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Status Updates posted by Aranox

  1. Hey, nice work on the armonizer pack, as soon as I can endorse, I will..
  2. *turns into beast-form*

    *ravages your notes and profile*

    *transforms back into naked human form*

    *walks away without getting noticed*

    RAWR !

  3. happy easter to you to :)
  4. im fine to, drank a bit to much yesterday :D but otherwise im fine.
  5. ah well, you'll get over it :p
  6. hahaha, so, how are you now? except for the busy part :p
  7. I see, well, good luck with that :)

    so, did I miss anything in my away-time ? :p

  8. im fine really :p

    got FAR to much homework and all that, but I have 2 weeks of vacation coming up :D

    how have you been ?

  9. hello friend

    long time no see :p

    how are you ?

  10. bouncedy bounce bounce
  11. hey friend :D long time no see...

    been far to busy for school, they should ban homework

    all else in favor stick up your hands :D *sticks hand in the air*

    anyways, just passing by :)

  12. waffle-man passing by...
  13. Sure thing, ill put on my guide-cap and be sure to show you everything :D

    Just let me know, and ill arrange it all !

    PS: the waffles are probably eaten by the time I get to see you so... ill just show you where you can get them :p

    oh, and try our french fries as well :D

  14. I dont know either users so ...

    and Ill have a look :D

  15. Ive been introducing myself into photoshop to :p

    getting better and better, and offcourse doing some modeling besides that as well... all in all im fine :)

    so... anything interesting happened here when I was gone ?

  16. yea im "back" :p

    just trying to be online more often again, im very busy and all.

    how are you ?

  17. thats uhm... well... moist... I guess...

    well I had a better time ... not mother nature annoying my ass for a change...

  18. meh, I can hide with a chameleon spell with 110% !

    so good luck flying, you wont find me !

    anyways, how've you been doin ?

  19. *peeks around a virtual webspace corner*

    Hi !

    *runs of quickly and hides*

  20. *bounce bounce*

    Hi !

    *bounce bounce*

  21. Hello there :D

    how's my favorite nexus-buddy doing ?

  22. When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300°C. The Russians used a pencil.
  23. You might have a point there :D

    good thinking, btw, take care of your cold, ill be back on msn this weekend :)

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