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About urielz

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    Skyrim SE

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  1. In response to post #60906152. Patreon lets you choose different types of payment systems. For Nexus the system is set up as a monthly payment.
  2. In response to post #56686801. #56691326 is also a reply to the same post. Yes! That's my main complain as well.
  3. In response to post #56692721. #56694116, #56700656, #56703606 are all replies on the same post. @Moksha8088 if anything it should be the opposite! Tanin's work on Mod Manager was spot on, it was very intuitive to use.
  4. In response to post #56117386. No you won't. You can donate/contribute money to the pool, but only if you wish to do so.
  5. What a great idea! I think (hope) this will bring new life into the community... much needed in these times of petty business practices by Bethesda.
  6. well... "highly moddable" is a very strong statement that does not apply to The Witcher series. As much as I like The Witcher 3 the modding scene is not good at all, tools are extremely limited.
  7. great news. thanks for the update.
  8. In response to post #49989912. #49994582, #50000142 are all replies on the same post. That's great you're considering this. It would be an awesome feature to have.
  9. excellent news. looking forward to test the alpha. btw, a change in Tannin's title is in order :)
  10. Great idea showcasing Witanlore. Also, extremely excited to read that it will be moddable!
  11. In response to post #43547550. #43553880, #43556180 are all replies on the same post. I actually really like how nexus staff is trying to reach the community for feedback. Keep it up.
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