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I want to add laser rifles with random mods to the super mutant's inventory. I've found LL_LaserGun_Random_Template in the GECK. This levelled list will create a level appropriate Lasergun variant with a random selection of weapon mods attached to it. BUT I CAN'T FIGURE OUT HOW. I don't understand how the CK chooses which mods to use. I need to include all rifle grips but exclude pistol grips, as the supermutants cannot use the pistols. And I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone help? Again, the goal is for super-mutant's to have laser rifles with random laser-rifle mods, but no laser pistols, and I can't figure out what combination of keywords and levelled lists I need to make that happen.
Okay, reporting back: I did find an "Accuracy Mult" field in the combat styles. I think that might be what I'm looking for. Gen 1 synths have it set at .3, most companions at .6, Kellog uses .95, and it looks like the Power Armor BOS have it at a whopping 1.0! So I'm going to play with that a bit when I wake up and see what happens.
I've been trying to find a combination of mods that will give the game the right kind of challenging feel that I like. Despite reducing NPC health sponginess and increasing everyone's damage dramatically I never quite got there. It didn't feel right. *I* was dealing plenty of damage to NPCs, but I almost never took any damage unless a couple of NPCs got me in melee range all at once. Thennnnnnn a Synth Leader tried to hose me down with laser fire. From thirty feet away. And missed. About 90 times. THE NPCS CAN'T HIT A GODDAMN THING! So I'm looking for a couple of things 1.) What factors control an NPCs accuracy? Is it their SPECIAL Perception stat? The weapon's accuracy? Some other factor? 2.) What controls an NPCs reaction time? How fast they react to a threat and start shooting? 3.) What controls an NPCs decisions to fire, as opposed to do something else like look for cover? Ideally I'd like to make the NPCs react to the player much more quickly, shoot more often, and shoot accurately. As it stands I can blithely run in to machine gun fire or even ignore it completely and unless I have about a dozen NPCs unloading with automatics at fairly close range I'll be fine. If anyone can help me figure out where those factors are controlled in the GECK I'd appreciate it muchly!
I just uploaded a mod that uses TheTalkieToaster's awesome Damage Threshold mod and applies DT values to the vanilla machinegun turrets. This makes the turrets much more difficult to destroy by spamming low damage per shot weapons. The goal is to make turrets more of a challenge for the player, requiring a bit more thought as to how to approach them. Currently the mod just adds DT to the turrets. 10pts for Mk1, 15pts for MkIII, and so on. Pipe weapons will barely scratch the MkI turrets but grenades or other high-alpha damage weapons can still take them out fairly quickly. Give it a shot and let me know what you think! Please make a hard save first, though! This is still an alpha, even though I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything that could possibly mess up your game! Link to Damage Threshold for turrets - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30372 Required: TheTalkieToaster's Damage Threshold - https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7573
I remember that. I think back in the day with the deer the high aggression would make them enter combat mode when they saw you, then the low confidence would make them run away until they decided they weren't in combat anymore. And yeah, they seem to do the same thing with radstags, setting them to have high aggression but low confidence. And god does it lead to some weird behavior, some nights i can't sleep because Piper insists on grabbing a minigun and chasing down bambi. I wonder if settlers assigned to defense use a different combat AI than other settlers. That'd be really handy.
Rifle like or Pistol like - Rocket launcher
FrankManic replied to shanekrid's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
It should be doable. I think the most basic way would be to copy a pistol and change the projectile it uses to missile. I'm not sure how that all works in the current version of the Creation Kit but it's definitely one you could try to do yourself. -
I opened up the GECK and took a look. Settlers are just set to the "Default" combat style with no trimmings. Is there anything I can read or look at about how combat styles work in Fallout 4? My goal would be to make the Settlers very defensive and wary in combat - Stay in cover most of the time, always evade grenades, that sort of thing. As it is whenever something hostile enters the area the entire settlement seems to run straight towards it weapons blazing. That's fine for guards by I think it'd be more believable if John the Barber and Ted the shop clerk took cover and stayed there. So that's the goal. Better combat behaviors for settlers where they won't be as aggressive and will hunker down instead of running towards enemies. Does anyone have any thoughts?
I've been banging my head against this for a few hours. I can't figure out how all the keywords and different systems work. The very short version is that I'd like to change the pipe weapons used by super mutants to be more heavily upgraded versions. I don't know how to define what mods the weapon has, though. Could anyone explain how I'd add a weapon with specific or randomly chosen mods to an actors levelled list? Is there a tutorial or a walkthrough somewhere?
Second the defense gun. It's a really well done mod, fits great in the world, plenty of mods. I believe there is also a grease gun mod. That said, you could probably find A Set of Sten assets on an asset store and make a version for FO4.
You'd need to make meshes and maybe textures for it, but it's probably doable.
Any VR modders have any thoughts on how to go about unlocking face editing for VR? I've been out of the mod scene for years and FO4 is *very* different from Skyrim or FO3 so I'm not really sure where to start. I'd really like to be able to edit my toons face and have an easy way to go to some kind of 3rd person view to look at my character in game. Is anyone working on something like that? Does anyone have suggestions on how to do it? Are there any good fallout 4 scripting tutorials?
I've got a sword and scabbard mesh ready to go. I don't know what I need to do so that the sword and scabbard are not regarded as a single object in nifskope. That is, How do I make it so Nifskope can assign the sword to the weapon bone and the scabbard to the hip bone... thing. As it is anything I do to one of them happens to both of them, as far as Nifskope is concerned they're all one object. Any help would be appreciated. Rapidshare download link for the model
Mod in progress: Atmospheric Water Condenser
FrankManic replied to FrankManic's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Thank you very much! I'll correct those things and give it another go! COMPLETE SUCCESS! Everything has gone better than expected. Now to get to work on the Turbo-Pupinator-9000, which fires irradiated dobermans that bite people then explode. -
The Brotherhood has Power Armor. Shields would be redundant, and get in the way of the ridiculously huge chain guns. That said, it might be doable. I think you can create costume pieces that only effect a specific body part, so with some NIFscape goodness, GIMP, Blender, and lots of free time I bet you could get a man-hole cover in game that would stick itself to your arm and increase your DR.
Mod in progress: Atmospheric Water Condenser
FrankManic replied to FrankManic's topic in Fallout 3's Discussion
Here is the current state of my script. It's still giving me water, but the latter portion, which is supposed to check that a day has passed since the activator was last used, doesn't seem to be working. Could you folks kindly look this over and tell me what I may have missed or done wrong? What I was trying to do is set things up so that the script would check if FMWaterReady0 == 0. If that returned true, it was to give the player water, set FMWaterReady0 to 1, and store the GameDaysPassed as FMWaterTime0. Then, when the button is next used, I want it to check FMWaterTime0 against the current days passed and display a message if 1 day has not yet passed. Currently it just keeps giving me water. Which is cool, but not what I'm aiming for. Any help greatly appreciated. SCN FMWaterTestScript2 short FMWaterReady0 float FMWaterTime0 Begin OnActivate if IsActionRef player == 1 if (FMWaterReady0 == 1) ShowMessage X elseif (FMWaterReady0 == 0) player.additem WaterPurified 1 set FMWaterReady0 to 1 set FMWaterTime0 GameDaysPassed endif endif end Begin gamemode if (FMWaterReady0 == 1) if (GameDaysPassed - FMWaterReady0 >=1) Set FMWaterReady0 to 0 endif endif end