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Everything posted by direwolf34

  1. Thanks Danaman and Kelleth I'll update the list. Also I can say that now with the beta being live I have had no new issues, it looks like whatever broke in the beta didn't repeat itself or grow worse with the beta now live, I am still stable. I guess that was one good thing about those of us that did opt into the beta we got a head start dealing with this mess :smile: For those new to reading this post, one quick dirty way to see if yours is a texture issue, Drag your entire texture folder to your desktop or somewhere out of the data folder. If your previously unloadable save works, then you got a nasty texture hiding in there. Location specific crashes can be tested the same way, just get close to the problem zone, save, move the texture file, load the save and see if you crash.
  2. It's not just Dogmeat, its all of them, Piper has really BAD BAD habit of crossing in front of me when im laying down a long burst from my Minigun. Danse isn't any better, and he of all people SHOULD know better. I believe it has more to do with the AI and there path finding then anything specific to Dogmeat.
  3. Here is a complied list of textures known to be causing CTD's with the 1.3 Beta Patch. (Now it's live, wish I could edit the topic ) Where it was posted, I have included the mods name, and the type of crash it caused, and where is applicable. At this point, thanks to Steve40 we have a little more information to work with. Also keep in mind these are not set in stone, some have also reported running some of these mods without any CTD's. If you find a texture not listed here add it, and I will update the list accordingly. You can remove these textures and still keep the mod active, just remember with the texture file removed anything that is associated with that texture will not render properly. Mod: Eye's of Perfection Texture: eyebrown_n.dds Crash: Unable to load a save without CTD Mod: Female Vaultsuit simple recolor-Black Texture: vaultsuit111_d.dds Crash: Unable to enter Powerarmor, and caused a CTD around the Malden area, and the Gunner skybridge near the Poseidon Reservoir. Note: I was not wearing the vaultsuit at the time, it was stored away in Sanctuary Mod: Post-Apocalyptic Walls for Sanctuary Texture: roofmetal03_d.dds Crash: CTD in cell where texture was rendered. Note: Version that removes leaf litter. Mod: Grafix Texture Overhaul Texture: ToasterPreWar_d.dds Texture: ToasterPreWar_n.dds Texture: ToasterPrewar_s.dds Crash: CTD when accessed from the workshop menu Mod: Gore Overhaul Texture: gorebasebits_s.dds Texture: gorehumanhead_n.dds Crash: Unable to load save. Also Random CTD's (Goodneighbour was mentioned, other area's likely ) Mod: FO4_Bishu Osafune Texture: Not Specified Mod: Grafix Texture Overhaul Texture: Toaster_n.dds Texture: Toaster_s.dds Texture: Toaster.d.dds Crash: Random CTD (probably when it had to be rendered in a cell) (The toaster from Big Mountain take's it's revenge lol) Note: Normal and Spectural's maybe fine its the Diffuse file causing the CTD. Mod: Pre-Apocalyptic Walls for Sanctuary Texture: PAW with leaves (exact .dds file not mentioned) Crash: CTD at Super Mutant Camp near Bunker Hill Mod: Unknown Texture: CigarSingle_d.dds Texture: CigarSingle_g.dds Texture: CigarSingle_n.dds Mod: Unknown Texture: Flag01_d.dds Texture: Flag01_n.dds Texture: Flag01_s.dds Texture: PreWarFlag01_d.dds
  4. Thanks Eraser, I'm about to post a new topic with a list of textures we have so far, I'll update the list to include what you have there. @JujooGuppy I get what your saying, and this whole thing is just plain weird how can a texture that is working fine in the prior patch throw a monkey wrench into it with beta, I don't have the tools though to really trouble shoot the textures themselves but I want to play the game with the improvements the beta is giving, so like the Mr. handy in vault 101 I'm amputating the leg to fix the sprained toe. Also like you, I'm worried the beta will go live and blow everything up. Now as for someone taking it as evidence I'm sure your right some will, but I don't think so, I mean if they wanted to do that I'm sure it wouldn't be just a texture here or there, I think it would be a little more massive LOL. Beth is like us right now, they are in debug mode, they have things they need to fix, and sometimes it breaks things on our end, and so we fix that hehehehe, and the cycle of modding life continues. @Steve40 Hmm, now I wonder where the textures always like that and Patch 2.(insert number) didn't care and could use them in that state, or did the beta do it. A few authors have looked at their files and on there end everything is ok. So something in the middle is scrambling things up at that rate. I also have included a quote of your post and what you have found in my list of textures topic
  5. Here is another texture to the list. This one was causing me to CTD around Malden. Mod: Female Vaultsuit simple recolor-Black Texture: vaultsuit111_d.dds Tomorrow I'll edit my original post with a list of the texture's and if they where posted what mods they are in to help others find which ones may be causing them the trouble faster.
  6. Updated to the newest beta patch when I got home from work today. Been playing for a few hours now, with no ill effects. So far it looks like this patch is safe, at least for me. Will try returning the eyebrown_n.dds texture tomorrow and see if its stable now or not, don't really want to meddle with it tonight. EDIT: Correction I cant enter power armor, even after removing the textures I still cant, will have to work on troubleshooting that tomorrow I guess. Also while I was at it, I tried eyebrown, and it still produces a CTD for me as well. So the update to the beta didn't fix anything involving the texture thing after all.
  7. So I downloaded the beta patch and like a lot of other people I couldn't load a save. The launcher would fire normally, and I could start loading a save but right when the game would come up, poof CTD. After checking around I saw others post that a mods textures was, or could cause the crash, so I left all mods active but moved my texture folder to my desktop. Whoot it loaded fine. So I returned the texture file and started removing textures one at a time till the game loaded. It not one certain mod causing it because the posts found referenced a mod I never used or downloaded. For me the offender was Eye's of Perfection. I was curious if it was all the eye textures or just one causing the crash so I started testing by adding one single eye texture back, at a time. My cuprite was the eyebrown_n.dds texture. The mod worked fine and the game loaded until I added that texture back. If you are using this mod, and getting a CTD try removing that single texture file and hopefully it will work for you to. To everyone else having a CTD after installing the beta (and has the patience to test it one at a time) try removing all your textures( DONT delete them just move them out of the data file while you test), and then adding them back one mod at a time, once your offender is found, try and see if it's just one texture that's causing your problem. With luck you'll be like me and find its just one texture you can remove, and still keep the mod active.
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