Gizmo... and by the look of your arm I think I can upgrade it with some new features and even stablize it. But it's going to cost you... say I can stay with you guys?"
  19. Whenever I'm walking across the wasteland I usually come accross a RoboBrain flying across the map hitting rocks and trees and not stopping for a good while. I was curious as to what caused this, and as soon as I looked around a large rock a deathclaw was jumping into my face. Me, only having a 10mm pistol, had to run like hell.
  20. What about the kamakazi AI of the Raiders and Super Mutants? It's pretty annoying when a raider comes up and shoots at the ground blowing up not only you, but him, his partner, and his dog. I doubt a raider would actually do that. Not to mention they're infinite missiles. PS. Could we please stop the back and forth fighting? I understand it's a roast, but it's not a flame war.
  21. Would ending effects call for a timer? Or is there a simple command that can end the effect (like blurring, shaking, etc.) like after entering a door it ends?
  22. Hey Cipscis. Thought this was worth learning and anybody I've asked doesn't know about effects. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=144749
  23. Judas sounds like a fairly good name. I can picture him now... thin beard and medium tanned skin. One of the loners. Ex-slave... you get the point.
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