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About Khumak

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Overall I like Vortex so far. I have run into a few things I think could use some improvement though. 1. There are a LOT of mods that have an incorrect directory structure so a feature like Mod Organizer's manual install where you can for example move everything out of the data directory so the mod manager doesn't install everything in /data/data would be very useful and would save having to install the mod, check the file structure to see that it's installed wrong, then uninstall the mod, unzip it, fix the directory structure, zip it back up, and then reinstall it again. 2. If you move previously downloaded mods into Vortex's download directory, Vortex doesn't seem to be able to link those mods to Nexus for purposes of version tracking and upgrading. The only way I found to get it to work is to redownload the mod through Vortex again. It would be nice if there was some kind of manual linking feature where you could go to the nexus and find the mod and tell it to link to that mod, update version numbers, etc rather than having to redownload it. This also ties back into point number 1. If I had to manually download a mod to fix the directory structure I can no longer keep track of updates/versions etc in Vortex. 3. Installing mods didn't work for me at all until I went to settings and disabled automatic deployment. It would say it was installing and it would just act like that process took forever. Even tiny mods would never finish. After disabling auto deployment installing and enabling work fine and deploying also works fine. 4. The option to import from another mod manager worked for me (in my case MO2), but it seemed to install every mod that was in either the download or mod directory for MO rather than only the mods I actually had installed in any of my profiles. It would be nice if there was an option to pick only the mods installed in a certain profile (preferably in the same install order). 5. The dependency checker for installed mods is really nice (better than the one in MO in my opinion) but I'd like to see an option when you're creating rules for conflicts where there is already an existing rule to either override that rule with whatever you pick or to accept whatever that other rule is instead of creating conflicting rules that create cycles. 6. The Plugin section really needs an option to enable all plugins with 1 click. If I purge my mods and redeploy them, they're all disabled and it gets tiresome having to individually re-enable hundreds of mods each time. Looking forward to future updates
I haven't had time to try Vortex yet but I plan to try converting my heavily modded SE game from MO2 to Vortex soon to try it out. Alpha status doesn't scare me. One thing I do think it would be nice to see is some sort of list of features that are planned for the near future or currently being implemented. It might also be nice to see some sort of comparison chart showing the differences between NMM/MO/Vortex. For instance, when I upgrade Vortex will it ever force me to reinstall all of my mods from scratch like NMM did? That's a deal breaker for me and is the reason I switched from NMM to MO. It would be nice to have some sort of list to look through so I can see that ok all of the features I absolutely have to have are there but these other few nice to have features aren't quite there yet.
Glad to hear we're getting close to an actual release. MO2 has been plodding along for me so far but there are some glitches I just haven't found workarounds for yet and I suspect Vortex won't have those issues. That said, even a glitchy MO2 is better than NMM for me. I could never go back to NMM after having used both MO and MO2. Definitely looking forward to trying Vortex. I do like MO's VFS, but I understand why that method wasn't used in Vortex. As long as it's relatively painless to nuke my entire data folder and get a fresh version with my current mod list without having to reinstall anything I think the new VFS system sounds like it will be fine (and probably less compatibility hassles).
I can open the SE CK fine and load a mod into it as well. The problem is trying to save or generate anything with it, or even just trying to exit. All of those just crash. I have no issues running the actual game, I have a heavily modded game with over 1000 hours played and zero crashes.
Personally, I've never gotten the SE version of the CK to work. It just crashes. So I've been playing with a large number of mods in my load order that use form 43 without any issue. Maybe eventually it'll be a problem but it hasn't been in over 1000 hours played so far. The main issues I've run into that do cause problems are mods with deleted navmeshes, mods with broken meshes, and sound conflicts.
I'm pretty diligent about keeping track of what my mod list was the last time I had perfect stability. When I add new mods if I get even 1 crash that I can't fix, that mod doesn't make the cut. It's really helpful to use a mod manager that lets you use a separate profile when you're adding mods so you can be 100% sure that you can go back to a state that you know has perfect stability if one or more of them are messing things up for you. The key is to only add a small number of mods at a time so when you do crash you can be pretty sure the culprit was one of the last few mods you just added. If i can fix it with a patch, great. If not that mod gets the axe.
Truth is we don't know, but keep an eye on it incase it does rear it's ugly head, in my last iteration of a load order I found I was getting the bug just out adventuring after about 30 mins of gameplay with a load order of 173 plugins, when I went over a critical 165 plugins was when I saw the bug develop. I think it could be a combination of mods not playing well together that is causing this or it very well could be something completely hidden and un-related! Do keep us posted though ... Well I've been using roughly this same mod list for several hundred hours now without any crashes and over 1000 hours for about half of them. I added sexlab light and Footprints today specifically to push myself over the 65k strings limit just to test. Was at about 63000 prior to that. I've played for several hours today with strings at 74k+ without issue and since I plan on starting over soon anyway when one of my mods gets updated I'll go ahead and just keep playing like this for now.
My game has finally gotten to the point where I can test this and so far I have not seen any adverse impact from going over 65k strings. My current save has 74281 strings and I can load and save without issue and have not seen any glitches in game. Is this the kind of thing that would cause my save to immediately be unusable after crossing the 65k strings count or would it cause issues at some random later time? If it should immediately cause problems then the strings count is definately not an issue in SE. I'm using the latest version of SKSE and SKYUI. I tried both with and without SSE Fixes and it works fine either way. In case any of the other stats seen by Fallrimtools are relevant here is what it sees for my game: Plugins 178 Strings 74281 Scripts 9295 Script Instances 145662 Arrays 13180 Active Scripts 7 Function Messages 3 Changeforms 50476 Everything else is zero. I have 311 mods and my modlist in MO comes to 115GB in case that matters. I also use the SKSE plugin for the Achievements enabler, Keyboard Shortcuts Fix, Skyrim Uncapper, ECE, More Hud, and SkyUI - show armor slots.
It does seem like the ad situation has improved somewhat. Usually without an ad blocker enabled I was getting loud and obnoxious auto play audio and video ads on a constant basis. I tried disabling it again today and while the site is still slow and freezes pretty regularly due to ads, I'm at least not getting the loud ads anymore. I do love this site so I can endure sluggish performance and occasional freezes to support the site as long as the loud ads and the redirects stay gone.
If you want more ad revenue you might check into making sure that your ads conform to whatever standards are being set by the adblockers as nonintrusive. I use adblock plus with nonintrusive ads allowed. I see ads at plenty of sites that I visit when those ads are nonintrusive. The number of ads I see depends on the site. At some sites every page has ads (even with my adblocker enabled) and non of them annoy me. At other sites like Nexus, I see zero ads because all of them are intrusive.
I have no problem with nonintrusive ads. I realise the majority of content on the internet right now is ad supported which is why I resisted using an ad blocker for as long as I did. Unfortunately ads have steadily become more and more intrusive and annoying with most of the sites I visit featuring auto play audio and video, popups, adds that cause the screen to move around while I'm trying to read something, etc. The auto play audio and video ads were the last straw for me which is why I installed an adblocker. The ad blocker I use does have an option to allow nonintrusive ads and I do have that option enabled. I'm happy to see that you're working on getting your advertisers to behave and when they start serving up nonintrusive ads I'll start seeing them. As for sites like Forbes that block people who use adblockers, my solution is simple. I don't use those sites anymore. In fact I was a regular Forbes reader until they did that and I haven't been back since. The issue is even worse on a mobile device. Many sites are rendered completely unusable on a mobile device without an ad blocker. I do periodically disable my adblocker on my favorite sites to see if the advertising has improved just in case the feature that allows nonintrusive ads isn't working properly. I do want my favorite sites to get advertising revenue but I'm not willing to subject myself to intrusive ads. Unfortunately I have yet to find a site where the advertising behaves well enough for me to leave my adblocker disabled.