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Status Updates posted by Aranox

  1. nevermind ... I said nothing :p
  2. I was just offering :p

    how about fitness ?

  3. Well if you want a new hobby, I can teach you basic modeling... should you be interested...
  4. Yea im quite bussy... to bussy really... my girlfriend wanting me to come over all the time ( not that I mind it really ) and then I got some school stuff to finish even though I have 2 weeks off.... *sigh*

    anyways, im fine, how are you ?

  5. Happy new year to you to, lets hope it'll turn out to be a good one :D
  6. haha thanks for the comment and a happy new year to you to :D
  7. I noticed you came by my profile and I thought, why not say hello :D

    So, happy new year to you :)

    PS: thanks for "the winter forge", I truly enjoyed that mod :D

  8. Happy newyear :D
  9. hehehe merry christmas and I will be on more often, exams are over :)
  10. Same to you, merry christmas :)
  11. Merry Christmas to you as well :D
  12. sure, im fine, yet my exams are coming up so :p

    we'll talk after those bad thingies :p

  13. surfing a bit, gaming, that stuff
  14. hey ... blue :D
  15. Great :D now I can tell you more about the waffle's !
  16. Yes, I saw it, but I hadent had the time to read it yet, sorry :s

    ill do it this weekend though :)

  17. Ill give it a spin this week :D
  18. chillisauce...
  19. Great! looking forward to it :D
  20. wth... thats just stupid
  21. Yea, all this war and chaos ... sucks to hear it all
  22. Anything new happening ? im kinda bored :p
  23. Do let me know what you come up with with the mods, im always interested in good mods :D
  24. Thanks for the comment, how are you today ?
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