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Everything posted by StrangerPL

  1. Normally filler npc's should say their lines and f*** off, right? Well, some stupid s*** prevents them from that. I thought I repaired the problem, but nope. I simply don't seem to be able. Maybe you guys could help me. I really wanted to get back to New Vegas, with all the great mods coming out for it, but when every npc says "Hey!" and all I can do is to respond "I have to go now." it's getting a little irritating. It's a lot, I know, but I've had more, and nothing broke basic and all npc dialogue before. Game version? Newest I'd assume. Any DLCs? All, yes. Are you using NMM or any other mod manager? What version? NMM. 0.63.14 Are you using SKSE? what version? NVSE in fact, newest I think. Any other helper programs? BOSS? LOOT? Tes5Edit? Wrye Bash? anything else? Nope.
  2. That's it really. I mean, there's campfire, frostfall, couple of addons for campfire, body replacer, and Helgen Reborn. I bet it's the Skyrim Flora Overhaul SSE. Guess I'll have to ignore it.
  3. So, I downloaded this mod, cause why not? Looked cool. Played a bit, found it really nice. Birds are well made, models, behavior, everything. Too bad mod author is an entitled *censored*. I asked him, if the bird nest I found, was supposed to float about a meter above the tree. In return I got blocked. What's wrong with that question? I literally had that f***ing mod for about an hour. Anyway, was it, or are they random? I've seen simmilar shenanigans before, but now that I want to find one, to take a screen, I can't find any. Most of the ones I've found, were more or less out of place, but now there's none. Not out of place. AT ALL. Are they random? Also, what the possible conflict could be? I have, quite obviously Skyrim Flora Overhaul. Could that be the case? @Edit: Took about 20 minutes of aimless hiking, but finally found another nest with similar problems. Here's the link, since this site doesn't like directly linking images, apparently. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/880875150606897281/30C3E0B8874BCD5A8E5C9CCCE24E953A20CBAAA0/
  4. It fixes it for the time being. They're not broken from the start. They're starting to dissapear a couple of minutes after the game loads.
  5. Game breaks for some reason. Everything was perfect, untill last few days. I downloaded a bunch of new mods, and everything blew up. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/393295805956208727/7C469DED9725B79CD8279216714AA6B5B1658C11/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/393295805956244065/2EFF32E1FDE8737FA9FA84863F06DAB6CDA24747/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/393295805956629532/ACE5249296FDF9DB652D6E5A104341F2D916E3A8/ Random textures don't wanna appear, custom models, many, many things. Also that's a thing. Any Idea how to help my game? I've heard, that Fallout breaks if too many plugins are active, and that you can merge some of them, but I don't have a damn clue, how to do that.
  6. There was someone, who already did the avatars for this mod. Not the beta tho.
  7. Plans? Yeah. Not anytime soon, tho. Also not a great place to ask this. Go check the mod page.
  8. I'm not telling, you should back off. Overcoming obstacles is a good thing. Celestia's hair looks quite nice. If the mod's getting something similar, that's a great news. :D
  9. Man, this'll be a tough one. You know how real mane works, right? Long hairs through entire mane. Tail's the same. This on screen looks more like a fur. I guess we'll have to see the finished sample. Yes, I know you're not into texturing, and no, I can't do better. Just showing, what I'm worried about. @Edit: Also... Yeah. Talking about reality... Maybe this whole texturing is unnecessary? We'll have to wait and see.
  10. Main question is, is this Early Release, or Early Access? By that I mean, are You going to work on the mod, and release updates, fixing things, or release (I thing I'm repeating too much) it and that's it? I personally wouldn't mind waiting for the polished version, but trying the ,,Beta'' is also ok.
  11. It's he. :smile: And thx for answer. Keep up the good work. I understand it's some kind of side project. More like a hobby it seems. I bet you'll find someone willing to voice the characters. :smile: Maybe as a separate addon?
  12. Hi. I'm new here and don't know exactly how this works. Is there any accual download? And the mod is somewhere near being finished? Don't wanna to offend you or anything. Just me being curious. Oh. And voice acting. Any plans about that? Maybe even some actions? If it's some kind of secret, or you simply don't know, that's ok. Take your time.
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