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About slytheran

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  1. got it to work but my game crashes when i put the stuff on
  2. yeh i been trying that and it tells me missing parameter object id
  3. missing parameter obect id i dont know what that means someone please help me i dont know what im doing.
  4. Ok im trying to use the ebony skull armor i think i installed it and i go to console and type help "ebony skull" and it show some things but it dosent give me the armor. How do i actually get the armor from the mod to equip? Am i missing a addon or something.
  5. Im not sure what im doing wrong im trying to dl the mod that makes all of the females nude. I dl chsbhc bbp or something and so far it only makes my character naked when i take off her armor. What mod or mods do i need to get all the other females naked.
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