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  1. Depends on what the mods requires. Usually if a mod requires a specific game update you can often find that information on the mod's page. Many mods also require SKSE to work (I don't know if that's the case with the mods you're using though). But if you're using SKSE you should know that the externder's versions have a corresponding game version requirement. So if you want to keep SKSE up to date you must have the latest game version. For older versions of SKSE you must use an older version of the game (this is usefull for example when a new game patch is released but the SKSE hasn't been updated yet). About the specific mods you mention I'm not sure since I don't use any of them, but I believe SkyRe is a fairly complex mods and these tend to mess up with a lot of things. I'd be surprised if it didn't use SKSE or wasnt dependant on game version. But like I said you should be able to check the mod's page for the requirements.
  2. Ninjas don't need shields! If he's not detected, he doesn't need a shield. If he's detected he's not a ninja! xD
  3. http://www.wizards.com/magic/images/whatcolor_iswhite.jpg I'm not really dogmatic but meh...close enough.
  4. There's a mod in the hot spot, (or was, in the last couple of days) that allows you to manipulate facial expressions. Let me see if I can find it. Here it is: Click me. Its not so much a mod but more of a guide as how to change facial expressions using console commands. Hope it helps.
  5. Exactly, the little things also contribute to the picture in the end.
  6. There may be several reasons to endorse a mod. I most certainly would not consider complexity an essential aspect for endorsement. Like it has already been debated a few pages back. All it takes is an enjoyable mod or a basic mod that contributes a lot to "whatever". Personally I found that the Randy Savage mod was less funny even though a bit more complex (possibly due to the fact that it's comedy style wasn't as subtle). But then again that's just my personal opinion. Much like you have yours. But I don't judge other people's opinion's or their right to have them or express them (even though I may not agree with them all).
  7. @Dyflinn432 Lol, thats some hardcore RP you got going there xD. However I like the idea of sharing profits with the followers. Had never thought of it.
  8. You have very little faith in this community's judgment ability. Sure thing a lot of "joke" mods have been made and cabbage in a pot wasnt the first nor the last. Some have been taken down and others never got many votes for varied reasons. Even though that Wrestler dragon mod did. I believe it has even become file of the month at some point or close to it. I actually found it. It's called Macho Dragons. The video for it and here is the link on the nexus. Now the point you raise is what should be considered a joke and what shouldn't. And if being a joke (but non the less a mod) should be basis for a removal.
  9. @miki990 This thread wasn't about the mod itself but about the reasons as to why it was removed.
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