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Everything posted by niq

  1. There's also this in my games\XCOM - Enemy Unknown\XComGame\Config\XComContent.ini Flags=(Country=eCountry_USA, U=0.0, V=0.0) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Russia, U=0.25, V=0.0) Flags=(Country=eCountry_China, U=0.5, V=0.0) Flags=(Country=eCountry_UK, U=0.75, V=0.0) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Germany, U=0.0, V=0.125) Flags=(Country=eCountry_France, U=0.25, V=0.125) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Japan, U=0.5, V=0.125) Flags=(Country=eCountry_India, U=0.75, V=0.125) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Australia, U=0.0, V=0.25) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Italy, U=0.25, V=0.25) Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthKorea, U=0.5, V=0.25) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ireland, U=0.75, V=0.25) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Sweden, U=0.0, V=0.375) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Spain, U=0.25, V=0.375) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Norway, U=0.5, V=0.375) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Canada, U=0.75, V=0.375) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Netherlands, U=0.0, V=0.5) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Israel, U=0.25, V=0.5) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Egypt, U=0.5, V=0.5) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Brazil, U=0.75, V=0.5) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Argentina, U=0.0, V=0.625) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Mexico, U=0.25, V=0.625) Flags=(Country=eCountry_SouthAfrica, U=0.5, V=0.625) Flags=(Country=eCountry_SaudiArabia, U=0.75, V=0.625) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Ukraine, U=0.0, V=0.75) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Nigeria, U=0.25, V=0.75) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Scotland, U=0.5, V=0.75) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Greece, U=0.75, V=0.75) Flags=(Country=eCountry_Belgium, U=0.0, V=0.875) This just changes the soldier's neck flag, not the nationality. What exactly are those U and V values? I wonder if anyone's found the texture files for the flags so you could replace an existing flag with another?
  2. Right now, there's only around 30~ soldier nationalities available in XCOM (list can be found at: http://forums.2kgames.com/showthread.php?140326-XCOM-Nation-Recognition-Guide) Personally, I was really disappointed you couldn't choose your soldier's country and that there was so few of them to begin with. (No Finland, seriously? We have an army you know :armscrossed:) Let's not get started on the fact that every soldier speaks with an American accent, regardless of their nationality.
  3. God bless Nexus and Kickstarter... Obsidian has always been forced to play second banana, they've been the targets of terrible deadlines and projects they never had the opportunity to pour it all in and do the things how they wanted. To have a studio like Obsidian to produce a game that's 100% creativity, 100% fan supported and no corners cut because of publishers, Eternity will be Obsidian's first true and pure RPG. In an ideal world, every game would be done like this, funded and made in collaboration with the fans, but sadly it's not the case (YET!). Kickstarter has given gamers something to dream about. To have a world without publishers. Can't wait for Project Eternity.
  4. Lots of great games in there. Had to do my bit as a good citizen and pay respects to my childhood; Mario 3, Chrono Trigger, Ocarina of Time, Starfox 64, Deus Ex and Grim Fandango. Makes me shed a nostalgia tear. :d
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