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About rentak

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    United States
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    Skyrim & Final Fantasy XIV
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  1. Thank you for the quick reply :) I've already done that, actually. My ini files are customized with a mix from the S.T.E.P. guide and my own tweaks. It's the same tweaks I've been using for years now, and this has never happened. As an aside, my ini's aren't in the default location. I use Mod Organizer. I suppose I should have stated, I've been doing this for a while. I customize many mods I use and make my own. This is the first time I've gone into modifying lighting effects (since I got a decent enough computer to enable me to run a good enb). My base loadout is from Neovalen's Skyrim Revisited guide on the STEP site. I altered a good bit of the guide but stuck to the enb and lighting mods as he instructed, since my knowledge of such things is limited. I've fiddled with the ini settings backwards and forwards. Finally putting them back to a semblance of what Neovalen recommended. The settings the vanilla game recommends, by the way, are "Ultra". When I go back to my vanilla profile in Mod Organizer the weird shadows aren't there, since I have no mods activated on that profile and the default, vanilla, ini's recommended by the game on initial startup.
  2. My shadows on npc's seem to stretch to the horizon. Any idea what's causing this? I've tried editing my skyrim ini and skyrimprefs ini, nothing helps. Seems like they have two shadows, one beneath their feet and one that stretches to the horizon. It only occurs on NPC's. I've also tried turning the ENB off. They persist, so I'm guessing it's not anything to do with the ENB. http://i63.tinypic.com/n6sw2v.jpg Here's my load order and system specs: skyrim ini: skyrimprefs ini:
  3. My advice would be that the Merge Plugins xEdit script under Skyrim is fine. Just don't merge any mods that have scripts or MCM menus. And filter for conflicts before you merge in F4. Look through everything and make sure your plugins are in the order that you want for the effects they provide. Lighting, weather and environment mods can be tricky unless you set aside a few hours to pore over the records and keep the aspects you prefer. Always make a conflict resolution patch to include in your merge. It will make you life easier and you'll spend less money on keyboards :)
  4. Watch out man, people gonna start making "Gaben" style memes of you if you keep being such a stand up guy. Gonna be hilarious. Thanks for being cool, man. Prepare for the consequences :)
  5. In response to post #39476635. #39477620 is also a reply to the same post. Dark0ne has no obligation to stop people from uploading mods to other sites. Completely ignoring the fact that nobody, including the owner of Nexus, can stop somebody from uploading a mod to Bethesda (except Bethesda), Nexus provides a platform to download mods, unless you break the rules on the Nexus site, he and his team can't do anything. You'll also find that most of the authors that have been extremely outspoken about the issue are on a first name basis with Dark0ne. They all like and respect him. Mainly because he's gone out of his way, for years, to safeguard the mod authors who upload to his site. He's still doing that. Pulling a totally unsubstantiated number out of a hat, I'd say that 99% of console users are just that: Users. Not modders. Most of them wouldn't even know how to upload a mod with the creation kit. These people are no different to the Nexus than you are. They are potential site users. Dark0ne is good at his job, part of which is to keep his users and uploaders content. He'd be pretty bad at his job to be attacking potential site browsers based on the platform they use when only 1% of them (probably less) are breaking his rules.
  6. Soon as Sunday hits I'll turn AdBlock off on nexusmods. Thanks Dark0ne, you rock.
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