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About gutmaw

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  1. Heya, I have a mod that adds trap doors in several inns. I want to make a patch for another mod that changes the layout of inns, including new/changed navmesh. I tried loading the other mod first, then my mod, then creating the patch by moving the trap doors and corresponding markers, but when looking in xedit it looks like a carried over a bunch of vanilla navmesh overwriting the other mod navmesh, above and beyond any changes I made. Is this the right process? If so do I need to go in and carry over certain navmesshes from the other mod to my patch...and if so how doe I know which ones? TIA!!
  2. OK, so I removed the roombound form the cell and the banners appeared in game fine. I assume there's some setting in Nifskope on these meshes that makes the game see them as very large object, so they're being "cut off" by the room bounds and therefore not appearing in game. Is there some setting in Nifskope that is causing this?
  3. No Collision, it's a banner. I added the mesh/textures to https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzMqSzmzLLXkVkVIQjhudFVxTjQ It works fine in some cells, but not in others? Working in Castle Dour, not working in Bard's College. Nothing is overwriting the mesh/texture...testing on vanilla load.
  4. Hey all. Trying to finish up a mod, and started having a strange thing happen while testing. Some items I've edited in specific cells aren't showing up in game, but I am able to see them when in game and turn off collision and move outside of the walls. I Tried researching the issue and can't find an answer. It's not a NIF or texture issue because I used the same models in other cells with no problem. Here's a couple pictures to show what I mean...https://drive.google...VkVIQjhudFVxTjQ Also, In TES5Edit I can't see any differences whatsoever in these that aren't showing up, and some others that are. All the same settings, all Temporary records, etc. Any help appreciated. Thanks!!
  5. Heya, thought I had seen a mod that makes it so animated banners move differently from eachother? Any Ideas? Thanks!
  6. Heya, have a question on merging several mods together to make a single mod. the mods in question are... Immersive Artwork http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74271/?Snazzy HD Furniture and Clutter http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74345/?Snazzy HD Noble Beds http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74907/? Each of these mods edits/adds items in the majority of the vanilla and DLC cells, and in many cases they edit the same cells. What's the best way to merge these mods into one main "overhaul" mod? Can it be done via Merge Plugins/Xedit scripts considering they make seperate changes to the same cells, or does it need to be done in CK? If it has to be done in CK, I assume it would involve creating an ESM vs an ESP...I haven't done anything with ESMs and I'm not clear on when to do ESM vs ESP. Thanks for any help!
  7. Hey David, thx for the response. I guess I could have been more clear on the NiF issues. I'm not asking for anyone to go thru my meshes, i just have some specific Nifskope settings questions (BSX values, etc) as I've seen a lot of conflicting/vague info out there. As you suggested, I have been going thru the process of deleting items, seeing if the cell crashes, rinse and repeat, and I did find and fix a few that had repetitive Trishape/Node string names. But I'm not 100% sure about all the red flags I should even be looking for. My recent NIFs all appear right, no problem with my nifskope to blender to NifUtilsSuite to Nifskope conversions, and maybe they are and it's older custom NIF/s that are causing the issues but I haven't been able to locate it. Make sense? I'm to a point where I really want to just hire someone for an hour to go over the few points that I'm unclear on so i can move forward with confidence. Also, what did you mean by " (if the model is even the problem as opposed to the way a reference or the cell itself is configured)"? Hat reference/configuration are you referring to? Definitely possible I'm blaming bad NIFs when it could be something in CK... All the other stuff above, except maybe for the questions I have on editing Tamriel cells, are really more nice to haves...like if anyone would enjoy adding some NPCs. The storage system stuff I mentioned i realize is too vague...I'll just scratch that off the list and stick to the important stuff...I often tend to hyper focus where i shouldn't. :tongue: thx!
  8. Heya, I've been working on this player home for ages. I really just started out using it as a learning bed for CK, Gimp, Nifskope, blender, etc. Here's some fairly recent pics, but I've added a lot of customization since...https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzMqSzmzLLXkc0RYcHNTVC15OFU I'm SOOOO close to finishing, but I'm having some recent technical issues (CK Crashing), and would like to add some additional NPC/Scripting content prior to releasing. So I'm asking for some experienced modders to help me tie up the loose ends, and add any other cool ideas. Happy to include in the mod if anyone wants to take a stab. I have the following done... 4 levels of custom interior architecture, furniture, decoration, etc (per screenshots)Custom Music per levelCustom exterior architecture, and placement in both Tamriel, and a custom worldspace.multiple adoptions compatiblebathing activators/scriptslot of planting soilsome pretty basic cloud storagemany trophy activatorsJIT lighting all setOcclusion planes everywhere (no room portals) to improve performanceFully navmeshed (interior)Idle markers placed · Need a Nifskope/Blender expert to help me identify any mesh issues that may be causing the crashes on opening specific cells. I've customized/converted many NIFs, and everything looks right but I think I must be messing up some Nifskope settings or something, but I can’t be sure even from the many tutorials I’ve seen/read. · This is embarrassing, but I haven’t come up with an acquisition story yet. I’d like to at least include some kind of simple storyline, quest, challenge, etc to acquire the home, but I’ve been putting that off until near completion. · I haven't messed around with NPC AI or physical appearances much at all yet, and I'd like to add a maid, housecarl, bard, cook/bartender, gaurds, etc...some decent looking NPCs who work during the day, congregate for meals, have some dialog, and sleep at night. Maybe even a way to hire them? · For the exterior version where I added to Tamriel, I edited the vanilla landscape and navmesh a LOT. It looks nice and the navmesh seems correct, and I avoided (I think) altering anything tied to quests, etc, but I’d like some experienced guidance on do’s and don’ts on editing Tamriel, and to let me know if what I did will be ok, or may cause issues. · Have low-res models made for LODs, just need to figure out how make em work. · I have pretty basic cloud storage now, as I really wanted to make this a home that one would want to spend time in as immersively as tolerable, so no auto sorting chests, etc. However, I’m not loving my storage strategy and would like a more efficient yet immersive storage system…I have PLENTY of it available. · As it is the home is currently decorated like a married couples’ family home, with elements of traditional male, female, and child décor. Although I want to, I haven’t set it up all “Darkfox/Elianora” style to allow customization of decoration, colors, vampire/werewolf, etc. I have a ton of resources I could use to accomplish this, but I think that will have to come in a future revision. · Seriously open to any other criticism or good ideas that won’t take too long…I gotta get this finished so I can move on!! PS: I have approval (or pre-approval) on any asset used from other people except for a couple paintings and decorative items which I’ve already swapped out. Any help much appreciated, thanks in advance! Jeff
  9. So I made a plugin that replaces several items in several cells. I originally built it in CK with USLEEP as a master. Based on requests I want to offer a version that doesn't require USLEEP. So I'm decent with TES5Edit and CK, but even after reading and watching tutorials on how to do this I have a couple questions... I did the whole create an empty .esp, rename it as Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Patch.esp, open it up in TES5Edit along with my mod and check for errors, then delete any or those error references. After that if do Clean Masters and the USLEEP dependency should remove itself. Well I did all this, and USLEEP stays as a master...Dragonborn removed itself as it should have, but not USLEEP?? Also, I notice my mods cells took on some aspects from USLEEP, as it should have, but I'm wondering if these changes (like Version Control Info, Location, Music types, etc) actually require USLEEP even though TESEdit isn't saying it? Do I need to just revert ALL my references back to match vanilla skyrim/DLCs to make it non-USLEEP required? Is there a better way of doing this? Thx!
  10. So I've made a couple mods recently that replaced the mesh/texture of items in many vanilla and DLC cells. One version was a plugin with USLEEP as a master, where I physically replaced like 1-5 NIFs in several cells in CK for variation purposes. The plugin touches a lot of cells, but is still just a replacer, so many people are asking for non-USLEEP required version. So I'm decent with TES5Edit and CK, but even after reading and watching tutorials on how to do this I have a couple questions. I did the whole create an empty .esp, rename it as USLEEP esp, open it up in TES5Edit along with my mod and hit check for errors, then delete any or those error references. After that if do Clean Masters, the USLEEP dependency should remove itself. Well I did that, and USLEEP stays as a master...Dragonborn removed itself as it should have, but not USLEEP?? Also, I notice my mods cells took on some aspects from USLEEP, as it should have, but I'm wondering if these changes (like Version Control Info, Location, Music types, etc) actually require USLEEP even though TESEdit isn't saying it? Attached file 1 shows the attributes I'm talking about... Do I need to just revert all my references back to match vanilla skyrim/DLCs to make it non-USLEEP required? Is there a better way of doing this? Thx!
  11. Actually figured it out. Found some bad BSX settings in some modders resources NIFsi was using. Ugh!!!
  12. I'm running into crash on start-up issues in CK (and game) that I can't remedy. The cells in question have a LOT of meshes loaded, many with 2K res textures hard coded. I also made a lot of custom meshes, and tried have replacing those with Vanilla meshes and still crashing. I've checked both EditorWarnings.txt and Papyrus logs and can't see anything there that would be causing crashing...no scripts, no missing texture sets, etc. Is there a cap on the # of items/NIFs/meshes etc that can be loaded in a cell b4 it crashes? I have plenty of computing and graphics power to cover anything I can throw at it. Last time I was able to open this particular cell, at the top of the call view screen it said like "M#: x% (800 MB/157 MB). I'm over the "157 MB" # by a lot in other cells and no crashing? Anyone run into anything similar, or know how I can try to diagnose the issue b4 I scrap this thing?? I have backups, but not even sure when it started happening as I've edited quite a bit, and even then to tell how to diagnose what's crashing it. Thx!!!!!
  13. Thanks tamira!! Perfect Breaking them up for better lighting options...
  14. Sorry, try now... https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BzMqSzmzLLXkcTBmSnVSMVJvd0E&usp=sharing
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