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  1. In response to post #74322823. #74324143 is also a reply to the same post. And it shows nexus the love it deserves <3
  2. In response to post #64519381. #64520881, #64557586, #64558091, #64581501, #64606941, #64627541, #64631766 are all replies on the same post. I'm a little late to the party, but the Cyrodiil team mentioned that the mod was not released county per county, but as a whole due to that kind of release scheme would make version control a major pain and delay the project even more. That makes sense if you think of all the bugfixing that needs to be done after each release, which in turn need to be integrated into the parts that are still in development. The team once stated that they hit that problem after the release of Bruma and the following updates and didn't want to do that again.
  3. I knew it was something simple like that. Thanks a lot, that was the problem!
  4. I'd do the following: 1. try setting the trigger ref to "self" 2. Check if you have another package active that interferes, e.g. a "do nothing" package 3. try narrowing down the problem by just changing the package template do something else like sandbox or travel to see if that runs properly. / Not all at once, of course. :D
  5. Could you post a screenshot or similar of your package setup? The package works fine for me, I have an npc beating the crap out of a training dummy all day.
  6. Only a short post, because I really need to go to bed. ;-) There's a Quest called "PlayerVampireQuest" with a script "PlayerVampireQuestScript" attached to it. That script contains a Function called "VampireChange" that has an Actor Form as input variable. So for turning the player into a vampire, you could call that function like so: ; scriptname extends objectreference yadayada that is attached to the button Quest Property playerVampireQuest Auto ObjectReference Property playerRef Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) if (akActionRef == playerRef) ; just to prevent anybody else from doing stupid things with the button (playerVampireQuest as PlayerWampiteQuestScript).VampireChange((playerRef as Actor)) endIf EndEvent Of course, this doesn't turn you into a vampire lord nor does it handle the other things you want to do. The good news is, for all those things the game already has functions you only need to find and call like I did. Minimum amount of coding involved. ;-) I'd try by searching the quests for Harkon and the companions (I think they have the prefix CC or something) and looking for attached scripts.
  7. Hey there! I've encountered an issue with the CK and custom quests I couldn't get a hold off yet. I've absolutely no idea what might cause this or how to solve it properly. It has happened to me twice now that a new quest cannot be started (by no means, be it through script or console), nor can its stage be set. SetStage MyQuest 10 and GetStage MyQuest gives out a 0. MyQuest.isRunning() gives out false as well. I've tried fiddling around with values, thinking that I might have overlooked something. The first time that happened to me I created a new quest item (with a different questID), set it up the exact same way as the old one and it worked properly. I tried that again with another quest now, but through removing the old one with SSEdit and creating a new one with the same questID. It didn't solve the issue, and it wouldn't be a viable option in this case anyway because it would mean remaking all dialogue, scenes etc. I'd love to give you more information, but I really have no clue what's going on here. I don't mark my quests as running from start, running once or whatever else. Stage 0 is always the startup stage. Those quests don't have to be visible to the player, everything gets controlled through scripts, so there's no conditions, logs or whatever.
  8. Hey there! I've started playing around with the creation kit a little. Since I have absolutely no experience when it comes to working with 3D models, I've wondered what's the quickest way to build clutter using vanilla meshes & textures, for example a static basket filled with static apples. I'd be happy about any advice on this matter.
  9. In response to post #59794576. #59795521, #59795591 are all replies on the same post. Yeah, this sounds like a really good system actually. I'm definitely gonna participate!
  10. And that would be the end of Bethesda. At least as far as the PC community is concerned. Let's be honest here, their vanilla games aren't that extraordinary to survive without modding. Rockstar just got a taste of how people react when the moddability is removed. Don't be so sure about that. The majority of players don't mod their games. Also, I don't know how old you are, but I am too old to expect AAA being made for me. Most players are much younger, most players play on console (I'm from Germany, and according to Chris Roberts Germany has an extraordinaryly large PC community) and most players just want to plug and play.
  11. He has a point though, FO4 really didn't meet anyone's expectations regarding depth of story. No, I don't whant Bethesda titles to be a cinematic linear experience like Witcher 3. But I do want them to be up to todays standards. Also, FO4 tried to do something in between (open world with kind of pre-generated character and storyline), which really didn't work at all. / My biggest fear really is that TES6 might be more like FO4 than Skyrim in terms of design. Then again, I'm not 18 anymore, so I guess I stopped being videogame peer group some time ago. So yeah, not sure Bethesda titles will continue to meet my expectations.
  12. Thanks for the nice comments btw! Thanks to the last few DLCs and mods for easier decoration (do it yourshelf and others), the town has developed a lot. I'll try to make some new screenshots. Unfortunately, NPC settlers and their pathfinding are a really frustrating experience in such a settlement. Most of the time 5-10 of them just stand around like they were glued together. :/
  13. Hello there! I've been thinking about this for a while now and now I've decided I would give it a try. I'd like to expaned the companions' dialogue, especially the "Your Thoughts" Category. What I wanna do is the following: - choosing the "your thoughts" option should trigger a random dialogue scene from a group of scenes created by me. - the dialogue scenes in this group would be built from scratch using voice recordings and files of the companion and the player character I think such a thing would greatly benefit immersion. Just think about relaxing at your camp at night and actually talk with your campanion even after completing the companion quests and stuff. Unfortunately, I'm completely unexperienced in using the GECK. However, the dialogue and scene stuff doesn't look THAT complicated. Anyone has any advice, tips or tutorials that I could use? / For clarification: I would not import any new audio files, just recombine the existing ones (same goes for the text lines). // So, I literally have no idea that I'm doing here, so I'd be glat if someone could help me out! I've started with Piper and created a new (repeatable) Quest. Choosing the "your thoughts" dialogue option should start that quest and bring up its dialogue scene. Ending the dialogue should complete the quest. Is that possible or would I have to put my dialogue in the "pipertalk" quest? /// Okay, after a little trial and error and watching a few tutorials: This seems like a lot of work, but rather simple. I edited Piper's "your thoughts" dialogue to start another scene instead of the usual idle loops. No new Quest needed! Guess this would make the quest incompatible to any mod also altering her dialogue.
  14. In response to post #40671960. #40689680, #40841275, #40841980 are all replies on the same post. He has a point tho. Imo, Fallout4 would not be a very good game without mods, compared to state-of-the-art-titles like Witcher3. / Far Harbor for example does in no way compare to Dawnguard or Dragonborn, considering storytelling, playtime and level design. Fallout4 seems to be in many ways not that well done and I really can't loose the feeling Bethesda has been a little lazy on that one.
  15. Spring Cleaning hast tons of bug reports. I'd be crazy if I'd use that mod. Scrap everything sounds much better, but I'd rather wait a little longer for most bugs being fixed.... thanks a lot though, I didn't know the cleaning mods could do that!
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