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Everything posted by Nolanoth

  1. Once you unpack the XComGame.upk file and open it up with UE Explorer or anything else you'll notice it has a lot of XGAbility entries which contain certain ability data. One entry in particular: AGAbilityTree Contains what I believe is the list of Ability Tree's for each class along with the alien abilities such as "PSI Lance" or "Mind Merge". The list goes like this: AbilityNames[1]="Move" AbilityNames[2]="Toggle Flight" AbilityNames[3]="Ascend" AbilityNames[4]="Descend" AbilityNames[5]="Launch" AbilityNames[6]="Grapple" AbilityNames[7]="Fire" AbilityNames[8]="Rapid Fire" AbilityNames[9]="Stun" AbilityNames[10]="Drone Hack" AbilityNames[11]="Overload" AbilityNames[12]="Flush" AbilityNames[17]="Suppression" AbilityNames[22]="Frag Grenade" AbilityNames[23]="Smoke Grenade" AbilityNames[24]="Alien Grenade" AbilityNames[25]="Fire Rocket" AbilityNames[26]="Aim" AbilityNames[27]="Intimidate" AbilityNames[33]="Overwatch" AbilityNames[35]="Poison Spit" AbilityNames[36]="Stabilize" AbilityNames[37]="Revive" AbilityNames[38]="Hunker Down" AbilityNames[40]="Ghost" AbilityNames[41]="Heal Wound" AbilityNames[42]="Repair S.H.I.V." AbilityNames[43]="Combat Stim" AbilityNames[45]="Reload" AbilityNames[47]="Mind Merge" AbilityNames[48]="Psi Lance" AbilityNames[51]="Greater Mind Merge" AbilityNames[52]="Mind Control" AbilityNames[53]="Psi Panic" AbilityNames[56]="Reanimate Ally" AbilityNames[57]="Reanimate Enemy" AbilityNames[58]="Psi Drain" AbilityNames[61]="Headshot" AbilityNames[62]="Disabling Shot" AbilityNames[66]="Shredder Rocket" AbilityNames[67]="Suppression" AbilityNames[68]="Run & Gun" AbilityNames[70]="Bull Rush" AbilityNames[71]="Battle Scanner" AbilityNames[72]="Mindfray" AbilityNames[73]="Rift" AbilityNames[74]="Telekinetic Field" AbilityNames[75]="Mind Control" AbilityNames[76]="Psi Inspiration" AbilityNames[77]="Close" AbilityNames[78]="Death Blossom" AbilityNames[79]="Cannon Fire" AbilityNames[80]="Cluster Bomb" AbilityNames[81]="Destroy Terrain" AbilityNames[83]="Repair" AbilityNames[86]="Head Down" AbilityNames[88]="Blood Call" As you can see this is not the full list "BUT" it shows all the abilities you have to manually activate. Now how to chnage a certain classes ability? I believe it's pretty simple let's take [68]="Run & Gun" for example it show up in only one build. And that would be the Assault Build. BuildAbility(68, 1, 0, 6, 0, 30, 8, 44, 3, 9, 6); This builds first ability is of course: AbilityNames[68]="Run & Gun" And cage it to something else like AbilityNames[17]="Suppression" This is just a theory because most abilities are passive and not on the "AbilityNames" list, but their numbers still show up like 87 in the BuildAbility list. I should check if it works in just a moment, but this is definitely related to the Ability/Skill Tree's of all the characters.
  2. decompressor didn't work for me so I typed in decompress. Placed both files directly on my G: drive. It's still not fully working it says -out=PATH OK got it to work I placed both of the files on the G: drive and created an "X" folder. Then wrote: decompress -lzo -out=g:\X filename.upk (in my case XComStrategyGame.upk and now I have a large XComStrategyGame.upk in my X folder.
  3. I'm a politician not a programmer! I shouldn't know a power socket from a computer terminal xD lol and how could it be used from the command line then? Any quick instruction you could give kind sir?
  4. I tried it, are there some instructions on how to use the decompress.exe?
  5. Quick question if I may -> how to decompress upk files?
  6. I'm guessing it would be in some compressed file like XComStrategyGame.upk? I'm guessing there's some software that can unpack the file.
  7. I was looking for a way to edit all of the classes. It is ridiculous how you can't just shoot and then move. What I need for all my troops is Bullet Swarm at higher levels. Personally I'm very used to games like Fallout 2 where you could really get tactical with your character. Like shoot and then hide behind the corner or take risks by shooting a tough enemy twice. The same must also apply to certain aliens - not all of course. But the Muton Elite and Thin Men for example seem like the agile, battle hardened forces of the invading army who should be able to shoot twice or shoot and move. Combat needs to be much more flexible and I've already tinkered with some stats which should make combat at longer ranges possible especially for snipers. Here's the problem -> I can't seem to find the file responsible for abilities/perks of classes. Did anyone find it? And would it be possible to add more levels to them?
  8. There's one more PM for you. Can't find the person you mentioned but if there's at least 1 soul out there willing to help me with some scripts I'll be more then happy to have their help.
  9. Looks like I'm not the only one waiting or a PM xD
  10. PN_SetConditionDamagePenalty can be found in a file named pn_nvse.dll which is located in the mod -> NVSE\plugins Problem is I can't get it working. Is there anyone around here who does know?
  11. I was right! Here's what he said: Now all we have to do is get this part of the code.
  12. You won't believe me but I found someone who can do it! Well at least that's what's written in Project Nevada: http://code.google.com/p/project-nevada/source/browse/trunk/FONV+Modules/Core/readme+-+Project+Nevada.txt?r=1249 * Weapon condition damage penalty Description: Controls how much influence a weapon's condition has on its damage. Vanilla default is 67%, meaning a weapon at ~1% health will only do ~33% of its original damage. Defaults: 20% [PN] 66% [Vanilla] We have to get in touch with the creator: http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/40040/ schlangster
  13. Thx what is that other setting you speak of and do you have any idea how to change starting HP from 95 to something more suitable.
  14. Well there's just one way to really balance all that. Do you have any idea how to manage weapon degradation to make it slower? Much, much slower. I'm guessing it would be called "degrade" something.
  15. You said it was working in Fallout 3 right? Then maybe it's just a matter of fixing some part of the code? Someone good with scripting could perhaps be able to help?
  16. Yup. Your right (I posted at almost the same time). fDamageGunWeapCondBase and fDamageGunWeapCondMult Seem to be broken or two other settings are in charge of of condition affecting damage in Vegas. Did anyone out there find a fix for it? Anyone who was working with the formula or geck?
  17. I actually already did look threw them hours ago and almost had a heart attack, but then I looked threw FO3 mods and found these two: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/312 It removes skills from affecting the weapon damage, but the weapons are still affected by condition. Well ye it's somewhat realistic, but I want to lower it. The vailla should reduce the damage by 34% at min condition like another interesting mod says: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/225 "!!! DOWNLOAD THE FIXED VERSION !!! v1.1 - 10% accuracy boost when the weapon's in a perfect shape! - BUG FIXED - condition affected the accuracy an a contrary, now it should work as intended. v1.0 Now condition affects on a weapon accuracy! 75% more spread in a worst condition (was 0% in vanilla) also, weapon damage is less affected by condition: 20% less damage in a worst condition (was 34% in vanilla)" Problem is this one does not work with Vegas :/ OK small update - I know how to remove the skill from affecting the weapons now myself. Now for the cursed condition! I have to try making it 10% damage at lowest con or maybe even less since I'm making damage more realistic. You just have to set: fDamageSkillBase to 1 fDamageSkillMult to 0
  18. I actually already did look threw them hours ago and almost had a heart attack, but then I looked threw FO3 mods and found these two: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/312 It removes skills from affecting the weapon damage, but the weapons are still affected by condition. Well ye it's somewhat realistic, but I want to lower it. The vailla should reduce the damage by 34% at min condition like another interesting mod says: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/225 "!!! DOWNLOAD THE FIXED VERSION !!! v1.1 - 10% accuracy boost when the weapon's in a perfect shape! - BUG FIXED - condition affected the accuracy an a contrary, now it should work as intended. v1.0 Now condition affects on a weapon accuracy! 75% more spread in a worst condition (was 0% in vanilla) also, weapon damage is less affected by condition: 20% less damage in a worst condition (was 34% in vanilla)" Problem is this one does not work with Vegas :/
  19. How can I mod the Weapon Damage Formula (not weapon damage)? I'm guessing it's hard coded?
  20. Using that option in game still causes the very same botched targeting but with a crosshair instead. I want to completely remove the 1st person animation. I don't want the weapon to center when aiming and have a good working crosshair.
  21. Does anyone know how could I simply get rid of iron sights in New Vegas? I have been sick and tired of the botched aiming system. It's simply not accurate enough most of the time and I just want to have no animation in the first person. Of course setting "Don't Use 1st Person IS Animations" in G.E.C.K. does not fully work. Disable "true" iron sights also fails. The weapon gets centered and the crosshair moves up after taking a shot, the bullet misses the head as it does. I'm talking about the full removal of 1st person animations. When that option is picked the weapon stills gets centered when shooting. And I simply need a nice zoom/crosshair when aiming. I mean sure I do hate Fallout "where's my daddy" parody 3 with a passion and having iron sights is more realistic, but at the New Vegas sights cost me too many perfect head shots. So they have to go.
  22. Here's my problem: I would like to know how can I make the BOS use their own helmets instead of the standard T-51b helmet. I made 2 different textures (yes I know making textures doesn't automatically add them the way you want) yet there's just one helmet on the list: http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/11111.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/22222.jpg What I need to do is to separate the helmets and and make the BOS use this type of armor/helmet: http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/bhstandardt51.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/btstandardt51.jpg With the partially silvery gloves that have their files created, but need to be added somehow so they can be shown instead of the green standard gloves, the armor itself works - main body parts. Second problem - helmets. Making the BOS use proper helmets instead of the standard ones. ---- And the standard to use this type of armor/helmet: http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/hstandardt51.jpg http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/tstandardt51.jpg With the partially green gloves that work. Actually this entire set works ok, but I simply need to keep both sets completely separate. One more old fashioned and the other more silvery Van Buren like. Here are all the files I made so far: http://www.fileimport.com/6fl398u4p075/Data.rar.html Will anyone be able to either: 1) Help me out, tell me how can I do this. 2) Do this for me. 3) Link me some tutorial which is not a wall of text that will hit me like 200 rounds shot from a minigun. Preferably on youtube. I need something fast, uncomplicated and described step, by step. If it's not then please don't link it. I'll just waste my time looking at it while I could be editing other textures and models. I already posted this on NMA: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=57066 The T-51b has a new model (edited old one), new texture. One more FO1/2 like and one more Van Buren like for the BOS. Te model itself works. Here's a link to some of the progress I made in general: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=56808 But this is not ready yet for a full completely working release.
  23. I don't know how exactly, but I did it I edited a mesh, successfully without any tutorial. It works both well in Nif and GECK. I did it like this: 1) Exported the mesh. 2) Edited it with blender. 3) Saved it. BOOM! It works. Strangely enough with no complications at all... now that is weird! I thought this would be something impossible. How ever I have no idea if it works ingame. Just GECK and Nif. My new PC parts for my new un-finished PC are going to arrived in a few days (actually it's just the RAM now) soooooooo does anyone wanna test this? http://i224.photobucket.com/albums/dd313/Patrycjusz/New%20Vegas%20Baby/CMB22.jpg
  24. Hmm well I loked at this tutorial (extremely basic): I simply copied a peace of the armor (before the wrists) from Reinforced Combat Armor MK II to Reinforced Combat Armor MK I and when I run GECK it just crashes. I can't post a screenshot because I'm running a Polish version of XP so there's no way people could translate it. Anyway here's the file: http://www.fileimport.com/2jjmnqo7g9c2/mark1combat.nif.html
  25. Could you possibly take a look at my model if I export it? I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
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