Played it. Graphics are hit and miss. Good environment, terrible characters. Voices were also inconsistent. Great around berserkers, terrible in other towns. Biggest problem is that combat is atrociously bad and boring. Basically, a slight less annoying Demon Souls (where you battle cameras instead of enemies) but with even fewer options. I was doing the same combat combo for nearly 40 hours and it takes forever to kill stuff. Design wise, it was clearly designed for analog stick and a few buttons and the inventory is also consolized. Quests are hit or miss. Some fetch quests are MMO-like. Fetch 40 herbs (this one was ridiculous and boring). Others had silly outcomes for instance, the leader knows you stole his treasure and despite having harsh laws, pretty much welcomes you into the group with arms open. The final battle is not fun or interesting nor is the lore or character development. The game is heavily focused on money so much so that it is king. You really have no use for money except to buy skill points and talent points. There is an unlimited amount of it since enemies respawn often and there are some talents that get enemies to drop more stuff. Overall, its not the worst game ever. But even FO4 was better and that was a huge disappointment. But you can do a lot more with FO4 thanks to its editor. I rated it 4/10 on meta where 5 is average by my scale. Slightly below average.