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Everything posted by LithianLord

  1. Hey mates, I can say I am getting much better with the GECK. Though I have hit a brick wall in that I know little in scripting to make something workable. I have poured over the official tutorials and youtube videos, but I still feel like I don't know enough. So this is a simple request for either links to better tutorials or advice on how to get something like this working. Basically, I want to have a simple electrical switch that (when pressed) will trigger an airstrike down on a specified location. The bridge behind the congress building has exactly what I am talking about in the effect. I would like to duplicate that in a new location with a few tweaks. Anything to forward my progress would be greatly appreciated. :thumbsup:
  2. I would like to see something like this too. Personally I would love a mix between this idea and what we have now in RTS. My problem is that I want to build a thriving settlement, but a few hours in I want to take a break and go exploring, but I can't because there is always something that needs to be done in RTS. I played for three hours and when everthing was looking good, a pack of raiders came in when I wasn't looking and killed everyone. :confused: It would be nice to say, have the option to stop RTS completely and come back later or even just build whatever you want by yourself and when you get a big enough town then open it up for new people to join.
  3. Ok this is really odd. I uninstalled my game and then deleted everything. (Beth folder and all). Reinstalled and still have the same issue. :confused: Edit: Even after resetting everything did I not realize how stupid I was being. After years of having a DarNUI mod installed, I did not once remember I actually had it. Now I freaked out and deleted all my mods to find out this is just the default UI. I feel like a fool, but I stil can't figure out why Beth would make a PC UI so large. Oh well, crisis averted.
  4. http://i369.photobucket.com/albums/oo136/lithianlord/ScreenShot1.jpg I am old, but not that old.
  5. Full updated. Like I said, worked fine then when I got back on it was just larger. I am finding this odd as I have no clue what is / what has caused this.
  6. Halp. For some odd reason my interface has gotten a lot bigger. No reason I can find, just changed. Is there a specific place I can edit to change the size or scale of my UI? I have no mods that would edit my UI other than a reskin that was just working a few minutes ago. I even turned off all my mods and it still is large. No issues....just really big.
  7. Hey man, just gave you Kudos for your MP thread. I don't even care if it is ever done or I get it tomorrow - We need more people like you thinking outside the box.
  8. Respect. :thumbsup: Thanks mate. I belive this whole thing is a bit of a misunderstanding. Nobody ever want's to take him down. Only telling, that it is maybe not worth spending so much lifetime on something, that is really hard to realize and will never be admitted enough compared to the work it requires. So to speak, it's just not economic for him to do it. Following his words, he already feel kinda responsibility for this thing and give it priority, while he better should look for a job. Same speech like 5 pages ago, well, still I guess it's a waste of words... :unsure: Just throwing my 2 cents out there. I should have not used the word "shunned" as that does seem harsh, but I was just trying to get across that people should not jump up and go "No real proof" or "You couldn't have done this" when there would be no real reason. I find it harsh to nay-say such in this sort of situation. I agree that I am bassically restating many aspects of this thread, but I just wanted to mostly support the OP while giving my suggest to not go overboard in his dream right off the bat, but instead set realistic goals. QFT It amazes me that people still think the OP is conjuring all of this up as some kind of prank or blowing smoke up everyones ass... Ive sat there and discussed in depth with him on numerous occasions as he worked out some of the greater challenges of such a prospect, what elements of the engine can be replicated over a network, which ones HAVE to be, how this can be done with the tools we have... i Assure you 110% everything youve seen from this guy is his own work and is genuine, but dont take my word for it... Just because 99% of people cant figure out a problem doesnt mean that last 1% are phonies, maybe they just attack the problem with a different approach. Kinda like how if one were to take a modern automobile back in medieval days they would doubt them and suspect them of witchcraft and deceptions instead of taking the time to consider avenues that may be less travelled. (ie. scientific/technological innovation) okay so i suck at metaphors, but the point is that there are gifted people out there in the world, blessed with the ability to think outside the box. The OP is one of those people. Yes I agree, but at the same point I can see their side. Here we are in a thread, with someone saying without a team he has implimented a rough version of MP including chat functions with much proof but a few broken links and one short video. I suggest that he take some screen shots or a few more videos on a solid youtube channel or site. And as you and i have said, this guy is gifted with the out-of-the-box thinking. He proposes a lot, but damn if he hasn't shown what one man can do with a dream. Here I am using the GECK, and I still can't get it to play my wav files. This guy comes along and goes "Hey guys, invented a rough form of MP for fun. Oh and now I added chat to it. Yeah so I plan to get a job and then finish this. You know, whatever. I got this."
  9. So what is the status? All I see are a bunch of broken links, a extremely short video showing overlaying chat and a model (player I take it) that "jumps" around. While I find this extremely impressive if you did all of that by yourself, I find it hard to see such impressive results dwindle away. I don't want to see another Oblivion MP situation. As one member said before, I would love even just a static object sync or such where we could leave items or messages. Something of the sort at least. I have a rational outlook on this and find it odd that an entire community of modders (and to my knowledge the largest and greatest compilation of fallout modders) can't see this idea and work together on it. If this is possible, what else could be? Not necessarily full multiplayer, but the applications could expand outside of the vast number of reskins and item creating that plagues modding. Don't get me wrong, I love them....but I find the lack of innovation sad. Take Puce Moose for example: He creates not only new content, but strings them together in new ways and impressive quests. If you indeed have created a script/program that allows for syncing in real time (no matter how laggy) could we not find a use for this even if full multiplayer never comes to be? (See Oblivion MP) Otherwise what you are doing is something that should be admirer and not shunned. Do it for yourself in the end. People are always skeptical and what have you. I myself would like more proof before I believe (SEE OBLIVION MP) but my point is to simply think outside of the box. And hopefully the rest of the members will be with me in supporting you for doing something different.
  10. Same. I re-did this tutorial three times and checked everything over an untold ammount of times. The only thing I can think of is it doesn't want to read my .wav files. In the GECK everything plays fine. I took recordings and used audacity to export them as wav 16 files. Anyone have any ideas or maybe a diffrent way to make a station?
  11. So? I have an army! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpYE-RV-01A In all serious though there was a way (not sure if patches fixed it) back when I played on 360 to get all followers. There was a good youtube video describing how to glitch it so you could keep getting followers. Not sure if it still works, but always great to get a group together. :thumbsup:
  12. @Agnot2006. You were lucky, but this is not a good technique. NEVER and I mean NEVER delete vanilla objects from the Geck in your mods. This will eventually lead to all sorts of really bad things. Some of these things include CTDs, record corruption, swapped form IDs (it was a rock, now its a bed, etc...). I have spent hours, no, days trying to correct problems for my fellow modder's mods that stemmed from deleting vanilla objects. If you want something out of the way, mark it as initially disabled instead. @LithianLord - you have a combination of troubles, and I hope you have not deleted those trees yet. Aside from the aforementioned problem with deleting vanilla objects, you have an LOD issue. LOD = Level of Detail - this is used to render distant objects. Trees and building and other big/tall stuff have LOD data while rocks, generally, do not. When you are close to an object, like a tree, its model is rendered in the game with a great deal of detail, but at long distances, the LOD data is used instead, this helps to keep the amount of data that the game need to render objects down. LOD data is basically a less detailed version of the objects texture used for long range viewing. One major issue with LOD data is that even if you delete the tree (a no no) or even mark it as initially disabled (a yes yes) the LOD data will still be there. That means at close range you won't see the tree, but at longer distances, you will. There is o way to change the LOD Data unless you regenerate it for the entire wasteland which is a complicated and extremely time-consuming thing to do (like it can take days or processing with a slow computer or ~14 hours on a fast one). You best bet is to build around objects that LOD data and leave them be, unless you are certain you want to invest the time and effort to learn how and generate new LOD data - which will have to be included with any mod you release. Just my 2 cents...(well, this was worth at least a dime) I appreciate the information, definitely worth a dime. I guess I will make due for now and practice more before I even think about messing with LOD.
  13. Here is an easy question for you all to answer for me: When I use the GECK and make something in an outside section (say build an outpost) it looks perfect in the GECK. Now when I load it up in the game, everything from the original game will load over what I have built. So say I delete a tree and place a tent in that spot, the game loads both the tree and the tent. is there something I am doing wrong? I messed with load order and didn't seem to fix it and not sure exactly what in the GECK is doing this. I am modifying the sections without making duplicates, so I am at a loss. Any information is much appreciated.
  14. S:SOC is my favorite game of all time. Period. The series is riddled with bugs and false releases, but underneath is one of the greatest games ever made. Clear skies was a bit of a letdown, but CoP is going to be what we are all waiting for. Huge areas, freeplay, sleeping, tons of side missions, ect. Honestly, the only downside is it is almost guaranteed to be filled with bugs the first couple of months. This is what the company is famous for. The have said multiple times that instead of releasing on a schedule, they will release it when it is done so the problems and bugs are extremely limited. All I know is: sign me up for another earth shattering experience in the zone! :thumbsup:
  15. I say we all pool together and start an in-game mall filled with our vendors and sell our cheap wares to other SLers for some ridiculous amount for how much effort we put into them and then just sit back and enjoy watching our bank accounts fill up with the unwanted money of people who have nothing to spend it on other then fake t-shirts with funny sayings on it and furry stuff.
  16. I want to see that movie. Sounds like my kind of future.
  17. Lol true. I just miss the old nights of lan parties around SS2 co-op. The MP you guys are working on will be fun, but rapture needs to be not only torn assunder, but explored with friends. My 2-cents
  18. Oh come on! Give us co-op already! It was in System Shock 2! We want something deeper the running around going "pew pew" like in halo. I beg from a Bioshock multiplayer mode....ugh
  19. If only things like that happened in real life. Oh well, guess it would be weird to explain existentialism to a bdsm slave.
  20. I made a successful blog about the game. That's a deeper ownage then explosions....yet less spectaular to look at.
  21. Unfortunatly, most people around here already know that. But still a great discovery and better writing on Beth's side. I just read it on a wiki once, but good to know where it says that specifically. :thanks:
  22. Ok my bad, didn't think kneeling would trigger an event. And i never read walkthroughs, period. Don't need to take the mod offlines, just need to add a in-game context clue along the lines of him yelling "kneel to me" or something. I don't see why we should need to read a walkthrough to figure out the trigger. All in all it was still a great mod. Vocie acting surprised me. Either way, I didn't feel the need to go back.
  23. No problem. There are several ways you can play my quests. They are not linear. I also included several little side storys. Besides, Devs has his own agenda. I doubt he will even continue the questline that much. He found a Enclave base and plans to use it for his own use to find Raven Rock. Some exploding slave and a holotape isn't on his list of things to worry about. I do like the mod though, but the Silversprings house quest bugged out on me and got me stuck without a way out. :wallbash: Its no bug if you mean your imprisonment and Dickie! Only a riddle that is harder to solve then Bethseda ones. I am tired of hearing that's a bug. I wrote a hint sheet, i wrote a walkthrough and explained it a million times in the quest forum comments. I am near to stop modding and take "Friendly New Neigjbours" offline. No, I get that. It is obvious it is part of the story and you need to figure out how to get out and whatnot, but what I experienced was a bug to me or poor scripting. I went into the cage and %&$! talked to me, then go mad and hit me with his baton, but the bug was he wouldn't stop. He stopped when my health got too low, but then I would heal by sleeping and he would go at it again. It continued until I got mad and continued on my writing. What I see, he should have hit me to that point my health got too low and then leave me alone in the cage for me to find out how to save myself. But he wouldn't leave me alone. :confused:
  24. Reason I want to get involved. Seems like a nice way to make extra cash. Selling fake items to people. A legal scam? Either way, I bet if I open a store and put in effort I could make decent bank on SL. I just need to make connections and find a prime location to push my wares. Lol, and yes I saw the first life website before and it always makes me laugh. I tell myself that it doesn't apply to me beacuse I don't use it to hang out and feel important, but every time I log on I feel a urge to kill myself. But seems easier then saving for years and putting real cash into expensive property when the economy is like this. Enough places are closing down, but not in VR. Eh, maybe it is just hopeful thinking. And anyone wanting to play ps3 or HOME just send a invite to 'LithianLord'
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