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About starfis

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  1. We were told that it is because a lot of people are browsing on phones, which make perfect sense since you can't use mods on mobiles so why not prioritize mobile noodle look, right?
  2. https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-buys-zenimax-media-bethesda-xbox-game-studios What do you think is it going to mean for the future of Elder Scrolls and Fallout? I guess for us, PC users it is a lot better than if it was bought by SONY which was supposed to be also eyeing it.
  3. Returning in my own footsteps helped i guess because I've actually found the source of my problem! The Waterplants! Disabling that fixed everything. Thank you for your time.
  4. Nope, I was stupid even after all these years of moding, but I had no plans to go back to these saves so I've risked it without checking it everytime. And it never happened to me before. But I still think that the main menu should at least load. Now I'm removing these additions mod by mod and still nothing. I've even removed some SKSE plugins which were working before like Quick Loot. It has to be something outside of the load order.
  5. That's the problem. Like I said, I didn't really add any obscure mods from loverslab, tumblr or some chinese or russian pages I don't understand :wink:. I've just removed couple of armor mods I wasn't using, some mods by Enai and replaced Apocalypse with Mysticism Magic, I've converted Inconsequential NPCs Visual Overhaul myself and added Great Towns of Ivarstead, Shor's Stone and Mixwater Village (and like thirty patches for these) but even if I remove all these files i've added nothing changes. I'm at 244 esp which is ten less han when the game was still working, no new animations, just Complete Combat and Archery Overhauls which are using together thousands of others at the moment. I've rebuild the Nemesis just to be sure. Sorry that I'm rumbling, but I'm recollecting and remembering what I've done over these two days.
  6. What can generally cause it? I was stupid enough that I've blindly updated and removed several mods, because I wanted to start a new playthrough anyway and now when I start the game. I only see a logo, then the main menu background with the smoke appears and that's it. My mod list haven't changed that much (at least I thought so), removed Apocalypse, Growl, Sacrosant and their patches. I've used a new vortex profile with separate save files so no saves are in the game. Bad thing is that even when I remove the new mods I've added it doesn't help. Still infinite waiting. I have too many plugins but majority of them are patches for patches of patches,, therefore ESPs flagged as ESLs. Any help appreciated. Thanks
  7. So it is not on my end? Great. Is it great? Is it the steam sales again? I thought that was fixed years ago. Maybe I need to go premium so I'm not slowed down. Just kidding. :D Not able to download even the smallest files with vortex, and then after the restart failed log in. No official words. One would think that writing two lines on twitter doesn't take that much time.
  8. Not sure if this is really effective, at least not effective on me. If I would like to become a premium again in the future, I'll do it because I want to support the Nexus or because the membership has some benefits I need, not because it starts bugging me if I'm not a premium member. I paid in the past because then I could disable my addblock, the speed was little better, and for the short time I could feel like I've helped at least a little to the site I've spent so much time on. I don't really need unlimited download speed, I can wait couple of minutes. It is understandable that Nexus needs to advertise their better premium services, but I think I made my choice, and this is becoming annoying as hell, probably morebecause I'm in the middle of updating all my mods, so I'm going to click that thousand times this weekend, not so much in the usual everyday download of one or two files, but.... Yeah I know I'm using the slow download speed and no I don't need the maximum unlimited hyper mega download for a file which has 3kb thank you very much. Maybe if that choice was available for the files over certain size? Yeah, know that would need some more coding probably, but it would make some people think if they wouldn't use the unlimited speed.
  9. At first it was the always present "Downloads for non-premium members are capped at 2MB/s" and now this? I thought that was annoying enough, but having to chose everytime I download a file is little bit too much! If I would like to become a premium again, I'll do it because I want to support the Nexus, not because it starts bullying me if I'm not a premium member, thank you very much.
  10. Thanks! It does seem to help. The patch is running now! And to my surprise it didn't get stuck. The Start in for my particular configuration in case anyone else would be trying to fix it is D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux PatchNow just deploy mods, apply changes, and then finally try to start the game to see if or more likely how much crashing I've caused. :D It really works!
  11. I've found out what I've been doing wrong. I've forgot/didn't know I have to use quotation marks in the command line. I'm never using command prompt so I had no idea. Maybe it could be added into the FAQ for noobs like me. Instead of -jar c:\path\to\your\java\based\tool\tool.jar there could be -jar "c:\path\to\your\java\based\tool\tool.jar" To make it clearer for people with no experience Which would save me some time. haha The command should be -jar "D:\Games\Vortex Mod Installations\skyrimse\Mods\Dual Sheath Redux-34155-1-7-3\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch\Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar" Now the patcher window at least appears. Too bad it doesn't work. :wallbash: Now when I run the patcher, the window saying "This patcher requires the following mods, please add them to your load order: Dual Sheath Redux.esp" appears. Well the esp actually IS active in my load order. When I click "OK" I can see another window saying "The application couldn't open the save file output stream. Your settings were not saved." And that's it.
  12. Sorry I've completely missed the FAQ. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. That said, it unfortunately doesn't seem to help but I'm probably just doing something wrong. I've added a new tool called Dual Sheath Redux Patcher Target is the folder where java is installed, just like the guide told me to. Should I point to other exe when using win64 C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\bin\java.exeCommand line is -jar D:\Games\Vortex Mod Installations\skyrimse\Mods\Dual Sheath Redux-34155-1-7-3\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch\Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jarStart in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_181\binSo I guess it should be setup properly, but the patcher doesn't run. Does it matter that it is not on the same drive? Should I write something into the environment variables?
  13. How to run java based Dual Sheath Redux patcher in Vortex? Vortex is saying that I don't have java installed, but I know I have. The patcher runs outside of Vortex but unfortunately it thinks that the Skyrim.esm and update.esm are missing so I have to run it in the manager. Any help?
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