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  1. Got this weird bug where my health/stamina/magicka bars are showing intermediate numbers (See pic). No active effects are present, no special items, nothing. How do I fix this?
  2. That's a bummer... :confused: Thanx for replying.
  3. Has anyone encountered this? Has anyone got a solid fix? For those who don't know it's a bug that happens after you enter soul cairn. The game freezes on and off with a dialogue on your desktop showing something about visual c++ runtime library errorunexpected function call I saw a video that advised to complete the quest of collecting all the books for some guy in soul cairn which are scattered throughout the area... (what a weird fix... but it works), it kind of fixed the problem for one of my playthroughs.... but to do these over and over again for each character I create is just overwhelmingly tedious! (the quest itself is overwhelmingly tedious). HAs anybody managed to completely address this issue and fix it?
  4. Ermm.. sorry to bump, but nobody?
  5. I have a weird problem... whenever I engage in a fairly lengthy battle, my pc's face is always remaining distorted with anger (narrowed eyebrows, pouted lips) long after the fight. I have to always hit 'mfg reset' (I am using MFG console mod) to return her expression to normal. I used to have player-headtracking mod. I tried setting expression strength to 0. Also, I disabled/uninstalled it with no effect. I don't know whether it has tagged some defected script or something to my player's saves... -> I have also tried re-installing the whole game without player head-tracking... no change! :sad: I really worked hard on this pc. I don't wanna lose this! Please help!
  6. As the title says, do you use heavy or light armor with your sword/sheild character? Why? Vote.
  7. Playing since Jan 14. Obsessively. Contacted Restartitis. Created God knows how many characters. I cannot see how can I stop playing skyrim... everyday I come to Nexus, there is another mod just waiting to drop my jaw to the floor.... Due to extensive modding, skyrim has become more like a living organism. It's evolving each day to a better version of itself. And I haven't touched the beast races yet!
  8. Oh, to do that, click on more reply options to open the full editor and then click on attach files. Then upload your preferred image.
  9. Could you perhaps quickly tell me how to do a thumbnail like you did as well? :blush: You mean my avatar? Just open your desired pic in a decent pic editor, resize it under 200kb (I think. JPEG conversion also reduces size) -> Go to my profile, click on your avatar at upper left corner, upload your new pic! Sorry if you meant anything else. :)
  10. Hey anytime bro. Glad I could help! That's a damn fine screenie btw! :)
  11. Inigo. All the way. He has so much content with SOOO MANY random remarks about you and surroundings that he sometimes feels eerily real... Just my Opinion though.
  12. Sharing a snapshot of my pc following above methods:
  13. Ok. Lets get you started. 1. First of all. get iHUD, if you haven't already. (it turns off the HUD) 2. Press ~ to open console, then type 'tfc' (without quotes) for free camera. You can also type 'tfc 1' if you want nothing moving around you. 3. in console type 'fov 30'. To change your field of view so you can get really close-up. (default is fov 75). The lower the fov, the closer your the camera gets without clipping. 4. type 'sucsm 1', to reduce your zoom in speed. (lowest 1, highest 5) 5. Zoom in as close as you like. Take screenie! :smile:
  14. In your skyrim experience, what is the the most Overpowered and fun build to play as a mage ? I mean which skill combinations did you find most OP? Share.
  15. For me I created this 'one' character especially to test out all them cheats... that was a fun build (level 9 player with full daedric armor and weapons and whatnot! :P). But in my other 'serious' playthroughs I never cheat.
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