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About Tommybaucus

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  1. I just set the Skyrim.Prefs in the INI editor in Mod organizer for my ENB True Vision. All should be good. However, I get this monstrosity. cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/32976139880561382/FDD68DBDCB12E06970BACDD3CFA0BF1B3196064A/ While I should get this picture. True Vision ENB launched from steam. cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/32976139880701734/BE2E938649293798EE0721DCD1CC8F629406203E/ Honestly, am I messing anything up or is Mod Organizer Ini configuration just odd? I set both Prefs (in the data folder and my MO profile) to the author's suggestions. bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 iBlurDeferredShadowMask=5 (use this setting if you have your shadows set to "Ultra" in the SkyrimLauncher) I just don't know why I can never seem to get the mod organizer in configurations to work correctly....
  2. I'm looking for a youthful face and clear skin. If anyone may tell me their combo, I would be most appreciative.
  3. I don't know how difficult this would be ( I imagine there are several texure.dds files). But, would someone do something like this? :x Purple is unrealistic and lowers my immersion :sad:
  4. http://i.imgur.com/PxkSLGa.png I know this mod exists on the Nexus, as I've seen it a few days ago when I was searching for projectile mesh replacing strategies. However, I don't remember the identify of the mod. Is this mod familiar to anyone?
  5. Alright, so I have the unpacked Textures.... I am familiar with 3ds Max and can export and import files at will (lol). However, I'm stuck at this stage of Nifscope version 1.1.3 http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac197/93baucus/iceball_zpsfea36cff.png~original Basically, what I want to do is, take this chunk of ice, and shoot it at someone as a projectile :/ projectile settings are on the CK, I just need to figure out how to get the game to treat this as a projectile. I have the unpacked textures... however, I have no idea how to apply them. Don't say the render option, game paths/ it obviously doesn't work lol. Please don't skip steps... anyways, since I don't have a texture connected to the Ice Ball, it's kinda invisible ingame. Very annoying :/
  6. More specifically, the spell projectile missile icicle 1 mesh. I downloaded everything including 3ds max and nif scope, the plugins, but I don't know where the main Skyrim meshes are located..... I'm using steam... Do I have to import from the Creation Kit or something to Nif Scope? Nif Scope isn't picking up any original Skyrim files.... and the guides seem to think this step is easy so they don't really explain it. they make it sound like the Nif files just appear in Nif Scope lmao. Anyways, i'll be back on in 5 hours or so... Night :) I'm going to make a giant freaking Ice Berg projectile if it kills me :/
  7. Ok, I'll go look for the descriptors :smile: thanks man
  8. I already got my custom Pokemon Ice Beam Attack ready... however, and 16 bit WAV files for the Charging, and release sounds. However, I can't figure out for the life of me on how to upload them in the first place to the AudioCategoryMag. Please explain custom audio step by step. I am very unfamiliar with how this program works "head desks".
  9. I want to go from this.... http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/579012216256731024/1507F7EEF3521E504D705BFF3AA9510EA654BE50/ to this... http://static2.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/20781-4-1382414939.jpg My specs can handle it....... Anyways, I downloaded the binary files and extracted them to the Skyrim Folder I download the main ENB files and optional files and extracted them to the Skyrim Folder I'm using Bronze's Skyrim/Data mod for CoT... Skyrimpref is right enblocal Max FPS is 40 and the parameter is 12288. AA is off.. Darkness is all the way down I have every mod except for paralaxing and static meshes that he recommends... Yet it looks like this? http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/579012216256731024/1507F7EEF3521E504D705BFF3AA9510EA654BE50/ Did I extract the main files wrong or something? http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac197/93baucus/skyrimdata2_zps579d491f.png
  10. Haha, I found the problem area :x Snow and Ice textures. I disabled the winter Climates of Tamriel (thereby removing snow replacement textures in river wood) It loads just fine. Hmmm, thanks Jeir, I need to look into it more. Hmmm crashed anyways....... just walking by the area around white run. Hmmm, will check.
  11. I've just checked the TES5 editor again and one of my armor mods seemed to have like 50 errors >.> time to fix it. Thanks again by the way, I'll let you know when I fix it!
  12. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1V2hLTh3lSt3-36m7ifBwWGymRvVZ8rhVGWMZZX4m5JU/edit What's the difference between Esm and Esp files btw? ANyways, I'll be back in three hours or so max :x Thanks, I'll download the patches and stuff later.
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