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About Lioness446

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  1. Every time I try to use Nifskope to change the vertex colours, it doesn't work. I click on the object I want to change, select vertex colours, go to "select all", but when I change the colour, nothing happens. It stays the same colour. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I tried using a different file, I've tried saving and reopening Nifskope, but it always stays the same. And on top of that, Nifskope is now stuck in a weird camera angle that makes it almost impossible to see. Can someone please help?
  2. Some of you may know me as the mod author who got in WAY to over her head with Gemology. I don't know how I managed to screw it up so badly, but so many of the users reported issues and bugs that have unfolded one after another with each update. Recently while to trying to fix it I've noticed that the ring textures and meshes are gone completely, and I remembered that I used the resource pack from Gemling Queen Jewelry for the rings and other jewelry to start. I need to re download this and re work everything from the start in order to get it working, and that is an overwhelmingly daunting task. So I decided instead of trying to wrap my brain around the confusing nifskope paths and multiple fussy CK glitches again, it would be much easier to just rebuild Gemology from the ground up. I will release small packs of jewelry at first in order to more easily manage them if there are issues and gather feedback from users. Once a basic version is ready, I will take down the old Gemology page to prevent a risk that the old file will somehow override the new one when I upload it. That has inexplicably happened before with one Gemology update, Lord knows how. I will be sure to give plenty of notice as the project nears completion, the last thing I intend to do is appear shady! Who knows, I might keep the old page instead, but if that will be the easier thing to do or not will become apparent down the road. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to submit some feedback or suggestions, leave a reply down below or message me right away, I will try my best to answer you!
  3. I am making a mod that adds new gem types as well as new jewelry, and now that I am finally ready to start testing, a lot of the models started to not Que the textures, making the objects look like slightly transparent, red diamonds with an exclamation point in the middle. There really is no reason for this to be happening, I attached the models to the right slots, (The male amulet in the male amulet slot, etc.) and I name the files with "000" to make it easier to find, and I've read in a tutorial that this can cause the creation kit to flip out, but when I changed the name, nothing happened. And when I tried to remake the item, it still failed to que properly, and when I just made a new version altogether, it still didn't work. I have worked WAY too hard making all of these models to start over. Please help!
  4. I searched my computer and found a dsound.dll file, but I am not sure if it's a suspicous file or something my computer needs. I opened it in Notepad and found this: ˆ € € ¸ È Ø Hh ð d ² a | W E V T _ T E M P L A T E M U I |4 V S _ V E R S I O N _ I N F O ½ïþ @° @°? Ú S t r i n g F i l e I n f o ¶ 0 4 0 9 0 4 B 0 L C o m p a n y N a m e M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n @ F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n D i r e c t S o u n d l & F i l e V e r s i o n 6 . 1 . 7 6 0 0 . 1 6 3 8 5 ( w i n 7 _ r t m . 0 9 0 7 1 3 - 1 2 5 5 ) 8 I n t e r n a l N a m e D i r e c t S o u n d € . L e g a l C o p y r i g h t © M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . > O r i g i n a l F i l e n a m e d s o u n d . d l l j % P r o d u c t N a m e M i c r o s o f t ® W i n d o w s ® O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m B P r o d u c t V e r s i o n 6 . 1 . 7 6 0 0 . 1 6 3 8 5 D V a r F i l e I n f o $ T r a n s l a t i o n ° CRIM° Kµ“ŠZǵI¥¾`q[3$ WEVTŒ Œ ô Ü è ( 4 @ CHANh ¨ ÿÿÿÿL M i c r o s o f t - W i n d o w s - D i r e c t S o u n d / D e b u g TTBLè TEMPP P Òêyg¦Ø»$ž<[ 7øJ. ÿÿ D‚ E v e n t D a t a TEMPŒ a\û { ?¬~dcüò . Aÿÿ D‚ E v e n t D a t a ´ FMw x m l n s : a u t o - n s 2 / h t t p : / / s c h e m a s . m i c r o s o f t . c o m / w i n / 2 0 0 4 / 0 8 / e v e n t s ¼ x m l n s D i r e c t S o u n d N S ÿÿ h r ÿÿ [k h r S t r i n g ¸ Ä h r h r S t r i n g OPCO LEVL@ P ( w i n : I n f o r m a t i o n a l TASK KEYW EVNTp € ° ô ˜ € °P ô ˜ ÍþÍþ𠆔›³žxn`¡è9:¹'6[²æ[àG¤Ã uhl.…· ˆ * ¸ À Ð à W E V T _ T E M P L A T E M U I M U I e n - U S And this... DSOUND.dll DirectSoundCaptureCreate DirectSoundCaptureCreate8 DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateA DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW DirectSoundCreate DirectSoundCreate8 DirectSoundEnumerateA DirectSoundEnumerateW DirectSoundFullDuplexCreate DllCanUnloadNow DllGetClassObject GetDeviceID Does this mean it's legit, or should I delete it?
  5. And just to clarify, since there names are so similar, I mean the badass from the Dark Brotherhood, not that stuck up Nazeem that everyone loves to murder I want to make a mod that allows players to marry Nazir, by using his other lines of dialouge in place of the marriage dialouge, much in the same way that the Friendly Brynjolf mod works: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15953/? But I have no idea how to get started! I downloaded the voice file reference tool, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28462/? which let's me look at all of Nazir's lines and has helped me a lot to decide which lines I am going to use, but how to actullay extract and use them, I am still hopelessly stuck on that. I also downloaded this extracting tool, http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19242/? but it hasn't been any help. I've put it in the same folder as the Voices.bsa file but it doesn't do anything. Every time I try to use the button, it just says there's no "FUZ" files in there. So can anyone tell me how to get started? Can anyone break down the complicated process of extracting FUZ files, converting them to WAV files, and somehow weaving them into the complicated quest files in the CK, and tell me in non computer speak? I desperately need guidance and help and simple tutorials to make this happen, and I really want to marry Nazir! Can anyone please help me?
  6. I didn't understand what "it's only and esp" meant either, that's partially why I asked. Wait, include the track in the release? What do you mean? I thought uploading a ram of the mod included the music track with it...? Well, that certainly clears up everything. I guess I haven't done anything wrong since I unwittingly failed to include the music in the download. This is embarrassing. I should probably explain this before taking it down. Thank you all.
  7. Hello! Some of you might know about my mod that adds The Touch as Dragon combat music. A string of comments left on it soon after I uploaded it has made me concerned, though.(See attached file) I would have sent a message to the admin about this, but there's a lot of generic admin accounts here, I don't know which one to actually talk to. So it's ok to upload music mods like this to Nexus, as long as it's an esp? I have read the Nexus terms of service, but I am rather impaired to interpret rules without context. I am rather confused as to why it matters what file format the mod is in, but I have a feeling I misinterpreted this whole thing. The mod hasn't been taken down and I am still here to type this, so I presume I am still ok, so the whole reason I am asking this is because I want to make other music mods and share them with others on the Nexus. One of them will add some of the music tracks from the video game Journey as exploration music, and the other will add several tracks from the orchestra Two Steps From Hell (seriously, look them up. They're amazing!) as exploration, combat, and any other categories they would fit. Would it be ok to upload these mods as well? I really hope I can share these mods with other Journey and/or Two Steps From Hell fans!
  8. I am having the exact same problem, Error code 3 keeps staring me in the face every time I load one of my save files. I tried changing SkyUI's load order to the top, but it didn't work. It all started when I got an error code saying that SKSE was outdated, and that I needed to upgrade to the newest, supported version, 1.07.03. It worked fine until today, when the error message popped up. I tried reinstalling SKSE, didn't work. Tried reinstalling the older version. Didn't work. I looked at the Readme of SKSE and went through the steps, and in the process noticed that the exe. files for SKSE were missing. How do I get it back? Please help me.
  9. I just tried running the game through a normal window, and that fixed the problem. Switching between races is still slow to load, but it doesn't crash at least. Until this is fixed, don't plan on starting any new characters with SKSE installed anytime soon!
  10. For some reason, whenever I am in the race menu, the game crashes when I select the imperial race. This makes it impossible to view the imperial race or any race above it. I recently upgraded my SKSE to the newest version, 1.7.3, and maybe that's causing the issue, but I doubt it. Help!
  11. Is this mod compatiable with Combat Evolved?
  12. I tried adding a new script for outofbounds, and left the "Extends" bar as "ObjectReference", but I keep getting an error message that claims that the extent script doesn't exist.
  13. Really? The game will only let you use the thane dialouge to get out of a crime once? I've been able to use it endless times. I think you're game might be glitched there. When I first played on the console version, it wouldn't let me use it at all, so count yourself lucky.
  14. Even if Bethesda and Valve had nothing but good intentions for this system, even if this system was designed to be the perfect mod maker support machine they claimed it was, I am glad this incident happened the way it did. If Valve and Bethesda had ulterior motives and/or try to implement a shady practice into their games in the future, they'll know the gamers aren't going to take it lying down. If some corrupt, greedy CEO ever takes over one or both of the companies, they'll know they can't so easily take advantage of us.
  15. So the guards won't do anything when one of their citizens starts randomly attacking me, but are perfectly willing to kill me over some measly 5 gold bounty? Idiots! Is there any mod out there that makes guards help you when someone in town goes beserk for no reason? Any at all? Please point me in the direction of something that works!
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