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  1. Competition breeds competence. Finish the product to the best of your ability,and the community will invariably gravitate towards the one which serves its desires most.
  2. Hey,you know how you wanted to make your mods play nice with Sim Settlements? Yeah,throw any preliminary work you've done on that out. Kinggath released Sim Settlements 2,which is a from-zero rebuild of the mod.
  3. Grenade Expansion Pack 2 has,among other toys,acid grenades and mines,which scale with the Chemist perk!
  4. The Weapon Overhauls (AIO) mod includes an option,with the Idiot Savant perk,to convert the minigun into a shotgun. It's just as absurd as it sounds,but it should be right up your alley.
  5. This is what I use for exactly that purpose.
  6. So,you say that robots,specifically the Cargotron,are going to be primarily useful as cargo mules. However,what about Strong? His base Strength score is a staggering 24. Unfortunately,he may only wear very specific Super Mutant armour,which cannot be modified. Will you be addressing this,or maybe making a carrying pack for Strong to use? Also,unrelated,but I had to dredge this up from the fourth page.
  7. Not gonna lie. That M1911 baby machine gun configuration gives me conniptions. I cannot see that being anything approaching practical. As for everything else... I can't do anything more than wish you and your family the best. Be well,Antistar. Stand by your old man's side.
  8. I'm partially wondering if it's even possible,but I think it'd be an excellent mod,especially for marksmen using modded weapons with gravity-beholden projectiles,that changes the Recon effect on Recon Scopes and Recon Sensors Power Armour/Robot component to not only mark the target,but to also give you the distance to the target.
  9. So,you want an M60 with a visible belt of ammo,and it belches out spent links,right? That's what's keeping you from putting a proper MG into the game? Well,lookie what I found on the Hot Files during my daily visit... According to the mod author,the ammo type is necessary for it to spit out links. As for the belt,I think that's a clever bit of animation sleight of hand to make it look like it's feeding in.
  10. I wonder if you'll lump the Stimpak Syringe with the Psycho Syringe. I ask because Psycho's delivery system is obviously more than a single chamber syringe. There are two secondary chambers attached to the sides,and wires connecting them to either end of the primary chamber,suggesting an electroshock component.
  11. For any recipes involving charcoal,maybe consider including Sim Settlements - Industrial Revolution integration,since one of the Advanced Industrial Plots,the Coal Pit,produces Coal,which is actually charcoal. In Sim Settlements,its sole purpose is to get more uses out of a different Advanced Industrial Plot's water purifier to get more daily bottles of Ultra-Pure Water (Or something like that). This way,you'd have interoperability between PEACE and Sim Settlements on what's essentially the same item.
  12. An idea for the portable cooking stove would be to keep the player from being able to make the more involved recipes,like Mirelurk Cakes or Yao Guai Roast (Which strikes me as a pot roast). If you keep it to simple slabs of grilled meat and pots of simple soups,you should be laughing,without making the stationary cooking stations useless.
  13. Antistar: Making an ancient and outdated engine his personal whipping boy since ever. A very clever thing,dude. And essential,considering your overhauls. Maybe consider adding a portable cooking stove of a similar concept? With the heating coil powered by Fusion Cells?
  14. After a good long while away from Skyrim,I decided to start playing again. So,I reinstalled Skyrim 2011,and installed all of the old mods I love. Issue is,upon starting a new game,any weapons I try to wield are invisible. They're visible in my inventory,but invisible while worn and invisible in hand. Load order follows.
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