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  1. No, I haven't checked in a while but I believe the .nif import plugin for Max doesn't fully import animations, perhaps it retains the skinning, but I honestly can't remember (and I can't check it right now). I plan on switching this mesh's BSTriShape with the one from the original switchbox in OutfitStudio. Saves me the headache of trying to recreate the original animations in Max, although from an earlier test I did, it's clear I'll still have to do some animation controller node manipulation in NifSkope.
  2. Weird, oh well at least whenever this occurs in the future it's solvable. Thank you all for helping out with this.
  3. Do the meshes look plain white? I've got export materials* set up in this case, so it's probably missing diffuse textures. Here's what it looks like on my end: Even though they look like standard empty materials, they do in fact work. *as opposed to the materials automatically set up by the .nif import plugin. Here are all the .nif files I've got. I don't know why the switch part isn't black in both the Pre- and PostElrich files, it's possible I've removed the vertex colors flag from it at the time, but I can't remember. The weird shading can sort of be seen in the PostCleanup file, although it's not as pronounced as in Max itself.
  4. Welp, never mind; while working on a custom(-ish) powerswitch in outfit studio I came across the "Recalculate Normals" option. I used it on the exported variant of the problematic mesh and that works. No clue how to do something to the same effect within 3ds Max, but I guess I can simply ignore it from now on.
  5. For anyone interested, I've uploaded the file to my drive and it can be found here.
  6. I've tried it out, but it just turns the textured side inwards.
  7. f2jc33c I don't remember what settings I've used at import. It's interesting though that the parts of the mesh that were imported (e.g.: the base console panel) are totally fine. It's my custom backside that's causing problems. Believe it or not, that's already perspective view, although I agree it doesn't particularly look like it. As an aside; it should actually show the UI elements for view and rendering settings for the viewport in the left upper corner, but for some reason Max doesn't particularly like Ryzen APUs (at least not with the current rendering engine; you can choose directX but that doesn't work all too well with Beth's 3ds Max plugins last I checked).
  8. Hello all; I'm back from the dead. This time round when I was working on a mesh in 3DS Max, some parts of said mesh developed this weird shading. I assume it to be dysfunctional shadows, but I've honestly got no clue. I don't even know what to call this problem and I haven't been able to find anything through Google either. So, what causes this and can it be fixed, or do I need to start over? PS.: Why are there no spoilers?
  9. Thank you both! I'll have to do some new setting up to do since my previous attempts are pretty much unsalvageable. I'll show the results here when I get it working or post when I come across another issue.
  10. I've been trying to edit the animated Fancy Bureau mesh with 3DS Max and NifSkope. However I can't figure out how I can make changes to the root part of the mesh without some issue arising. I've got no clue what export script I'm supposed to use in 3DS Max, I've tried multiple. I've also tried editing the results in NifSkope with not much luck either. The Creation Kit crashes most of the time when trying to load a modified mesh, when it doesn't, it's generally caused by the collision or the animations missing or being messed up. Preferably I'd separate the drawers into separate sub-meshes and abandon the whole bone/vertex painting stuff, but if I can find a reliable way of editing meshes with animated bones I'll use them. Any assistance on this is appreciated. In short I want to change the Fancy Bureau mesh into the dresser pictured below while the original animation stays intact.
  11. Thank you! I've checked the records another time and it does indeed state the materialswap in some of the OMODs, however some others do not, a notable example being the Nukatron torso. I'm going to open up the plugin in the creation kit and see if they use a script or something like that (I've been using FO4Edit till now).
  12. I think my first time really experiencing the interior-exterior size difference was with the Yangtze (the chinese Submarine). I was playing around in the creation kit with it's exterior, trying to make a custom interior for it, and not understanding why nothing could fit inside it.
  13. I've been trying to change how the Nuka-World robot parts are handled when used. I know that the Automatron parts apply materialswaps when one of the paints is selected in the workbench, but I don't understand how the Nuka-World parts automatically apply their materialswaps and simultaneously lock you from choosing a different one. If I look at the Galactic Zone parts in NifSkope they all use the standard factory paint, yet in-game they have their white and gold paintjob applied in some way I don't understand.
  14. I'm uncertain about multiple P-WS-Snap snap-points working on the same mesh, it's been something to test out on my to-do list for awhile now. Is the snap-point it snaps to coincidentally also the closest to the target, or alternatively your location? PS .: Did you remove the workshopconnectpoints keyword from all the entries in NifSkope?
  15. Very logical and practical, I love it. I'll be sure to keep in mind these aspects for future projects. This made me smile :) Would be a great name for a Bob Ross paintings mod.
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