I was traveling during the whole paid mod fiasco, and it was all over when I returned home and was reading some of the news (and following comments) on this site. There seemed to be a lot of animosity between some mod authors and users. Some mods and authors disappeared. And now it has all come round again, it seems like. I had a few thoughts (worthwhile or not). First, there seem to be some that are angered at Dark0ne. Almost as if there is a belief that this site is something that can be run on a shoestring budget, so that any advertisement revenue should be going to mod authors. I didn't check back before starting to type this up, but I believe there have been posts in the past that talked about expenses. This is not a cheap enterprise, and then you have people like me. I finally responded to the ad placeholders that ask you to donate $2 for site upkeep to help replace lost ad revenue. Anyone that expects advertisement to pay needs to keep people like me in mind that don't turn off adblock and noscript for very many places at all. I have never seen the ads on this site. Ever. There are probably others who never bothered to pay the $2 to support the site. Second, I wonder if people are thinking of the impact of monetizing mods. Even if you are just going for donations instead of straight up pay to use, cooperation will most likely be affected. For the most part, assets seem to be shared fairly freely here. If profit is tied in to having people using your mod, why would you be willing to share and have someone else perhaps make a more popular mod that incorporates yours that has the chance to dry up your money flow? I am thinking here of mods like IA, IJ, and LotD which are much more than borrowed work, but do incorporate other work than just done by the releasing author. Would mod authors start wanting "donations" from another author wanting to incorporate their work in another mod, or perhaps refuse to share at all? Third, will donations be seen as mandatory, and who will determine what size a donation should be? Would it be frowned upon to donate less to "The Paarthurnax Dilemma" than to "Falskaar"? Will people be called out by mod authors for not donating enough? (I am unsure if incoming donations would be able to be tracked or anonymous, so maybe that wouldn't be a problem.) Some people have thrown out $5-$10 as being a good range, and that would be fine if you just run a few mods. That is awful spendy if you are running many at all. And fourth, how much of the "community" will survive this? I suppose this thread is a vocal minority, but there is a fair amount of hate here. Go ahead, and scroll down through the comments. I haven't read them all and don 't intend to. From reading here, you can get the impression that all mod users are lazy idiots, and all mod authors are greedy bloodsuckers. Maybe some are. It will probably be best for all if we could do without the name calling. I am not a mod author and am very unlikely to become one. I am (currently, can't spend too long doing one thing) an electrician that would be spending a lot more time on my music and leatherwork if it wasn't for mod authors. I have run a heavily modded game through wine on linux without any of the fancy tools other platforms enjoy, and have had some fun just learning how the files get used since I do everything manually. That being said, there is a limit or trade off on fun and expense. I can guarantee you that as mods get monetized (I'm assuming it will happen), if I stick around using mods, that I will be paying attention to the character of mod authors as portrayed in their posts. After all, why send support to anyone you don't like/respect? Although I guess that can go both ways with mod authors removing mods as has already happened to some degree. Still, another angle for people to think about. Mod users wouldn't have mods without the mod authors, but mod authors wouldn't have a (potentially paying) market without mod users. I believe both groups should command a little respect as a result. And... that is enough rambling from this lazy idiot of a mod user.