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Everything posted by FatherAzerun

  1. I was going to offer a humble suggestion (or two) for some additional categories for MOD files. First, I do not know if the Nexus could possibly have MODs which could have dual tags (be in two areas) or not. If so, I thought some of the more "popular" but different kinds of MODs included the following, as suggestions of new, browsable areas: 1. WILD WASTELAND MODS: These are the fun and goofy mods, from the propeller hats and alien salesmen to the golf clubs that shoot people across the map when hit with them. I think the original files would still go well to be tagged in areas that they belong in (gameplay changes, cheat and god items, weapons, etc., since Widl Wasteland tnings are in various parts of teh nexus) but for someone looking for JUSt those oddball things, a separate flder would be cool. 2. ADULT: Similarly, those files that are adult content -- Animated Prostitution, nude body replacers, etc, could be tagged in a separate folder. 3. HARDCORE: A number of mods are really only targeted for those who like hardcore mode, and this folder would have those mods that appeal to the hardcore (thirsty and sleepless) player. 4. FOREIGN LANGUAGE: I can only imagine that those people looking for mods in Italian or German (the two most common language conversions) must get frustrated to try and find their mods, so folders for different languages might be very useful for them as well. Another possibility might be sub-folders. It is clear that some areas are mroe popular than others, and maybe warrant some simple sub-folder action. For example, on WEAPONS, which is very popular, maybe a section for melee, unarmed, Energy, Guns, and then Multi/ MISC might help those browsing for items. Miscellaneous has got to be the largest folder -- maybe some suggestions to help browsers with subfolders might be in order here too. One last idea: Community tagging. For files that are in teh "I Forgot to set this" category, maybe we could enable a community tagging feature where commentors could help tag the files so that they could end up in the browing areas. Anyway, just some organizational thoughts. Merry Christmas all!
  2. I just wanted to thank you for this exciting set of MODs -- hell, just knowing there is such a thing in the original FO3 makes em want to play it again now! And folks, please; I know everyone is anxious but I feel like it is never polite to nag the MODers. (Like DO NOT FEED THE BEARS) Anyway, we all know he already posted the next segment but it was seen by a weeping angel. . . .
  3. If you could get permission from the mod auuthors, I think making some items that are cool weapons or backbacks craftable would be very nice. People have come up with some very classy ideas but they often leave them in a box in Goodsprings or otherwise have them sitting out and about; perhaps having to craft these sexy weapons would make them a great way to access these unique items. Among them: TG's armour collectiona nd Moraelin's Professional Suits, Blackwolf's backpacks, Eli's Edge, the golden Eagle, Dark Mercenary Gear, Knuckle beat mod, some of the Beware of Girl weapons, and NV Mannequins (if they ever quit being bugged and following you -- its very creepy!) One weapon I'd love ot see -- and again it owuld be dependent on anothe mod -- is a gun that zaps (withotu causing aggro) and causes teh idle animations of a target to utilize the 7DancefnV mod animations. The ability to zap them and make them dance -- maybe call it "Otto's Irresistible Pistol" (A reference to Dungeons and Dragons) and have settings as to what idle animation you alter on them. Another interesting idea might be something called the L.A.R.K.: the LAzarus Revivial Kit. made from a superstimpack, jet, and 2 med-x with a minimum science skill of 80 or so, it would revive a dead bosy and reset their status to alive. (Sadly i don't know if you could reset quest markers for NPCs that ere parts of a quest and got killed). The Marvellous Enclave Exoskeleton: A power armour suit, a chainsaw (returned, used as a tool), duct tape x3, a wrench, a hammer, and a detonator (cannibalized for its control mechanism): Would make a Consumable exoskeleton needing 70 repair and 90 science and 90 medicine that would become a perk/trait (therefore you could have only one) that gave a +1 STR, +1 AGIL, +1 END, +5% to resistances except rad resistance which would add +10%. This would be a form of craftable implant, effectively. Since it owuld be customized to teh player it would be marked as non sellable, and as a consumable would not be usable by companions. I'll cogitate more. Really would love the Otto gun though!
  4. How many Mossad agents do you know? I didn't know Mossad were battlefield soldiers, I thought they were squirriely little assassins with no honor. Fair enough; I was using an example of an intelligence agent because Mossad agents are often seen as rather -- erm -- "hardcore." However, the Israeli army (IDF) has previously allowed women in combat roles; ironically they had greater front-line exposure during the fights against Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto and in the Arab-Israeli war. I do not personally know any Mossad agents. Nor any NCR troops. ============================================ Yoba: If you will reread my message I said I started this thread simply as a discussion -- not as an advocacy to ban people or remove mods. I simply noted I was conflicted because the rise of a number of Neo-Nazi mods struck me as uncomfortable. Since the MOD page is not a discussion forum to discuss "appropriateness" of content -- rather, they are meant to give feedback for technical aspects of a MOD, possible conflicts and suggestions for expansion, I felt it appropriate to move an open discussion here. I DON'T suggest banning players for posting such MODs. I DON'T suggest even banning the MODs. but I do feel it is appropriate to say: You know what, I think this player is using the MOD forum as a type of advocacy for Neo-Nazism, and I find that uncomfortable and would suggest people not downloading or endorsing the MOD in its current form. Same thing with Army men: I think the author has EVERY RIGHT to make such a MOD, I have no problem with him envisioning an uglier NCR, and I don't even suggest that the author himself is misogynist (unlike the author of the SS mod who was pretty clear he was being a Nazi advocate) -- the Army men author simply envisions that the NCR would be different in its attitude towards women and made a mod to adpat to that. WHAT I DID SUGGEST was that the types of comments that followed in that thread -- homophobic and misogynistic comments -- should NOT be encouraged because they move away from altering the game world to advocating a point of view in the "real world" that would be specifically targeted towards some people who create or download these mods. Considering how quickly people are to argue nuances of whether or not a MOD would "fit Lore" or whether or not something is "Proper (gun, falling damage, etc) physics" (take your pick), I did not think it entirely inappropriate to discuss -- and get a feel for -- how people felt about certain types of content, since clearly people were reacting badly and commenting on those specific mods interms of content.
  5. First of all, I want to thank everyone for generally being civil -- I truly just wanted an open discussion and forum, not because I was particularly in a rage about something, but I found myself a bit bothered and thoughtful and wanted to initiate a discussion. As I said, I am an educator (and specifically a Professor of History) and, for full disclosure, I used to be a game reviewer, so the discussion of games, "offensiveness", and so on intrigues me greatly. I do want to clarify a point though: I wanted to separate out my own emotional reaction to certain mods versus the principle of whether or not a mod should be allowed to remain posted. I personally found the two MODS I mentioned (Army Men and the SS Uniform mods) to be not to my taste. So emotionally, I have no interest in them. As for whether or not the MODs should exist: In the Army men case, I felt the MOD reflected a poor interpretation but I fully support the author's right to make that interpretation.* (footnote below) If you feel the NCR should be misogynistic, and that is your view of Fallout, have at. My only problem was the suggestion the mod was not misogynistic -- even the author used the phrase chauvinistic. My other problem was seeing the virulent misogynistic and anti-gay comments spawned by people attracted to the mod. I was not "Offended" by the mod, but I sure was saddened and offended by the people who chose to utilize the basis of a mod to make effectively real-life expressions of homophobia or comments against women. As for the SS Uniforms, as I said in my previous post and in agreement with the site moderator, anything that is attempting to troll or provoke or engage in glorification of the Nazis seems simply dubious to me. I was not sure if I would have banned teh posting of such a MOD -- as people noted it could be used for an NPC, a gang, even a retake on Caesar's Legion -- but my concern was with his SS Avatar symbol and his pretense that "Don't criticize me it is just a MOD" but that the mod was really just intended for players to be able to play as Nazis -- well, that seemed uncomfortable. Would I have banned it? I don't know, but I certainly felt it was a different and more dubious situation than Army men, which is clearly allowable and just a matter of taste (again, in my assessment). As for animated prostitution and the naked mods -- hell, I'd probably download them if I didn't feel like the work of making sure they didn't cause all sorts of custom armour clipping problems. So yeah, I probably would have a more pervy FO: NV experience if it weren't for the fact I am lazy! And yes, many of those offer male-male as well as male-female and female-female sex bits. (Except for the working girl mod, but while I would prefer a modder to give both men and women equal chances to play at a role, the time consumption to make separate animations and quest items would be very difficult.) Killing children mods again seem uncomfortable but I support their right to exist. of course, since the game has a karma system and we generally see the killing of "innocents" as far worse, I would suspect that the murder of children should have a greater karmic impact than killing adults -- but that would again be my choice. I haven't downloaded or been interested in the mod, so I can't speak to it. (One of the reasons I like the New vegas Bounties mod is that is has a really nice horror element in the missing children quest; I won't say more to avoid any spoilers.) Anyway, so my long-winded diatribe aside: 1. Generally outside of something truly truly awful (like sex with children) I generally felt that MODs themselves should stay. (And, notably, stupid court rulings (which I disagree with) have seemed to suggest that even animated or cartoon representations of child molestation are the same as child porn -- which they are not, but that's a different discussion -- as happened in the case of the guys in the US and Australia who were arrested and convicted for having cartoons of the Simpons kids having sex -- make this a possible legal liability issue as well. 2. However, if the INTENT of the modder seemed to glorify hate groups, etc, as indicated by making things for the Courier that made the Courier Nazi or KK or whatever, I must admit I would at least wish teh resource could be utilized for NPCs rather than be mostly for teh Courier character. (And it isn't as if the Courier can't be awful -- after all, we have cannibalism perks!) 3. More disturbing was how some of these mods draw upon the ugly side of downloaders, making them feel that it is acceptabel to make racist, homophobic, or misogynistic commentary. And I only gently suggest that through teh use of teh rputation tool that we differentiate between those people who make mods to make teh world darker, evil, misogynistic, or whatever (in my mind acceptable if maybe not always my cup of tea) versus those who utilize the launch of such MODs as a platform to express real-life issues with people not like them (in my mind, something that should eb actively discouraged -- while maybe not bannable, certainly someone should take a reputation hit for trolling). Thanks again for a very mature discussion! I had to admit trepidation before posting, but I am glad ot see an adult community be -- shockingly -- adult and mature. How sad that sometimes online forums make us have such low expectations! * The idea that women are less capable fighters is dubious in reference to real life data -- just ask any female Mossad Agent! The differences most often cited involve differences in upper body strength, but in an increasingly mechanized world, the idea that women are less capable at bomb disposal or detection, tank handling, rangefinding, scouting, drone piloting, or a thousand other tasks seems more based on extraordinarily outmoded views.
  6. Orc: This is a little different from your request, but for me, the ULTIMATE crafting mod would be one where the Workbench was tied to a specific container for inventory purposes. There is an ammo reloading bench mod that does this -- makes it where you can dump your stuff in the bench, and then you can craft objects from stuff in your inventory or from in the bench's container. I always felt like if you were making something you would not be carrying 300 pounds of scrap metal on you when making something, you would grab your tools and materials from your workshop. So, there is my first wishlist item: eitehr a workbench that serves as container or a linked container whose inventory is part of list of available items to craft with. Of course, if you really wanted to take it up a notch, make it that you could CRAFT a linked container -- sort of like CRAFTING items that you normally would buy as, say, suite upgrades. I'll try and think of specific armour or weapon ideas and post back.
  7. I double checked the terms of Service so I hope this is indeed the right and proper place for this discussion. I ma an educator and so I do believe there is a time and place for discussions, and I truly hope the FO: NV mod community can discuss the following in a non-flame, non-trolling kind of way. Of course this is the internet and I might simply be naive. ==================================== I noticed recently two mod sets had been uploaded that had a rather virulent community reaction, so much so the moderators of teh Nexus Forums were forced to step in and clean up the threads: Deutschland Atombombe's recent series of Nazi-themed SS clothing uploads, and Kopkilla's Army men. Each of these mods offered something to Fallout: New Vegas that understandably was very controversial and the uploaders, with various degrees of success, and the moderators, with a much higher degree of success, managed to keep things civil.An endorsement file is certainly not a place to discuss how much we like the idea of a mod's content or not -- if, for example, you just don't want your stoves to work in Fallout, skip over the cooking mods.But when it comes to deeply personal issues, there is a plce to discuss where does one draw teh line in terms of what makes an offensive mod? Kopkilla's Army men postulates that it serves greater immersion in the Fallout universe for women to be treated more poorly in the NCR army. His mod seeks to demote female rangers, give them civilian jobs, and make teh army men-only. Personally, I completely disagree with his interpretation of the Lore. After all, women have not only risen up to extremely high positions in teh post-Apocalyptic wasteland (President Tandy!), women are gang leaders (Violetta being very prominent, but you will see female leaders for the Jackals, for example, and Vipers) and indeed <<SPOILER ALERT: DO NOT READ IF YOU HAVE NOT DEALT WITH THE GREAT KHANS>> one of the cruxes of converting the Great Khans to support the NCR to get one vote on their tribal council is to point out to one member that she would not be allowed to serve in a position of power because Ceasar's Army treats their women poorly. Indeed, this makes (in my mind) Kopkilla's Army Men mod so much against lore -- there is a constant contrast made by Cass' comments and others that Caesar's legion treats women subserviently, and that is one of their failings, as a contrast to the NCR. However, that is simply MY take on the Lore; I think Kopkilla made a VERY mature argument in his comment thread in pointing out that in his mind the NCR army works better if it is chuavanistic. I disagree with him when he says his mod is not mysoginistic -- the mod IS mysoginistic and rather defines that term by treating women as lesser to their male counterparts -- I just agree he has a right to envision a misogynistic NCR army and create a mod that supports his vision of such an organization. Fallout is a weird universe where factions take on elements of the Old World and twist it into their new Ethos -- whether poorly aping ancient Rome or Elvis, it is not too far of a stretch to imagine a 1950's inspired mindset. I just don't plan to use the mod and find it to be LESS immersive and violating the nature of the world. The SAD part about such MODs is that once you open the door to sexism you tend to draw out the ugly side of the gender debates: Contributors to the thread, for example, have a hard time dealing with the fact Arcade is gay (his dialog makes it clear he had a male lover). So, one contributors says it is sad that the Enclave couldn't recognize him as "non human." Oh, that's classy. Another can only imagine Arcade being made originally as a female character, because Lord almighty miss molly it isn't possible for there to be a gay or bi character (well, except for a flamboyant gay prostitute or two, and of course Old Ben). One decided you should "FIX" Arcade's dialog so he isn't gay. Mind you, Veronica clearly had FEMALE lover and not one poster had a problem with that -- and that is why it is sad to see not the mod itself, but the responses to Army men that bring out the homophobic and misogynistic cheerleader squads. Deutschland Atombombe's SS mods are a very different kettle of fish. He has uploaded player wearable Nazi uniforms. He uses teh Black Sun, a Nazi SS symbol, as his posting ICON. While again I support teh right for him to create such content and people to use it, I have to admit I am saddened by it. In some ways Deutschlandwants it both ways -- he wants to claim in his description: "DISCLAIMER: DO NOT COMPLAIN ON COMMENT BOARD, IT IS JUST A MOD." But at the same time he uses an SS symbol as his ICON. He makes the MOD not a modder's resource to use (after all, I am sure we all can imagine a gang or group that models themselves off an imperfectly-understood Nazi movement) but as a player wearable uniform, making it pretty clear his sympathies lie in a certain wish-fulfillment mode of wanting to play as a neo-Nazi courier. Do I find that offensive? Unbelievably. Do I support his right ot post such a mod? Yes, although I wish he wouldn't. Do I hope that he gives permission to others to use his resource so we can get n on some good Nazi-killing action? Absolutely. I have yet to decide if I will download it just to use with NV Mannequins and then make one for target practice :) Anyway, I am not sure there is any larger point to my thoughts: I support teh right for people to generally MOD fallout the way they wish, barring abuse or sex with children (which seems to be a lien I think we all can agree should not be crossed.) Some people have made mods where you can kill children or see them killed: that is horrific but adds to a very different kind of game which is bleaker and more mind-shattering. Many people make mods that sexually objectify women, while some bring equal opportunity to sexual objectification. Some want to have more graphic sexual content, others wish it banished. I truly appreciate the fact we have games that we can tailor to our own making. I just hope that when people create mods that have controversial subjects they consider and help craft their descriptions and purpose in a way that it does not encourage the mysoginistic, homophobic,and racist trollings that seem to easily permeate the joys of internet anonymity.
  8. Since this sounds like an idea that is somewhat tongue in cheek, how about something that would make a "killer tomato?" -- Either a food item that would enhance your combat skills, OR -- much more fun -- use food to craft a unique grenade that would use the apple model (as a placeholder).
  9. I do not know if this suggestion is viable because I do not know how the GECK (or workbenches, etc) "check" for inventory. But here is my suggestion: I would love to see a workbench (and ammo reloader, but this is less crucial) that has an accompanying storage container that would be "linked" to the workbench. What this would do (if feasible) would be so that when you click on the workbench, it checks not only your inventory but also the inventory of the container for assembling recipes. The rationale being that no craftsman actually carries around all his working materials, he grabs them form his workshop as he assembles his craft. If this was possible, a further expansion on the concept would be to work with one of the excellent already-existing "stove cooking" mods make link a refrigerator inventory to the stove for cooking recipes. This could also be a Lucky 38 suite improvement -- say an upgrade to the Frdige that turns it into a Nuka-Cola Fridge, which would have the linked inventory and also perhaps so as people have suggested and ice-cold the Nuka supply. :) My apologies for not really delving into the GECK to make this myself, but I hope this idea proves a worthy one of consideration for a talented MOD maker.
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