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  1. Yeah. It is surprising how many people publicly admit to being a pirate or a pedo. They posted that comment on a nude mod for a child character, so unsurprisingly the uploader was banned a few hours later.
  2. Interesting. I always thought it was related to typesetting on a manual printing press, as the lower case version of those letters could be easy to mix up.
  3. Obvious bigot/troll. It is surprising they only received a warning with that user name.
  4. Someone went to a lot of effort to commit endorsement fraud on their images, 25 alt accounts.
  5. As well as the most overuse/abuse of the word hypothetical in a post.
  6. "Hypothetically banned for piracy."
  7. I don't think that is a feature that Nexus supports, there is nothing in the notification preferences related to new games being added to the DP store.
  8. Glad you got the issue fixed. I was a little surprised that the issue was file name related. Quoting that Reddit post : If you need to determine what format a DDS file uses, the best tool I know of is Microsoft's texdiag utility. It is not the most user friendly tool due to being command line based, but it provides detailed info about DDS files: dimensions, format, number of mip maps, etc.
  9. What is the original format of the file? That error message is unfortunately rather vague, I have no idea what 'Invalid platform' means in the context of DDS files. AFAIK most of the BCn formats should work on both Xbox and PC. There are a few Xbox-specific DDS formats, but I would expect the CK to handle the conversion to those formats. I am the author of the Paint.NET DDS plugin, but I have very little experience with the CK and have never tried to port a mod to Xbox.
  10. The original tutorial was saved by the Internet Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20201109042211/https://barrens.chat/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=70
  11. That user last visited the site in 2018, so it is unlikely they will be back. I would recommend Microsoft's texconv utility, it is a command line app that can batch convert between DDS and PNG (plus a number of other formats).
  12. It looks like WinRAR may not support the compression that file is using. The mod page says the mod is obsolete and has been replaced by http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62552/
  13. Fnordware has a DDS plugin for Mac: https://fnordware.blogspot.com/2014/09/dds-plug-in-for-after-effects-and.html The plugin does not support some of the newer DDS formats that Starfield uses (e.g. BC7), and I don't know if it works with current versions of Photoshop. Microsoft's DirectXTex library should build on Mac/Linux, but the included sample programs are Windows-only. Intel's DDS plugin for Photoshop appears to be Windows-only.
  14. What error are you getting? I no longer have any Windows 7 machines, but looking at the NMM code it appears that installer requires .NET Framework version 4.5.2 and NMM itself requires .NET Framework version 4.6.2. Both of those versions should work in Windows 7.
  15. To me, it looks like the image was not decompressed/extracted correctly. The random RGB noise could be compressed data that is being loaded as image data. As far as I am aware, the directx image formats have not changed in several years, and DirectXTex (the library used for loading by both the Intel and Paint.NET DDS plugins) would refuse to load the file if it was an unrecognized format. I am the main developer of the Paint.NET DDS plugin. I had one report on the Paint.NET forum of a Starfield DDS file not loading, but that issue appears to have been caused by a file that was incorrectly extracted. Paint.net is reading the file fine. But when I try to save the file in BC5 format, the app paints the image in yellow. That is the expected behavior for BC5, it is a 2 channel format that only uses the red and green channels when saving the image. The blue channel is set to zero when loading the image, which causes the yellow preview image. not only in preview, the image changes for all, when you load the image after saving it, you have to edit a image in yellow EDIT: My problem is Solved here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/602?tab=description Oh, it's you! xDDD thank you so much :smile: What was the issue? I also discovered a regression in the plugin while answering your question. I accidentally removed the BC5 signed option from the save UI in version 1.12.6, fixed in version 1.12.7.
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