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About Aenya

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    Lots of lots of lots of games. Various genres.
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    Neverwinter Nights 2 , Dragon Age , Morrowind

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  1. When does caution becomes cowardice?
    1. Show previous comments  43 more
    2. Aenya


      *takes notes* Valuable input, friends. Will I be considered greedy if I demand more? Of your thoughts. Of your world.


      And by any chance, does any of you have the Key from 9th Circle? It's getting quite cold here and truth be told, Satan here is not the best conversationalist. Too emotional and bound by past. Maybe I should have brought tea?...

    3. VisseNekku5746


      ^ Maybe you should ask her to dance? she loves to dance.
    4. Deleted54170User


      Bring up the cold and all the civil wild creatures either fall asleep or forage even in the snow. Satan never was a conversationalist, being that Satan, the poor soul, is always angry about something.
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