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Everything posted by ANG3Looo

  1. Stewb "Also seems to be stopping anyone asking for votes in their file descriptions too. Should even the system up, not undermine it" Thats not what I said your a million light years out. If the site wants to give every mod weather it be new or recently updated maximum exposure you do not pin rating system on it, you publish the updates weekly that way every one of them mods gets maximum exposure.
  2. I don't really understand why they needs to be a second rating system at all in all fairness if we can already cast a vote for file of the month, for that to carry any real weight we shouldn't undermine that with a second system. Other than that give the modders the choice to put there mod/mods up for candidacy every month. That way the event runs once a month and gives each contender a good run for there money, and with 12 prizes a year going out thats not bad at all.
  3. How about just scrapping the rating system all together and have 1 vote per person per month and leave the description & comments sections so people haft to read them to find out what the current score is with the mod. Any mods that don't win file of the month are allowed to enter the competition for the following month. Have two main weekly updates on the front of the site one for new files only for the last 7 days published every Monday. One for file updates again published every Monday that only pertains to core file updates, ie; not pictures/description changes. Nice and simple.
  4. As some people have already stated the rating system has got some what silly where as anything lower than 10 risk's being ridiculed. Simplest solution get rid of it replace it with a simple star system either 1-3 or 1-5 then the stars can be tallied up at the end of the week/month and the awards are handed out to which ever ones have scored the most for that time. Once a mod has being awarded something then it shouldn't be entered into the follow weeks/months entry's or rather you could have something that the Aurthur's can activate at there end, where they are asked if they want there mods to be entered into the mod of the week/month system, the reason why i say that is because the mod might be in its infancy so there's no point entering it into say mod of the week/month or what not if its not finished. The comments section should really be renamed feedback where as its there for people to give the Aurthur's the feedback they need to improve the mod. The other side of the site id like to see improved is the both the search function and the mod tracking pages. By this I mean when I go into the mod tracking section of the site I'm greeted with thumbnails that take up to much screen real estate, when really the core information that I need to know about is last update time and preferably weather the update was an actual file change and not a an description or image update. As for the search function of the site the search feature works nicely but again my only gripe with it is the way that it relays the information back to me, they is to much emphasis on thumbnails in big boxes that take up a lot of screen real estate when a lot of that space could be grabbed back to list even more relative information to me. As some one previous before my post has already stated that they are some key mods/tools that have being developed for the f3 that are absolute godsends and must haves and make our life a lot easier, I think them tools could be better presented to newcomers of the site rather than them finding out they actually exist long after they signed up. The last thing id like to see improved is the descriptions & downloads sections on the mods pages they are a great many out there that are so untidy that it becomes impossible to determine what exactly I need to download and how to go about setting it up. This is further confounded by the fact that some modders upload to many variations of the same mod under different place holder's this then leads to greater confusion, and to top it of the same modder can then open another subsection to different class of mod and thus repeat the same again. :s The best way to tackle this would be to confine a modder's to one account/placeholder so upon entering their download page we are presented with a list pertaining to all their mods, the descriptions page can easily divulge all the information to all their mods, after all that is why read me files should be written for each and every mod and included in the archive download file. One last thing the user log on information should be moved to the top of the page rather than the bottom right where it resides atm. Over all the sight is very good but as it has grown it has become very untidy and thats understandable after all hindsight easier said than done. Anyways best of luck with ya final year and thanks to all staff for keeping things rolling.
  5. I'm a bit puzzled why this news isn't pushed to the top of the last topic ie; the blog info, can be easy to miss when being put below. Anyways cheers for heads up. :)
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