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  1. Every Item I have sold to Opal since the beginning of the game, is still in her inventory. Which means scrolling past a hundred useless raider items to get what she has for sale. "resetinventory" doesn't work, is there any other command to force her to lose all the rubbish?
  2. I can't fast travel from Sanctuary. I get the loading screen and then I'm back in Sanctuary still. I can fast travel normally from all other places, but if I try to fast travel from Sanctuary and fail, I will fail (loading screen and back where I was.) at all other places until I exit the game to the desktop and start it again. Then once again, I will have normal fast travel everywhere except Sanctuary. I can fast travel to Sanctuary.
  3. Just with the console, or Place Anywhere, so thanks, I won't resize them anywhere I want NPC's to walk. I figured as much, as I had shrunk a floor tile down 90% to use as a cutting board, but the collision didn't change and they couldn't enter the kitchen.
  4. Does scaling up something also scale up the navmesh? If I scale up Snappy's sw block edge grass 50%, will NPC's still walk on it, or will the outer pieces have no navmesh?
  5. I read it, and it tells me I don't have to worry about the Red Rocket one. As for the other 3, if there is no fix for them, I'm better off not running the tests. (Ignorance is bliss.) Thanks for your time... and the mod.
  6. Now I'm getting the message with Starlight Drive-in. I have 11 settlements, I'll have to go and check them all before continuing with this play-through. I don't have any mods that specifically alter Starlight Drive-in, so what sort of mod am I looking for ? Is there a list of usual suspects? EDIT: I checked all my Settlements, 7 have no issues, Starlight Drive-in, County Crossing, and Taffington Boathouse all have no LocationRefType WorkshopRefType. And Red Rocket has no linked Workshop Container. plugins.txt
  7. Thanks for your reply. (a) I don't have any mods that add new quests, so I guess I'll rely on those alternate backup conditions. I haven't played enough of the game to know if County Crossing has any specific quests. (b) If it were a mod overwriting the location records, and trashing the reftype pointers, wouldn't it also effect the previous game when loaded with the same mods? If I were overly worried about things not working as they are supposed to, I would probably just avoid this game.
  8. WARNING WorkshopParentRegistered Workshop Location [Location < (0009B1C3)>] missing LocationRefType WorkshopRefType (Quests may not pick this workshop). Is there a way to add the missing LocationRefTypeWorkshopRefType with the console by clicking on the workbench ? Edit: I went back to a save before even talking to the settlers a County Crossing, and I still get the keyword error. Does it really matter if I just ignore it?. I went back to an old save with my previous character and County Crossing had no issues then.
  9. Thanks for your reply ChuckYufarley. The content of the material file was the same , only the paths were changed. I left everything checked as it was. I might check those things later, but for now it's working, so I'll leave well enough alone. Thanks for you input.
  10. Thanks for your reply worm. The side by side image shows the problem, the bottom image shows it works as just a texture replacer. I checked, and the original diffuse .dds and my altered one both had the same blank white Alpha. I finally solved the problem (after many days) by making a new copy of the original sink and changing the name of the PlayerHouseSink01.dds to PlayerHouseSink02.dds but keeping the original path. Previously I had kept the same name and changed the path. Obviously it found the path, or the colour wouldn't have changed, but it didn't apply the environment map. (maybe you can't change the path to the shared folder ?) That method had worked for other colour changes I had done (to motorcycles and bedside lamps), but not this one. Anyway it's working now. Thanks for your reply.
  11. I did what I thought would be a simple re texture of the pre-war bathroom sink. (Change the yellow part to grey.) The colour change worked, but it lost the chrome look. ( both in the game and in Nifscope ) It uses PlayerHouse_BathroomMirrorENV01.BGSM and PlayerHouse_BathroomSink01_ENV.BGSM, which use MetalBrushed02Cube_e.dds and Chrome_e.dds respectively. I copied all of the files to a new path in my data folder, but the Environment (e.dds) part doesn't show up. If I do it as a simple replacer (putting only the modded sink.dds in data) then the chrome shows up, but I want both grey and yellow versions. You wouldn't believe how much time I've spent trying to figure this out.
  12. I googled how to enable Debug Logging, but the log file doesn't seem to show anything related to beds EDIT: I found the problem. I was using a lot of Femshepping beds which count towards bed numbers, but don't allow you to assign them. I tried copying all the keywords, actions, and the script from the Friffy beds that do work properly, and it nearly worked. I showed the beds as a resource the needed to be assigned, and even gave you the "Assign" prompt, but hitting enter did nothing. I got around it by replacing some of the Friffy bed textures of beds I wasn't using with the Femshepping ones, and all is good. The "which settler which bed" mod was useful in getting everyone assigned to a bed.
  13. Tenpines Bluff has 5 double beds (10 beds) and 5 settlers. SKK Workshop Utilities marks 3 beds as unowned , and 3 settlers who aren't assigned beds. But going into workshop mode and selecting a settler not assigned to a bed, doesn't give me the option to assign the bed. I just installed " Which Settler Which Bed" mod, and it shows the same 3 un-assigned beds and the same 3 settlers who don't have beds assigned to them, but it's not much use if I don't have an assign option. Another thing (may be related) SKK Workshop shows a Keyword warning for Tenpines Bluff. I says if debug logging is enabled to check the log file, but no word on how to enable logging, nor where to find the log file if you did have it enabled.
  14. That method works sometimes and not others. I don't know why. Two things you can try. Just extract the textures to the correct path in your data folder., has worked for me. The couple of times it didn't, I had to edit the strings in the Nif file with NifSkope, and then put the the edited extracted nif file, and the BGSM and texture files in the Data folder. So far, this has always worked.
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