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About TakaraPRG

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  1. I can't really tell what you meant by some of this. But did you check the plugins tab up top and make sure the mods were turned on before reinstalling them? I've seen it very rarely turn them all off. make sure the ini is not read only for NMM as well.
  2. It's well put together, but a little busy for my tastes. Eveything has plants everywhere and it doesn't feel very falloutish if that makes any sense? Don't let my comment distract you though. It's just a personal preference thing. You did a hell of a job with all that work and I think ya did pretty damn well. Just wasn't my cup of tea. I built up red rocket in my main game to be a fortress but it's nothing very big. But I spent a good few days time putting it together. My current game I set up Jaimaca plains. But I'm not done with finishing touches.
  3. Early one it's a big boon. But later in the game it's unnecessary. Mostly Medx. And or Jet...psycho is of limited use if ya ask me. I've found the best early game melee weapon is a serrated combat knife. It's just so fast and the bleed stacks up so much you can really mess people up. You shouldn't have much of an issue using this. Plus if you have a high agility you can work on the perk that makes you harder to hit and have high damage resistances well sprinting. This got me to level 20 with minimal drug usage. That said it's always advisable to keep a gun handy just to give yourself time to heal damage in harder modes. You can break off and heal and pop in and out of cover.
  4. I to have found this site to be a great boon to gameing and a positive community as a whole. Which is why I decided to throw some money at it in thanks. If ya feel that strongly I suggest ya offer a few bucks! They make your games better! They do it for free. since up till now I've not done any modding I figured it was the least I could do to support the place.
  5. I did well...I wasn't a sneaky char and was beating deathclaws down with my super sledge in survival mode :P
  6. after looking at your list it's could be your homemaker patches or extendedLightsWS.esp depending on what that does. CTD in the build menu like that is generally the result of two mods using the same item number on two different numbers. See what mods do you have that would clash there.
  7. Seriously after the second one I turned to see who was throwing them...and it was him. Like RIGHT in my face >.<
  8. I was fighting some ghouls...me and Hancock were killing em good...then Hancock gets it in his head to start tossing Molotovs. Well the first one hit the ghoul next to me and I lived. BUT THEN....he seriously throws like four more...back to back! TOSS TOSS TOSS TOSS....then my slowmotion death as the fire cooks me up....sad face...sadface Hancock!
  9. I recall from another post you have Homemaker? I know homemaker splits the light section into four subsections. The last which is just lights Misc is candles and barrels as you describe. Well the first three are Ceiling/surface, Wall, Floor, lights. If you can't see these under the light section there must be a clash with another mod. Unless you installed it manually? Then there may have been misplaced files. PS I don't see homemaker on your mod list.
  10. Meh there are a few things with the weather that annoy me. A) Player built structures don't block the rain. Everything inside gets shiny and wet. Nor do you get to hear the sound of rain on the roof. B) If I'm inside an enclosed room with doors Rad storms should be less effective or negated. One could make the argument depending on the radiation type given off by the storm it may get through. But honestly I just feel it's a reason to hunker down. I should get protection instead of being able to much march around in it with no downside.
  11. I think I know exactly what your problem is. I had this. Do you have the mod Homemaker and the Craftable Pillars ? It is a clash between the two mods due to the fact http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7917/? puts them in the Misc structures area. Which has something in the same location as Homemaker. If they were in Wooden Buildings Misc it would work alright. Basically it's just a clash between Homemaker and Craftable Pillars. DD (the craftable pillar mod author) won't change it so you will just have to do with out it or homemaker.
  12. Haha, that game element is as OP as MacReady's max'ed trait :ninja: Speaking of that trait, I'm surprised Bethesda hasn't fixed that yet. It's game breaking OP. Sometimes I have to resist using it...I just liked McREady and wanted to finish his story. Then I got it and I was like WTF O.o It make survival mode a little easy!
  13. I as fairly disappointed when I shot down my first vertibird and didn't get any loot. They should have Aluminum Fiberoptics Copper Gears *some kind of ammo* Circuit boards of some kind. Not all of these all the time...but a random mix of them. Even the prewar crashed ones should have some kind of lootable stuff.
  14. I was thinking this...but I've yet to encounter one myself and beat the game at level like 50 twice O.o
  15. It is a valid suit of under clothing throughout the game. The key is using the armor pieces. You can wear other armor ontop of it. For example when you kill raiders or people and they have leather legs/arms/chest you can put those on. You still wear the vault suit and it adds their armor values to your suit for that limb. There are suits of armor that take up your whole body however. The vault suit can be upgraded to increase it's energy and Radiation protection as well depending on your level of armor smithing. ALL that said....you can look up the mod "Armorsmith Extended." It ill let you add ballistic weave directly to your vaultsuit. Which will increase it's physical protection.
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