Yup been added to the NPCFollowersLIST, not sure what's going on, script is the same as above (with Pinchy replacing MikaSniper etc.) Will carry on the fiddling with the GECK to see if there isn't something I've missed. Edit: Just checked and while I had made the topics, it seems that the dialogue doesn't load automatically since Pinchy's was initially unpopulated with any topics, so clicked on the Dialogue button for Jericho (which opened up all the topics he can talk about) and then went back to Pinchy and her topics showed up under the Dialogue so might have had something to do with it, will test now. 2nd Edit: Nope that didn't seem to help either, still no response besides looking at me blankly from Pinchy, what I may end up doing is just editing the MishkaSniper files instead, since it seems a tad easier than from scratch but I'd prefer not to plaguerise other peoples hard work.