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Everything posted by doomboy536

  1. Yeah, you really want a rifle that's prone to jamming in dusty conditions in a radioactive desert :thanks:
  2. lol u r n00b bi zeta it is teh bset dcc evar!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!
  3. Working my way through the Statesman hotel with my current character (decided on a bit of a challenge, so the only armour I wear is the Wasteland Wanderer clothing). Sneaking around corners, making headshot after headshot with my silenced pistol and hunting rifle and then leading any pursuing mutants into my carefully arranged frag mines was so much fun. The fact that I had Increased Increased Increased Spawns on and that Existence 2.0 was playing in the background made it all the more tense and enjoyable.
  4. First off, break up your text with sentences, punctuation and maybe even a paragraph or two as well. As far as I can work out, you're requesting several things: 1. The ability for the PC to adopt children. 2. A quest to free Nova from her life of prostitution. 3. A child NPC in Paradise Falls who is not from Little Lamplight and can be bought by the PC. This child can then be adopted by the PC. 4. The ability to wipe out Eulogy Jones and the slavers of Paradise Falls, freeing all the slaves there. 5. A piece of dialogue for the PC's father that deals with no. 4. I'm no modder, but some of these can be accomplished with very little modding. For 1., you could just use Sharing and Caring Companions and nab a child from somewhere. You could also do that for 2., but you'd just have to ignore her dialogue. 3. would require you to place a seperate NPC in Paradise Falls, and then you could 'adopt' them using SCC. 4. can be done in vanilla Fallout 3. Just walk in guns blazing :D As for 5., I have no idea. I have only the vaguest of conceptions about modding, maybe someone else will do it. Alternatively, you could learn to use the GECK.
  5. I take it you know about The Groovatron and Some Poses?
  6. One mod I would recommend for weapons is FOOK. It introduces something ridiculous like another 150 weapons and loads of new ammo types. It also rebalances energy weapons and makes them worthwhile.
  7. Sounds great, can't wait to try this out! :D
  8. Yeah, I feel guilty. Every time I start an evil character they always have a moral reformation and become good :P
  9. I got bored of playing power-armoured and plasma-wielding super soldiers, so I'm playing an albino with awful equipment. She only comes out at sunrise, sunset and night, otherwise I RP damage to her because of the sun. To further handicap myself, she only wears a Wasteland Wanderer outfit (DR 2) and uses either a Hunting Rifle or a PPSH from FOOK. I'm also using MMM and Increased Increased Increased Spawns, so my fairly weak character frequently comes across hordes of Night Ghouls. Frak me, those things are fast. On my next game, I'm going to try never going into a major settlement. That could be fun.
  10. I got attacked by a risen ghoul with no arms, one leg, and no head. It was very, very creepy. Same. No matter how much you tell yourself it's a bug, it's still damned scary. I've started cutting the heads off fallen Ghouls - it might not actually stop them getting up, but it makes me feel a little bit better!
  11. I believe that Enclave Commander has a script to gain companion XP, as does Robco Certitified. Try PMing the authors.
  12. Cakester, you just keep on getting more and more awesome.
  13. One day. someone will do a mod for Fallout 3 where there are little or no firearms left save home-made ones like a crossbow or pipe rifle. Now that would be proper post-apocolyptic fun.
  14. The Canterbury Commons Embiggened mod has sex for the player character in it.
  15. That attack is awesome. I love the sound, the animation...I love all of it! :D
  16. Forever to reload? What silliness are you on about? The scoped magnum takes about the same time. With the hunting rifle, you're making a compromise. It doesn't have a great rate of fire or a large magazine size, but what it does do is give you an extremely accurate weapon that has plentiful spare parts and ammunition. The sniper rifle suffers from a lack of spare parts and ammo, as well as poor accuracy in VATS. I think it was the need to work the bolt of the hunting rifle after every shot that I am talking about. That alone made it unusable for me, particularly at the lower levels when it's quite easy to be surprised and may need to act quickly. At least the Sniper rifle would allow you a few shots in a row if you needed them. Same for the Scoped Magnum. I thought the accuracy of the sniper rifle was more then reasonable. Early in the game, sniper ammo is a little hard to come by but I usually had enough and was able to find enough sniper rifles for spare parts. Ah right, I understand. Working the bolt can be quite cumbersome if dealing with large groups of enemies, but like I say it's a compromise weapon. It seems we have polar opposite views on the usage of the hunting rifle - for you it's utterly useless, but for me it's essential. To each their own :)
  17. Forever to reload? What silliness are you on about? The scoped magnum takes about the same time. With the hunting rifle, you're making a compromise. It doesn't have a great rate of fire or a large magazine size, but what it does do is give you an extremely accurate weapon that has plentiful spare parts and ammunition. The sniper rifle suffers from a lack of spare parts and ammo, as well as poor accuracy in VATS.
  18. Prone position is next to useless, given that grass screws up VATS, and that the game has a HUGE number of melee combatants. Manoueverability in FO3 is key to survival.
  19. In my experience, companions are only useful for playing as a Rambo-esque character. If you want to go sneaking around, you've got no business bringing along half a dozen other people with you. If there is a particular area that is proving buggy with companions, warn people about it in the Readme. I personally can't wait for this mod to come out, it looks fantastic, and I don't mind leaving my companions behind for something that looks as awesome as this.
  20. Damn right he is. When Tormenta falls asleep, she gives the gun to Snooky and he keeps watch. Snooky will tell you it's his gun in the first place though.
  21. Looking forward to it! If you ever do a compendium release of all of your creatures, I will be a very happy man.
  22. That's amazing. You, sir, are win.
  23. Right, take 2 on weapon loadout. Same character, a few hours later with a couple of changes. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a246/doomboy536/ScreenShot11-1.jpg From left to right, top to bottom (they're sort of in rows, I guess) MS490 Shotgun, Frag Grenade (carry 10) Merc Battle Knife (Type 1), AR-70 Heavy Assault Rifle, Glock 20 Scoped Hunting Rifle, .44 Magnum, Snooky the Teddy Bear Molotov Cocktail (carry 4), MP5-SD I use the hunting rifle to engage stuff at long range, then the AR-70 for medium range and the MS490 for close stuff. The pistols and explosives serve as a backup in case I'm being rushed by large numbers of something (usually Ghouls) and it's quicker to switch weapons than reload. The silenced MP5 is for stealth takedowns, and the knife is only for times when I'm really screwed. Snooky, who was sadly left out of the last picture, keep the voices away at night.
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