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Everything posted by zowrath

  1. Or a guild doing Dolmen runs... swooping across and spells and whatnot flying. It just breaks the mood completely. I suspect Fallout 76 will be no different, the wasteland feel will be totally gone.
  2. I've been following the development of MMOs for almost 20 years and things have changed. One thing to keep in mind here is that big companies knows exactly what they are doing based on marketing research of what a) the current majority of online gamers want and b) prediction of how long this trend will last. Gaming has generations just like age does, for a long time challenge-based gaming was what everyone wanted but that time has long gone and today the generational shift is already complete and the complete casual gamer is the new generation. These generations are not separated by age, doesn't matter if you're 16 or 60. If you look at other games, what does this generation of gamers want? Well, instant gratification and able to spend out of pocket on vanity items and whatnot that has to be new and shiny on at least a bi-weekly basis. If they do not get that they will go to shop, and play, on another title. In Elder Scrolls Online not so long ago there was a Daedric dress-up contest and people bought vanity items like their life depended on it, for their characters to look good, so they could win the competition... This is what's real today, and this is what companies are marketing and planning towards. Casuals just want to kick their shoes of and feel like Gods for as long as they are connected, and "look good" doing so. We've already seen a taste of that in Fallout 4, where you basically went from a frozen vaultsicle to community leader with umpteenth degrees in sciences as you could do almost anything either right off the bat or just after a day or two of playing the game. Also, requests and availability of OP mods are just through the roof. Where's the lore, and people wanting it? Compared to the masses, very few want that as it is slow, boring and it has no bling to it. Sad, but true. However, as said, this is generational and just like it has shifted now it will shift again to something else in the future though I would not hold my breath for the first decade at least. I played ESO for a bit and it was not my cup of tea, I've been with Elder Scrolls since Arena back in the day always faithful. ESO has no feel to it, and I expect when the initial "awe" of Fallout 76 subsides the same will be true for that incarnation. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to even try it out for at least a year has passed like I did with ESO, if ever.
  3. Just used this trick to retrieve my two "missing" power armours that disappeared during fast travel, very convenient. I loaded a previous save to get their ID ref's, used moveto and found out they were still in the settlement just invisible. So I forced Nick to enter the first, it appeared with him in it and he promptly exited on his own and I did the same with the last one as well. Life saver, thank you for this info. :-)
  4. True, you will not get VAC banned but editing the .exe file is againt the EULA (yes I actually read it this time(! :) ) which if Firaxis/2k has a call-home function with integrity check will notice. If they decide to take action, they can through Steam. While it seems unlikely they may very well do this if any mods cross over to future DLCs and such. Point is, it may be wise to consider the ramifications since this certainly is not modding in the traditional way. I finally got the game, and I'm gonna have a go at finding alternate solutions once I've played a bit.
  5. One thing I wonder, since this is a Steamworks game, can you get banned from Steam for editing your .exe file? If there's call-home function within the .exe to retrieve updated info could it also include an integrity check? Does anyone here have debug-experience and can do a check of the code? Creative Assembly went on to hide some db-files inside their .exe to control DLCs so people wouldn't just edit the files and get all DLC goodies. Could Firaxis be doing the same? Because lots of times modders do make mods that are same or similar to upcoming DLCs and that's a loss of income for them. Perhaps they plan to make the ini-files loose or editable after future DLCs have been released? I think it is worth considering, and if anyone here has any connections as a tester or otherwise to Firaxis/2k perhaps they could ask?
  6. I haven't got the game yet, have to wait two more days, but since it seems one has to edit the .exe anyway isn't it possible to find the switch in the .exe file that overrides the reading of a loose .ini file? If in the demo it could read a loose .ini file there must now be a check in the .exe to disallow this I would reckon. Personally I don't like the idea of most mods being based on a .exe hack, and there is bound to be people exploiting this with malware as well. Wish Firaxis/2K comes to their senses and let us mod the game in the "normal way".
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