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Everything posted by errorthirteen13

  1. I encountered the problem playing modded Skyrim: my saving time grown from <2sec to >5sec. Yet savefile size was ~6Mb. Unable to find a proper solution I decided to create my own workaround. My problem occured when I tried to save again. Then I looked on saving process: -when saving first time, two files created - quicksave.ess & quicksave.skse; -when saving 2nd time and further, one more file created - quicksave.ess.bak. Probably that .bak file is a source of problem. So I decided to prevent repetitive saving by renaming existing savefiles and deleting renamed savefiles when normal savefiles appear. For this i used AutoHotKey. Now step by step. 1. Install AutoHotKey 2. Create .txt file and insert next script: !Numpad0::Loop{IfExist, @SaveDir\quicksave*.* FileDelete, @SaveDir\_quicksave*.*IfExist, @SaveDir\autosave1*.* FileDelete, @SaveDir\_autosave1*.*IfExist, @SaveDir\autosave2*.* FileDelete, @SaveDir\_autosave2*.*IfExist, @SaveDir\autosave3*.* FileDelete, @SaveDir\_autosave3*.* FileMove, @SaveDir\quicksave*.*, @SaveDir\_*.*FileMove, @SaveDir\autosave1*.*, @SaveDir\_*.*FileMove, @SaveDir\autosave2*.*, @SaveDir\_*.*FileMove, @SaveDir\autosave3*.*, @SaveDir\_*.*Sleep, 5000}return 3. Replace @SaveDir with path to your savefiles directory. Usually like C:\Users\@UserName\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Saves4. Change file extension (.txt) to .ahk. 5. Launch file, double-clicking it. Icon with AutoHotKey logo should apperar in tray.6. Use keybind Alt+Numpad0 to start. Explanation: after activation with keybind script checks for existing normally named savefiles (like quicksave.ess). If they exist, deletes renamed files (like _quicksave.ess). Then renames normally named savefiles (quicksave.ess to _quicksave.ess). Same works with autosaves. This process repeats every 5sec. So this prevents rewriting save files and evades long saving time. Note: keybinds does not work in Skyrim. You need minimize it or run script before, etc. Note2: you are unable now to use quickload (F9) feature because of changed file names. Yet it very small inconvenience to load manually in comparison. About AutoHotKey using: after launch, the tray icon appear. Right mouse click on it to see menu. Notable items: -Reload this script - stops script and loads script from file. -Edit this script - opens notepad window with script for you to edit. To apply changes you need save file, then use "Reload this script" from above. -Exit - simply exit. PS. I'd upload my own .ahk file, but Nexus says "Nope". PSS. Sorry for my English.
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